Diablo 3 gameplay preview is out!

I am really glad they kept the game close to the originals. I really would have hated to see another version of WOW.
Diablo 3 will make more money in this format than an MMORPG for Blizzard.

They will get the non MMORPG crowd to buy, and a huge base of the WOW subs will buy too, and wont be giving up their WOW subs in the process.
I bet the unannounced game is starcraft based, something totally different than WOW, and will be 3+ years away, so it doesnt interfere with SC2 for at least 2 years, and by then WOW will be in decline and ready for something to take its place.

either that or they are working on a revamped WOW with better graphics and new things in original lands to keep the game fresh and new, and to get more new players in the game, but unlike EQ2, it will mesh in with the original WOW so everyone can keep playing old toons on the new system.
Hmmm... I played D1 and D2 a LOT. I currently have a level 80 something sorcereress running around on bnet's US East server. Based on what I've seen in the D3 info available so far, it looks like it might be ok, but I have to question where they can take the story. My guess is the Prime Evils are back but this time they don't have to possess a mortal to enter the world like they did previously... (soulstones and worldstones kept them in previous games from actually bringing hell on earth - they could just open doorways to hell sort of... or possess humans and eventually sit around in the back of their mind and eventually mutate them in to their own true forms)... It sounds like the Witch from D1 is back and probably has something to do with this new D3 Witch Doctor class. Barbarian Class is back too, but no word on the other classes yet. It'd be nice if this was a FREE to play (*no monthly subscription*) game like the previous Diablo Games, but it's still up in the air if that's the case or not.... If nothing else, they should make it free to play to drive back players that were taken by Hellgate London. With WoW they made a killing on subscription fees, so it's possible they want to continue that sort of thing and get as many people addicted to the game so that they will pay every month, but it would be a shame to end the free play... Reading around the website, the wikipedia entries, and knowing what I know from the previous games, it looks like Blizzard should REALLY work on getting the plot right in this one and try to tie up as many lose ends as possible from the previous games... and please, please, please, give the game a real ending. The cliffhanger type ending in the last two games were ok, but sort of cheesy. One question I never figured out the answer to in D2... All the main hero characters in D1 were changed in to hellions in D2... except the "Warrior" - or was he there somewhere and I missed it?

There's been a map of Sanctuary in the manuals since the beginning... so it's possible this will be a persistant world game like WoW, but I doubt it.

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