922 is up and running

Here ya go.




I do that's who.

Yeah baby, how do ya like that Shat?

Ummm you got a bug on ur power button on the remote, You might wanna ummm close the widows so they do not get inside your house.
Our 922 is still at our shop until my boss activates it, needless to say by looking at the pics, he does not clean the Cough.."Showroom" very often.

Showroom, that's a good one.
Its more like a rats nest of clutter with not much to show. but his disorganization.

Even still, he has a good heart and means well, thus he is letting me be the Beta Tester for this new beauty.

He's an older guy and his words at Team Summit were "If we get this thing, I don't want to F*%K with it, your going to do all the work"

Does anyone that went to Team Summit remember the Guerrilla Marking guy?
Well he had a little cartoon projected behind him on the wall of a store with a sign in the window that said "Going out of business...slowly but surely"

I'm afraid that is the case here.
Anyhow, I got a ways off topic.

I'm looking forward to getting this beast to my house and putting it through its paces.

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Ugh remote & size

Thanks for the pix. That is one ugly looking remote. I already hate the mouse pad in the center of it. Is the 922 that much bigger than a 722 or is it just pulled forward?
I really love new gadgets, but I do hope they make this work with some more conventional style remotes like the 20 and/or 21. The new remote looks really inconvenient. I would like to know what the beta testers think about using the new remote day in and day out.

That said, I am excited about this new receiver!
I think I read $200 regardless of what you had prior. Maybe in a year or two it might drop ... but if you want the latest and greatest, you are going to pay for it.
Will I be able to browse the internet through the 922 with broadband connection? I thought I read that would be possible. Would love that for MLB.COM.
is there an install guide or a tech portal thing that can help us installers get prepared for this thing? ive never even seen a slingbox. ha! i cant rely on office training either, its usually rushed, non-specific (or wrong) and many months early, so we've all forgotten it by the time the product comes out.
from what i understand, this unit DOES need a broadband connection correct? at least for the sling features. so we'll be doing sling-links, switches, messing with peoples routers and whatnot. they're even going to give us rolls of cat 5.

The install is basically the same as any other receiver.
Its the set up that we are all working out at this time.

For the slingbox portion, you will need to know how to work with a modem or router. (port forwarding is a must)

This unit did come with an HDMI cable, which IMHO is a plus.
No cat 5 in the box, however you can also do a Easy Jack for broadband connection, and get around the task of running cat 5.

Im sure as we learn more about this receiver you will be able to learn as well.
The beta testers will keep the others up to speed. ( at least I'd like to think so) I know I will try to do my part.

I have not ben able to get the Slingbox portion to work outside the shop due to the fact that I don't know what the password is to access the Slingbox portion outside of the shop.
...For the slingbox portion, you will need to know how to work with a modem or router. (port forwarding is a must)...

I know I posted this response to your statement before, but I don't see it anymore...

I'm a networking newb (idiot). I currently can access my 622 & 722 via remote access over the net since I installed a wireless bridge to my existing wireless home network. I do not have a sling player. I'm just holding out for the 922. I intend to swap my 622 for the 922.

I'd assumed installation would be the same, and while the interface is different, I'd also assumed setup would be quite similar. I don't know what you mean by "port forwarding", but with my 622/722 all I had to do was hook it up and select "reset connection", and almost instantly my receivers were viewable and controlable via Remote Access. Are you saying that with the introduction of the 922, a more complex arrangement will have to be made with regard to my network settings? It won't be as simple as "reset connection" and the router and 922 see each other?

Remote accecss question


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