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  1. K

    Whats your thoughts on 360 price dropping?

    I am really hoping for the BluRay Add-on. Although MS supported the losing format they were smart for not integrating it into the console itself.
  2. K

    Good FPS for 360

    Another vote for COD4.
  3. K

    I upgraded my 360's 20GB drive to a 120GB drive...

    u have a link for that? oh yeah...good write up Bob...glad it went without a hitch
  4. K

    GameStop launching Elite with 360 trade-in promo

    That sucks cuz I have a lot of Downloads....I understand the TV Shows I can get back but what about the XBLA games. I spent good MS Points for those...and enjoy the games. Can you re-download those games? I'm also kinda miffed that its black. The HD DVD drive is gray white...I'll have one...
  5. K

    Downloading Movies on Xbox Live...

    I don't remember the price exactly. I think it came to the equivalent of about 5 or 6 bucks (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.) The quality is ok...Its not HD DVD quality. The downside IMO is that you have 10 days to watch it and once you start it you have 24 hours before the...
  6. K

    Grand Theft Auto 4 trailer out, see what you think

    LOL...u made me spit out my water..... BTW GTA is the to see it in HD Glory
  7. K

    XBLArcade: TMNT drops 3/14

    Mad cuz it took about 20 minutes to and my son played it twice.
  8. K

    New Idea.

    I agree the system is pretty loud but I've never noticed while watching a movie on it, whether it was with the unit drive or the HD DVD drive. As a side note, I like to feel like I'm at the movies so my sound system is loud.
  9. K also plays games...

    Just saw this PS3 ad over at Engadget. Thought it was hilarious.
  10. K

    PS3 reached it's apex already?

    I don't really think the PS3 is for kids though. I mean, besides the well off folks, who is going to buy a $700 game system for an 8 YO.
  11. K

    2k8 official-SEE YA LATER MADDEN :)

    Have they finally got gang tackling in? 2k5 had that....finally in 2007 EA catches up. I am anxious to see the next version of Madden because that was a big deal for me.
  12. K

    Ea Sport Games

    I said the same thing on that Madden Post.....EA needs to get their gameplay back up. Live sucks...unrealistic game play...Never played Madden but it sucked too. I used to life and breathe EA Sports....Now 2kSports is taking over...I hope EA doesn't buy the NBA licenses too. How much longer...
  13. K

    2k8 official-SEE YA LATER MADDEN :)

    Madden a matter fact...EA Sports has slipped sharply in the last couple of years. 2kSports have been much better. I hate that EA has the licenses.
  14. K

    My 360 died this weekend

    how long is ur extended warranty and where did you buy it from?
  15. K

    Playstation 3 Fanboys Strike Back

    And how bout the racisit quip.... I guess its an insult for an insult huh....
  16. K

    The Results are in!!

    Apparently 1.4 million people...
  17. K

    Microsoft dismisses rumours of revised Xbox 360 hardware

    I was on the side of saying it was fake....but what? u thought M$ would come out an admit that it was real?
  18. K

    Wii, PS3 Outsold by Xbox 360 in USA

    Can we get a link to where u got these numbers from?
  19. K

    XBox 360 V1.5 coming?

    I think its amazing to see people upset about an upgrade on a system. While I am disappointed that I just got mine last month. I can't say that I'm livid at Microsoft. Maybe because the HDMI isn't a big deal for me (My TV doesn't have it anyways) but I waited a year to get my Xbox, trying to...
  20. K

    Xbox 360 hd dvd add-on good or bad?

    Engadget says CodeName Zephyr is already in the works. I'm kinda salty because I just got my Xbox. 120G hard drive too. :mad:
  21. K

    Xbox 360

    For movies....24 Hours after you first push play. 14 days after you download them. I DL'd V for Vendetta (I liked it...can't say the quality was all that) and I just DL'd that took 3 days....It kept turning off after 6 hours but its finally done. I'm going to watch it tonight.
  22. K

    xbox live gametag

    This is my question.... Gamertag: TMeeks76 I have COD2, NBA 2k7, a BK Game FIFA '07 (soon) Burnout Revenge (soon)
  23. K

    Nice HD Download Service M$. NOT

    I am disappointed MI:III is not in HD....