522- where to send patch HELP/requests??

Actually the dvr doesn't adjust when you have back to back recordings. At least mine doesn't. If I don't take away that padding it causes havoc. And at least 7-10 times I hit "all" when I wanted to hit once and had to go through the whole menu hell of deleting the timer. Why "all" is the first option befuddles me as well.
I don't care if the topic has been repeated and the question is mundane. Do not treat other posters like this. I don't want this forum to become 'hostile'. We're here to help, not tell people to 'shut up and go away' because their question might be repetitive.
bcshields said:
I don't care if the topic has been repeated and the question is mundane. Do not treat other posters like this. I don't want this forum to become 'hostile'. We're here to help, not tell people to 'shut up and go away' because their question might be repetitive.


I don't know how many times I have answered a simple questuion that has been asked 1000 times. The point is....we are all here to help out, not to ridicule someone

Chaddux...I'm going to make this real simple so even you can figure it out.

The guy asked a question...no need to ridicule him. If he asked how to pirate satellite, then go ahead and say whatever you want. But not when a newbie is asking a simple question.

so in other words

I concur. Everyone at one point in time was new to Satelliteguys.

Slyster, on behalf of Satelliteguys I give my sincerest apologies. Please do not turn away from the forum because of what a few people said. With other 18,000 members you're bound to find a few bad apples. Just don't let them spoil the bunch.

Welcome to Satelliteguys Slyster!! :welcome
Dont let a couple of trolls make your time at Satelliteguys bad.
Welcome :wave
Ask anything you want...hopefully people will be able to answer you honestly without flaming you
Iceberg said:
Dont let a couple of trolls make your time at Satelliteguys bad.
Welcome :wave
Ask anything you want...hopefully people will be able to answer you honestly without flaming you

And if they don't help you, we'll sick Iceberg on them!
Iceberg said:

I don't know how many times I have answered a simple questuion that has been asked 1000 times. The point is....we are all here to help out, not to ridicule someone

Chaddux...I'm going to make this real simple so even you can figure it out.

The guy asked a question...no need to ridicule him. If he asked how to pirate satellite, then go ahead and say whatever you want. But not when a newbie is asking a simple question.

so in other words


Well, Berg, there's a difference between asking a question and complaining because you have a bad memory. It wasn't a simple question. He wanted to waste the time of Echostar engineers on something that's NOT A BUG. Just because he can't remember to change a setting, a setting WHICH IS HELPFUL, is no reason to bug Echostar. They can work on ACTUAL bugs. It had nothing to do with it being a repetitive question and was never indicated to have been. BCShields chose to incorrectly imply that it was.

As stated, there will NEVER be a padding conflict as long as you leave it alone. The DVR will automatically chop off the padding and start the timers on time. There is no need to remove the paddings manually. So, this entire thread is moot and has diverged into something resembling lunacy :)yikes) so I shall ignore it henceforth.
Wow, what's going on in here?

Since I was the first person to reply for Slyster and maybe set the tone for the whole thing, I'd like to apologize and say I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. That was not my intention. I suppose I could have replied nicer. Sorry.

I don't think there's much more to be said on subject of this poster's question. But I would like to address something that other people have said about timer padding. I can tell you 100% for a fact that back to back recordings on the same channel or on different channels will record without conflict and the 522 will fix padding automatically for it.

On my Daily Schedule I have over 160 timers (though many of them are auto-tune and not DVR). I have over 40 Dish Pass timers that record my favorite programs and search for my favorite performers, etc. I guess what I try to say is that I think I am like a "power user" and I do a LOT of recording and watching and I tell you for a fact that back to back timers are fixed automatically.

For example, I record Smallville every day (Mon to Friday) on ABC Family Channel. It airs from 6PM to 7PM and every recording is 1 hour 4 minute long because of default timer padding (except on Wed, then it's 1 hour 1 minute long). On Wed, I also record Smallville on The WB. It air from 7PM to 8PM and the recording is always 1 hour 3 minute long recording. You see, on Wed the first show (6PM on ABC Family) automatically gets the 3 minute end padding removed. And the second show (7PM on The WB) gets the 1 minute start padding removed.

This week, The WB is showing back to back Smallville. First WB episode is 7PM to 8PM, second WB episode is 8PM to 9PM. All timers have the default 1 minute/3 minute padding, but when I look in my Daily Schedule for tonight, there shows no problem or skipped episodes. It shows like this on Daily Schedule:

TV1 - 6PM - Smallville - (ABC Family)
TV1 - 7PM - Smallville - (The WB)
TV2 - 7PM - Lost - (ABC)
TV1 - 8PM - Smallville - (The WB)

No conflict. No skipped show. And I have SO MANY, MANY similar examples of the same thing happening EVERY day. Back to back padding ALWAYS fixed automatically for me. And ALL of my single timers and Dish Pass use default 1 minute/3 minute.

Something important for all of you to remember, the 522 only fix timer padding if you leave it at default 1 minute/3minute. If you make back to back timer with 1 minute/3 minute default, 522 will fix automatically. If you change the first recording to have a 2 minute end padding instead of the default 3 minute, you get skipped timer - even though 2 is less than 3. Must leave at default 1 minute/3 minute to work properly.

For Slyster, I'll try to help you. from page one you said:

"it just becomes such a silly pain to have to do this each and every time I set a timer.. and last night I set 47 timers (covering the next 9 days)"

My friend, I think you don't use your 522 efficiently. Perhaps instead of every week making 50 singe event timers, you could use Dish Pass to be more efficient.

For example, I like the comedienne named Kathy Griffin. Instead of every week doing search and setting up many single timers, I make a Dish Pass for "Info" for "Kathy Griffin." This covers everything automatically for me. Appearance on the X-Files? Got it. Comedy special on HBO, Comedy Central, or Bravo? Done. Celebrity Poker Showdown. No problem. Instead of making 10 timers a week for her, the 522 does all the work for me with only 1 timer. It's better. And for you, instead of changing 1 minute/3 minute padding for 10 timers, you just do it once on your Dish Pass and never have to worry again. If you want, you can go into the timer screen every few days and manually skip the programs you don't like. For example, Kathy Griffin plays a voice on the show Dilbert, but since I don't watch cartoon, I go in there and just skip that show every week. Very simple.

And you can do the same with anything. You like hamburger? Set info Dish Pass for Hamburger. Will cover cooking shows on FoodTV, information shows on The Travel Channel, etc. etc.

Good luck to you. No hard feelings.
Great suggestions on setting Dish Passes based on Info keywords. :)

I might have to make use of that ability as soon as I find a subject word I like. Shouldn't take me too long...
GetMeABeer said:
Something important for all of you to remember, the 522 only fix timer padding if you leave it at default 1 minute/3minute. If you make back to back timer with 1 minute/3 minute default, 522 will fix automatically. If you change the first recording to have a 2 minute end padding instead of the default 3 minute, you get skipped timer - even though 2 is less than 3. Must leave at default 1 minute/3 minute to work properly.
Aha! :eureka That must be why it doesn't automatically fix my timers paddings. I set up several timers with only 1 minute after the show. Then I had to manually remove the padding to resolve conflicts. I guess if you change the default setting it figures you want the padding no matter what.
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to go home and re-create all my timers now.
Can I also add to what GetMeABeer and maximum just said - what Beer said is definitly true on my box as well, BUT it should be noted that I leave it in single mode 24/7. When I switch it to dual mode (different shows on 2 different TV's), about half the back-to-back timers automatically disable themselves. Don't know what the deal is, but that's why I leave it in single mode - cause I want it to catch all my shows!
Very good tip on the keyword Dish Pass search as well.

Also, I must apologize for myself. Though 'Berg removed it, I was the second person in this thread, praising what Beer said. I did NOT think it to be a mean post at all, and I'm sorry anyone took it that way.
Let there be peace to all this! :)
chaddux said:
He wanted to waste the time of Echostar engineers on something that's NOT A BUG. Just because he can't remember to change a setting, a setting WHICH IS HELPFUL, is no reason to bug Echostar. They can work on ACTUAL bugs.

Perhaps he mispoke. Maybe what he meant to say was that it was an ill-conceived 'feature' of the software that made it behave in an unpredictable manner.

Having timer padding that self-corrects in default, but doesn't when manually changed may be useful in some situations, but I haven't figured out how this would be a benefit to me, yet.

Documentation from Dish about this (if they really meant it to behave this was) would be helpful, too.
OK.. now after using the 522 for 10 days... I get it.. I don't mind the padding now... and I see more serious glitches all the time... but I still think the fact that the timer defaults to "ALL EPISODES" and not "ONCE" is actually important too.. and the default is "not helpful" like the poster above says- I feel it is an actual BUG... It wastes lots of my time and stinks... who wants to record 44 Seinfelds when you just want one episode you haven't seen??

Thanks for the info- some good stuff here- all is good and well.. I know that all forums have negative topics and posts.. I don't mind... I run 3 gaming and neighborhood forums myself so I understand.
The networks have been playing games with the start times. It is called "dragging across the hour" to retain the audience. It does raise you-know-what with scheduling of timers. Given the quality of the network shows this year, it probably won't help, anyway. Who wants to record more ads than shows?
I have to disagree ! The padding is NOT taken away. I am running in single user mode and if I schedule two programs on the same channel that run back to back and leave the default padding the first show is set to TV1 the second show is set to TV2 and if I try to schedule a third on a different channel it is cancelled. It should take away the padding and put the first two shows (on the same channel)on TV2 and the third show on TV1 but it DOSEN'T ! I have to set the ending padding to 0 for it to work correctly. I have not checked to see if it works in dual mode because I prefer single mode.


Dish 522 pricing ?

522 UHF remotes

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