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  1. B

    Everquest 2 anyone?

    yeah, thats what i want, an alternative to WOW, was looking at Warhammer but it seems to be more pvpish in design and my wife wouldnt get into it, as shes more of an addict than I am now.. but i know that EQ2 would hold her interest, problem is, neitehr one of us like to level anymore...
  2. B

    Everquest 2 anyone?

    The kiddies only permeate certain parts of the game, mainly the lower level starting areas as they get bored before they level too high. I have moved around guilds and am suprised to find how many 30-50 year olds are playing, i am in a guild that has only 1 teenager and the average age is...
  3. B

    Problems with WoW and AT&T U-verse

    I have played WOW on both Comcast and on 2 different phone services, and never had any issues. Uverse is a different animal so that forum is the first choice to check... other than that, ask around your area... i am sure you can find some WOW players.. they seem to be everywhere. just many...
  4. B

    Why no Madden 09' talk???

    You pretty much have to buy the new version every year for online play... no one left to play on the old version, plus EA used to shut off online service for a product after a certain point.
  5. B

    streaming to ps3

    If you reformated your PC, you should take the time and start the process over from the start on both the PC and the PS3, something is probably wrong in the settings, and a fresh start should fix it.
  6. B

    Sony press conference

    Anything on The Agency?
  7. B

    Netflix instantly on 360

    Yeah great idea, help crush the competition so theres only one service left and your bill gets jacked as they are the only game in town
  8. B

    Diablo 3 gameplay preview is out!

    I bet the unannounced game is starcraft based, something totally different than WOW, and will be 3+ years away, so it doesnt interfere with SC2 for at least 2 years, and by then WOW will be in decline and ready for something to take its place. either that or they are working on a revamped...
  9. B

    Minor aggravation with PS3 Wireless

    with the exception of the PS3 kicking the PCs off the network momentarily upon getting turned on, I have no issues with my setup. Wireless works great for gaming on the PS3. If i ever upgrade my internet back above the 2MB DSL i have now, then i may consider it to improve download speed, but...
  10. B

    Minor aggravation with PS3 Wireless

    I'll check that thread out tonight from home... and hopefully remedy the issue once and for all.. now to get my son to leave the PS3 alone.. at least till he's old enough to enjoy the games :-)
  11. B

    Diablo 3 gameplay preview is out!

    Diablo 3 will make more money in this format than an MMORPG for Blizzard. They will get the non MMORPG crowd to buy, and a huge base of the WOW subs will buy too, and wont be giving up their WOW subs in the process.
  12. B

    Minor aggravation with PS3 Wireless

    Its a relatively new Linksys (less than 2 years), it doesnt disconnect when i turn on my laptop...or when i turn on my wired PC when the other comptuer is in use. I wish i could keep him from doing it, but with that stupid touch sensitve button, he gets anywhere near the thing he turns it...
  13. B

    Minor aggravation with PS3 Wireless

    Whenver i turn on my PS3 it disconnects My PC's from the network momentarily(1 wired, 1 Wireless), which isnt a major issue, except that my son has started to turn it on by himself and it always seems to happen as I am i the middle of something in Anyone else ever have this...
  14. B

    Diablo 3 gameplay preview is out!

    i bet its not until summer of 2010 before this game sees the light of day.
  15. B

    Lego Indiana Jones

    i am for the PS3 but pry not for a couple months... wife/myself are still fighting the WOW addiction. (2 hours everynight, and 4-5 on the weekends), so no time for other games as thats the only time per week we have for games.
  16. B

    wireless headset for PS3

    Its not the greatest, but i use the free one that came when i bought Warhawk, it does the job.
  17. B

    Guitar Hero 4 will feature Def Leppard

    I would bet you will see it GH4. IMO They rushed GH3 to get it out in the market to fend off the Rockband debut... and now they have a larger audience with Next Gen consoles and DLC is mainstream and a proven cash cow.
  18. B

    Anyone play Lego Star Wars ?

    I thought there are 3 save game files in Lego Star Wars, at least on the PS3... dunno havnt played in months... wife and I used to play this to unwind and relax after the little guy went down for his naps.. that is before I relapsed/and she bacame a WOW addict.. lol
  19. B

    Strategy Guides

    I only go to a walkthru after many attempts and sheer frustration, when its either, I get past the point i seem to be stuck or i quit playing. therefore, its not cheating, its maximizing the entertainment value of my purchase/rental :-)
  20. B

    Attn: NVIDIA User, Free goodies from Valve!

    I can verify that its DEMO of Peggle Extreme and Portal th First Slice is also a demo... and seeing Steam seemed to slow my system down once i had it on (I think it does P2P file sharing), I uninstalled it as fast i found all that out.
  21. B

    xBox 360 is limiting GTA IV, says Rockstar

    Question is are those Episodic missions on xbox live INCLUDED in the PS3 version, and its the "work around"? Or did they penalize us PS3 owners due to the inferiority of the 360 and then give them the extras with an exclusive contract with M$oft?
  22. B

    xBox 360 is limiting GTA IV, says Rockstar

    Ok, so thats a news story from Last MAY, isnt GTA IV supposed to be out next month on both systems, I would bet that they have solved most of the issues by now.
  23. B

    LoL, 360 arcade RRoD out of the box.

    I wasnt saying you should replace the PSU, just saying that it wasnt the main design flaw causing your issue.. I have had everything from an IPod to a Toaster dead out of the box over the years.
  24. B

    LoL, 360 arcade RRoD out of the box.

    Every product ever made has dead items out of the box. the design flaw leading to the main RROD issue would not be an out of the box issue, it would be somethign that would happen overtime due to HEAT. My guess is its a bad Power Supply unit, and the 360 itself is fine.
  25. B

    Be careful of what you wish for (or complain about)

    My wife started playing while I was studying for my Series 7, and she would get me to bail on studying to play.. at least i passed it with flying colors a couple weeks ago, How did your wife do?