5 things we want to see from the iPhone 5


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May 13, 2004
5 things we want to see from the iPhone 5
By Tecca| Today in Tech – 3 hrs ago
Features that will take the iPhone from good to great
The iPhone 5 could be announced as soon as October 4. Since it will be the first big announcement from new CEO Tim Cook, we can expect Apple to pull out all the stops to make the event as spectacular as possible. Still, though, all eyes will be on the iPhone's new features and capability. There is plenty of speculation already buzzing about the tech information highways about Apple's new smartphone, but these are the things we hope to see included on iPhone 5.

1. Wireless charging to go along with wireless syncing
We already know the new iPhone using iOS 5 can sync wirelessly with your computer. This basic functionality was announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June. You won't have to plug in that quirky Apple iPhone cable to move music, movies, and pictures back and forth between your phone and computer. Simply bring your iPhone nearby and let the operating system and iTunes automatically do the work for you. It sounds pretty neat, and will go a long way toward making iPhone use more convenient.

In addition, we hope the iPhone will support wireless charging. The HP TouchPad had this capability. You just place the TouchPad on its charger and juice back up without needing to actually plug in any cables. While that might not sound like a big deal, wireless charging makes using your iPhone around the house infinitely more flexible. Since you won't use wires to sync your iPhone, it would be awfully nice to go completely cord-free to keep your iPhone charged as well.

2. Improved camera
The operating system included on the iPhone 5 will have some seriously nice features for iPhone photographers. An automatic rule-of-thirds overlay will provide visual cues to making your photos more dynamic and interesting. The new iCloud service will make your photos automatically available across your Apple devices, giving you faster, more convenient access to pictures no matter what gadget you happen to be using. You'll also be able to use your volume button as a shutter release, access the camera from the lock screen, and enjoy improved auto-focus.

With all these cool photography enhancements, we really hope to see the iPhone get some serious camera improvements. While the high quality of iPhone photographs has never been about raw megapixels, an improvement in resolution would still be a good thing. Purportedly leaked iPhone 5 photos demonstrate aperture close to that of point-and-shoot cameras. Some flash improvements wouldn't hurt, either. Essentially, though, we'd like to see the iPhone 5 camera take a step closer to being a good, universal camera for family use, completely obliterating the need to carry a point-and-shoot camera in addition to our smartphone.

The iPhone 4 has left big shoes to fill
3. Unlocked out of the gate
It took Apple quite a while to release an unlocked iPhone 4 to the general masses. It wasn't until June this year that you could pick up an unsubsidized iPhone, leaving you free to use it with any carrier. The ability to choose your own service provider is nearly ubiquitous throughout the rest of the world, but Americans are typically chained to a given contract when they initially buy the phone.

On behalf of travelers and carrier switchers alike, it would be awesome if the iPhone 5 came out of the gate unlocked. We've heard rumors that companies like Sprint may also carry the iPhone 5. If enough carriers already have their own iPhone 5 access, an unlocked iPhone simply makes sense.

4. Near-field communication
Near field communication (NFC) is a relatively new technology that provides wireless communication between two devices. The concept behind NFC is that you have an inanimate object, like a card, poster, or label, and a gadget which serves as a reader. Objects targeted by the reader don't need power to be read, which is what would allow the target to be embedded in just about anything you can imagine. The target gets its power from the reader itself, extracting power from the wireless signal. Once the target is turned on this way, it can send data back to the reader. It might sound like scanning barcodes, but NFC will be much more flexible and secure. You can do a lot more with this kind of communication method than you could with a simple barcode.

Google just released its Google Wallet service, which allows your cellphone to replace participating credit and debit cards. The service is still in its infancy, but Google Wallet won't be the only NFC payment service to crop up. As NFC becomes more popular and attainable among retailers and businesses, it will become increasingly common to accept payment through a smartphone instead of an obsolete plastic credit card. This technology is something that the iPhone 5 should be helping pioneer. NFC will continue to spread in industry, and the iPhone needs to be able to say "there's an app for that."

Could an iPhone nano be in the works?
5. A little brother
Our final wish for the iPhone 5 is, essentially, a little brother. Since the cost tiers for iPhone models are proportional to its internal storage capacity, a smaller iPhone based on cloud storage seems like it would be the least expensive option. That's what the rumored iPhone nano is all about. Working hand-in-hand with iCloud to keep files on the internet and streaming the content to your phone, the iPhone nano would obviate the need for big onboard memory.

The smaller, less-expensive iPhone nano wouldn't be for everyone, of course. Some people really do need reliable internal memory on their iPhone. That being said, cloud storage is pretty hip and convenient, and more options are always a good thing. 5 things we want to see from the iPhone 5 | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News
My request is far more basic to what people expect in a smartphone in 2011.

1. ability to swap batteries.
2. LTE data connection.
3. Wifi hotspot tethering for 5 devices with encryption.

Even my wife said she will wait for an iphone that does the above 3.

Comments on the geeek request from the OP blogger-

1. Wireless charging if the iphone can charge all the time and never need plugged in like the outside surface is made of solar cells. :D
2. Wireless syncing. What? it doesn't do that now? Why do we still need itunes to use an iphone anyway? I thought that went away.
3. Better camera? If you want a better camera buy a camera that is a dedicated camera. Do people really need a cell phone that is capable of making Hollywood movies? If they do that then soon we will be buyinf new BD releases that were shot with an iphone as opposed to panavision cameras.
4. NFC- hey youngster- this is not new it is an annoying way parents annoy others tracking their kids. In the old days, this was called a walky talky. Heck I think the first toi use it was Dick Tracy in the 40's. Oh maybe that was comic book fiction.
5. iphone nano is not an iphone5. It is an iphone nano. Maybe we need an iphone macro more. an iphone that is as dumb as a rotten fruit. One a 90+ year old can make a simple phone call with.
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My request is far more basic to what people expect in a smartphone in 2011.

1. ability to swap batteries.
2. LTE data connection.
3. Wifi hotspot tethering for 5 devices with encryption.

Even my wife said she will wait for an iphone that does the above 3.

Comments on the geeek request from the OP blogger-

1. Wireless charging if the iphone can charge all the time and never need plugged in like the outside surface is made of solar cells. :D
2. Wireless syncing. What? it doesn't do that now? Why do we still need itunes to use an iphone anyway? I thought that went away.
3. Better camera? If you want a better camera buy a camera that is a dedicated camera. Do people really need a cell phone that is capable of making Hollywood movies? If they do that then soon we will be buyinf new BD releases that were shot with an iphone as opposed to panavision cameras.
4. NFC- hey youngster- this is not new it is an annoying way parents annoy others tracking their kids. In the old days, this was called a walky talky. Heck I think the first toi use it was Dick Tracy in the 40's. Oh maybe that was comic book fiction.
5. iphone nano is not an iphone5. It is an iphone nano. Maybe we need an iphone macro more. an iphone that is as dumb as a rotten fruit. One a 90+ year old can make a simple phone call with.

I have a feeling you will be waiting a long time for those things; the battery alone is so highly unlikely.
I went to the Apple store today as my son's iPhone stopped working...

I heard something interesting from one of the employees which might surprise some people...

There won't be an iPhone 5 released this year. They will only announce the iPhone 4s this year.

He seemed really damn sure of it.
I went to the Apple store today as my son's iPhone stopped working...

I heard something interesting from one of the employees which might surprise some people...

There won't be an iPhone 5 released this year. They will only announce the iPhone 4s this year.

He seemed really damn sure of it.

There is still the rumor of iPhone 5 with LTE in early spring of next year. But, as usual no one will know for sure until they announce.

Another interesting item is that Apple cut the iPad 2 orders 25% with their Asian suppliers. This is leading to speculation that a new iPad may be announced, perhaps cutting into the iPad 2 sales (like perhaps an iPad 2 HD).
I went to the Apple store today as my son's iPhone stopped working...

I heard something interesting from one of the employees which might surprise some people...

There won't be an iPhone 5 released this year. They will only announce the iPhone 4s this year.

He seemed really damn sure of it.

Maybe. BUT everything else out of the grapevine suggests the opposite. Faster processor, bigger screen, different home button. Call it what you want, but its a new phone. And I can't get super excited about an "employee" at a Connecticut Apple Store spreading a rumor -- given how tight Apple keeps info to themselves. YET it will all be known next week. :)

BUT we will see
Guess we will find out on the fourth.

But it makes zero sense to introduce a 4S (with the new A2 processor) and also a iPhone 5 using the same processor at the same time.

Me I am saying we wont see the iPhone 5 until next year.
The press invite says "Let's talk iPhone"...
That would mean (or at least will be seen as) they made a mistake.
They better have a good reason for that...


Well Apple is famous for the "one more thing" to announce something unexpected at these events. It is just interesting speculation that they are cutting back on orders when they seem to be selling so well. Hard to believe that the market is already saturated. Again it is all just fun conjecture. Every web site has a different take on rumors.
Right now I'm waiting until the 4th to see what's announced. My wife and I are switching from Sprint to Verizon due to Verizon dominating coverage in our new location. I've been reading up on some Android phones (I have an Evo 4G right now as well as the wife), and they are very tempting....
Leaked Packaging Bar Code Seemingly Confirms Next iPhone Is The iPhone 4S | Cult of Mac

9to5Mac also notes something we missed when we posted the barcode earlier today: the IMEI and MEID being together on the iPhone 4S label confirms that the next iPhone is a world phone and can run on GSM+CDMA at the same time.

As I get older I have more trouble understanding the logic behind new technology, either that or more trouble understanding how the younger folks write.

So, can someone explain to me why anyone would want to access the GSM and CDMA networks at the same time? Did the author actually mean be able to access the GSM or CDMA networks as needed with one phone?

I suppose Apple stock will nose dive since the new iphone is called the 4S and not the 5. Between that and Apple buying ipad2 parts from Brazil, we may see another buying opportunity for those who haven't made Apple a part of their portfolio yet.
As I get older I have more trouble understanding the logic behind new technology, either that or more trouble understanding how the younger folks write.

So, can someone explain to me why anyone would want to access the GSM and CDMA networks at the same time? Did the author actually mean be able to access the GSM or CDMA networks as needed with one phone?
You dont access two networks at one time. The entire reason its being done so that Apple only has to make one phone instead of two separate models. It will also let the customer to move to the carrier of their choosing if they wish.

What time is the Iphone Announcement

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