2008 MLB All-Star Game

Spoiled Yankee fans? Good grief. :rolleyes:

You have to be part of the rivalry to understand and appreciate the over-rated chant. That doesn't happen in the big Indians and whoever rivalry. Do the Indians even have a rival, anyway? ;)

On another note, as a Yankee fan I'd like to say what a class act Terry Francona was tonight. He's always a class act.


Just because your in a Rivalry with the team (your on the same side at this moment) doesn't give your fans the right to act classless.

Also, I do not have to be part of your special "Rivalry" to know that chanting like that IS classless, and TYPICAL I might add, of the Yankee fan.
btw, Had the situation been reversed, and the game was in Boston, do you really think that the Red Sox fans would chant the same at Rivera ?

It's just a petty thing, but Hey, I would never do that, but it's OK, you Fans can do this , because your so much better than the average fan.

(This is a different situation, but has the potential to be the same)
Any other stadium and Jeter may not deserve to be there at the game, but he WILL still be there, should they chant OVER RATED next year when it's in St. Louis, I'm sure I can find a currently better and deserving shortstop for next years game, but he'll be there, AND HE WON'T BE GREETED THIS WAY.

btw, I am NOT an Indians fan.

Whatta game! 4 hours and 50 minutes! I love it! Unfortunately I fell asleep at apx 1am in the 13th. :( I did read the play by play text this morning. The media is already discussing changing the ASG rules to allow an alternate ending.

In a situation as last night though, hypothetically if the managers felt that they were overextending the pitchers, they could've easily swapped a pitcher with a first baseman or DH to keep within the rules. I think I remember that instance happening before. Can you imagine Morneau or Longoria pitching?! That would bring an end to the game in a hurry.

Bottom line, again, the managers have to understand that extra innings can be a possibility and that they need not pitch everyone on the team just so they get face time. (Ex. F-Rod for 1/3rd of an inning). You have 12 pitchers on each team. Let each pitcher throw for at least 2 innings and you wouldn't have this problem.

F- Rod only pitched the 1/3rd of an inning so they could have a DRAMATIC entrance for Rivera.
If you let all 12 pitch like you mentioned , alot of fans would be upset when thier pitcher didn't get in when the game only goes 9, but then you can't please everyone I guess.

I DID see the end of the game.

Like we mentioned, it should have been over earlier had several things happened, (ump call at second on steal)

For a long time, it looked like the typical Tigers game of this season, ample oppertunities to score, can't get a guy home from third ect, ect, ect. ....

Just because your in a Rivalry with the team (your on the same side at this moment) doesn't give your fans the right to act classless.

Also, I do not have to be part of your special "Rivalry" to know that chanting like that IS classless, and TYPICAL I might add, of the Yankee fan.
btw, Had the situation been reversed, and the game was in Boston, do you really think that the Red Sox fans would chant the same at Rivera ?

It's just a petty thing, but Hey, I would never do that, but it's OK, you Fans can do this , because your so much better than the average fan.

(This is a different situation, but has the potential to be the same)
Any other stadium and Jeter may not deserve to be there at the game, but he WILL still be there, should they chant OVER RATED next year when it's in St. Louis, I'm sure I can find a currently better and deserving shortstop for next years game, but he'll be there, AND HE WON'T BE GREETED THIS WAY.

btw, I am NOT an Indians fan.


So chanting over-rated is classless all of a sudden? Do you really think nothing derogatory was ever chanted at Mariano at Fenway in the last 12 years? Or Jeter? Or Jason Giambi? I heard it myself at the whatever-corporate-name-they're-calling-it-right-now stadium in Cleveland.


Have Buckeye fans ever chanted anything toward a Michigan player or their fans? Or had the nerve to boo them? Does that make every Buckeye fan classless? Goodness these are kids, not even professional yet, and they're getting booed! What nerve. :rolleyes:

Ask Sam Wyche if he thinks Cleveland fans are classless.

A few points....

Uggla JUST came back from a sprained ankle and is not at 100%. I have him on my fantasy team, and his bat got him into the game. He was leading the league in homers at one point. I feel bad that he kept screwing up, but I don't think he factored in the decision as none of the AL players scored in the game as a result of his fielding issues.

That guy from the Pirates made an amazing throw to home plate. They probably could have HIM pitch if they ran out as he got it within 2 inches of perfect.....

I couldn't believe how many Houdini-esque escapes both teams made in various innings. I think about a dozen outs were made at home plate.... I can't remember seeing that many in one game....

I can't believe Francona yanked Jeter and ARod so early. As an NL fan I was happy to see it, but he was playing the moves like it was an exhibition, not something that could determine whether the AL team gets World Series Home advantage (which will most likely be his team).

Did you ever think that Yankee Stadium would EVER cheer for a Red Sox player like they did for JD Drew. Most surreal thing I ever saw....

David Wright seemed lost there. He had been on a tear, but looked like he was flailing up there...

All in all, a great game. I'm a little sleepy this morning, but glad I watched it. A little upset that the NL squandered so many chances (with Wagner blowing another save to boot).
A few points....

Uggla JUST came back from a sprained ankle and is not at 100%. I have him on my fantasy team, and his bat got him into the game. He was leading the league in homers at one point. I feel bad that he kept screwing up, but I don't think he factored in the decision as none of the AL players scored in the game as a result of his fielding issues.

That guy from the Pirates made an amazing throw to home plate. They probably could have HIM pitch if they ran out as he got it within 2 inches of perfect.....

I couldn't believe how many Houdini-esque escapes both teams made in various innings. I think about a dozen outs were made at home plate.... I can't remember seeing that many in one game....

I can't believe Francona yanked Jeter and ARod so early. As an NL fan I was happy to see it, but he was playing the moves like it was an exhibition, not something that could determine whether the AL team gets World Series Home advantage (which will most likely be his team).

Did you ever think that Yankee Stadium would EVER cheer for a Red Sox player like they did for JD Drew. Most surreal thing I ever saw....

David Wright seemed lost there. He had been on a tear, but looked like he was flailing up there...

All in all, a great game. I'm a little sleepy this morning, but glad I watched it. A little upset that the NL squandered so many chances (with Wagner blowing another save to boot).

I agree with most of what you said, maybe all of it...
As for Francona taking the Yankees out of it early, I'm sure that was so they could get thier recognition, seeing it was a home game for them , he had NO idea the game would go extra's at the time...
I'm sure the Sox players are use to being booed there, some actually got cheers, for a bit, in the end, Drew was also booed when he accepted the MVP award too.

It was a great game, at least the second half of it. The first half was more like a typical game with the exception of new pitchers going in every inning, second half got real interesting, a lot of good pitching and defense.

That was a great throw from the Pirate's CF'er sorry, his name escapes me.

Many great plays, some goofs and a few bad calls all sprinkled in to make it a very entertaining evening :)

So chanting over-rated is classless all of a sudden? Do you really think nothing derogatory was ever chanted at Mariano at Fenway in the last 12 years? Or Jeter? Or Jason Giambi? I heard it myself at the whatever-corporate-name-they're-calling-it-right-now stadium in Cleveland.


Have Buckeye fans ever chanted anything toward a Michigan player or their fans? Or had the nerve to boo them? Does that make every Buckeye fan classless? Goodness these are kids, not even professional yet, and they're getting booed! What nerve. :rolleyes:

Ask Sam Wyche if he thinks Cleveland fans are classless.


I guess you have a point, I cannot blame ALL of the fans, just the ones that you could hear loudly...
These are the same fans that Booed thier OWN star player that they could NOT STAND and wanted him gone a few short years ago. Yes, I am NOT a Yankee fan, but have ALWAYS been an Alex Rodriguez fan since he came up in Seattle.

Of course now that he is playing well for them, everything is cool.
How disscusting....

btw, how often do you hear Buckeye fans chanting stuff about the other team, or M fans for that matter ....
Even LSU fan's have more class than those fans that booed A-Rod and now Papelbon.

So chanting over-rated is classless all of a sudden? Do you really think nothing derogatory was ever chanted at Mariano at Fenway in the last 12 years? Or Jeter? Or Jason Giambi? I heard it myself at the whatever-corporate-name-they're-calling-it-right-now stadium in Cleveland.


Have Buckeye fans ever chanted anything toward a Michigan player or their fans? Or had the nerve to boo them? Does that make every Buckeye fan classless? Goodness these are kids, not even professional yet, and they're getting booed! What nerve. :rolleyes:

Ask Sam Wyche if he thinks Cleveland fans are classless.


I see both yours and Jimbo's point, but I see the circumstances a bit different.

In last nights situation, the booing and chanting at Papelbon happened during an extra curricula event in which Papelbon was on the SAME team as their Yankees. All players on the AL were vying for the same result. I think that negative reception was different than booing a player on an opposite team in which your playing AGAINST.

It's also being reported that Paplebon's pregenent wife felt threatend during the Red Carpet Parade prior to the game. Now this is what I think Jimbo meant by calling NY fans classless.....

"I feel like I needed to be in a bullet-proof car," Papelbon said, according to the Web site. "My wife is pregnant and she's getting her life threatened. It's stupid."
"I feel like I needed to be in a bullet-proof car," Papelbon said, according to the Web site. "My wife is pregnant and she's getting her life threatened. It's stupid."

I was fine with everything until I read this. I actually thought it was pretty cool when the Red Sox members were booed, but threatening a pregnant woman is a whole other story.
I see both yours and Jimbo's point, but I see the circumstances a bit different.

In last nights situation, the booing and chanting at Papelbon happened during an extra curricula event in which Papelbon was on the SAME team as their Yankees. All players on the AL were vying for the same result. I think that negative reception was different than booing a player on an opposite team in which your playing AGAINST.

It's also being reported that Paplebon's pregenent wife felt threatend during the Red Carpet Parade prior to the game. Now this is what I think Jimbo meant by calling NY fans classless.....

"I feel like I needed to be in a bullet-proof car," Papelbon said, according to the Web site. "My wife is pregnant and she's getting her life threatened. It's stupid."

Obviously threatening someone who is pregnant or not pregnant goes overboard and has no place in sports, or in life. Who knows how closely Papelbon's perception was to reality, but if someone actually threatened him or her I hope they were arrested.

But no, I don't think that's what Jimbo is talking about, he somehow thinks Papelbon shouln't have been booed in NY. And what you said about Papelbon being on the same team is irrelevant. Yes, Yankee fans at the Stadium were hoping for an AL victory for the longshot that is the Yankees making the World Series, and we didn't care who led us to victory. But that doesn't mean we need to cheer every Red Sox player 100% of the time.

We're Yankee fans first.

But that doesn't mean we need to cheer every Red Sox player 100% of the time.

We're Yankee fans first.

It had a lot to do with his comments prior to the game as well.

As for the idea of not having to cheer Red Sox players all the time, she has a point.

When MSG hosted the 1994 NHL All-Star Game, Ranger fans probably weren't cheering Pierre Turgeon, even though he played on the designated home team.
My thoughts on last night's game:

Guess HD MM was right. He said this would be a steroid-free game, and it went according to script: only two homers overall, lots of strikeouts, and solid hitting to move the runners.

I hope Dan Uggla tears it up in the second half and make up for his errors.

Who wouyld have thunk it- the only Oriole and Pirate representatives came up huge (threw out a runner at home, pitched 2 2/3 innings of solid pitching)- probably the only highlights of the year for these terrible teams.

I had a feeling Brad Lidge was going to screw up in the 15th- he looked less like the perfect 20-for-20 Philly closer and more like the shaky Astro.
In a situation as last night though, hypothetically if the managers felt that they were overextending the pitchers, they could've easily swapped a pitcher with a first baseman or DH to keep within the rules. I think I remember that instance happening before. Can you imagine Morneau or Longoria pitching?! That would bring an end to the game in a hurry.

that'd be stupid. It certainly would not be fun for the teams that own the position players to have them potentially miss the rest of the year with surgery because they got injured pitching (remember Jose Canseco???)

What did I think of the game? disappointed it had a winner. I was hoping and praying in the 15th inning for a tie so I could see Bonehead Selig squirm and sweat and BS to the media/fans about the failure of his "no more ties" edict.

Here's what I think should happen starting in 2009:

Name to each league's squad five extra pitchers. Rules are they must be able to toss at least 2-3 innings each, they can only be used in extra innings, and they can only be used after the normal 12 pitchers on the roster have been used. That will buy you pitching to at least the 19th inning.

You might also make a rule that the first two normal pitchers must go 2 innings each and you can't use a normal pitcher for less than 2/3 of an inning (or maybe 1 inning) just to stretch out the normal pitchers into maybe the 10th or 11th inning before needing to turn to the emergency staff of 5 pitchers.
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In a situation as last night though, hypothetically if the managers felt that they were overextending the pitchers, they could've easily swapped a pitcher with a first baseman or DH to keep within the rules. I think I remember that instance happening before. Can you imagine Morneau or Longoria pitching?! That would bring an end to the game in a hurry.

that'd be stupid. It certainly would not be fun for the teams that own the position players to have them potentially miss the rest of the year with surgery because they got injured pitching (remember Jose Canseco???)

What did I think of the game? disappointed it had a winner. I was hoping and praying in the 15th inning for a tie so I could see Bonehead Selig squirm and sweat and BS to the media/fans about the failure of his "no more ties" edict.

Here's what I think should happen starting in 2009:

Name to each league's squad five extra pitchers. Rules are they must be able to toss at least 2-3 innings each, they can only be used in extra innings, and they can only be used after the normal 12 pitchers on the roster have been used. That will buy you pitching to at least the 19th inning.

You might also make a rule that the first two normal pitchers must go 2 innings each and you can't use a normal pitcher for less than 2/3 of an inning (or maybe 1 inning) just to stretch out the normal pitchers into maybe the 10th or 11th inning before needing to turn to the emergency staff of 5 pitchers.

I don't think any modifications need to happen to the roster. Especially the addition of pitchers as you suggest. As I stated in a previous post, the current lot of 12 pitchers is plenty enough for each league. You're suggesting adding 5 more to this making the total pitchers for each team, 17?!

This all goes back to the manager and his ability to balance the pressure of getting everyone playing time and saving the adequate number of pitchers in case of extra innings.
I fixed the quote problem there you guys had going. Somehow one of the "[" got left off.

How about that Greg Norman?

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