Always Call Voom To Confirm Everything...


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 2, 2004
:mad: :(

My V* experience so far:

I called to order the VaVaVoom package a week ago and had my install scheduled for this coming Firday, May 28th. About an hour after hanging up with the CSR I recieved a confirmation call from Voom letting me know for sure of the time and day of my installation. So far so good!

On the advice of many on this forum I decided to call Voom today to attempt to get ahold of installer's phone number and also to ask about the possible shortage of IRD's. I explained to the CSR what I wanted and he went to work, and then asked if I would go on hold while he tried to contact his "field office." I agreed, but he accidently hung up on me! He had been very nice and helpful so far so I was very sure that it had been an accident. I called back and by some random chance or stroke of luck I recieved the very same CSR. He apologized and promised to properly put me on hold this time, which he did. *Deep Breath* "Goozfraba" :p

After about 5 minutes he comes back and informs me that althought they have all my account information there does not seem to be an installation date assoicated with my order!


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

He then explained that he would open some sort of trouble ticket with a very high priority and that someone would be contacting me about the situation.

Clearly, I'm not very happy about this but if there is some extreme screw up maybe they will comp me a months worth of programming. In conclusion, my best advice for any prospective Voomer that is at any point in the process is to call Voom and confirm EVERYTHING. Call to confirm your account details. Call to confirm your installation date. Perhaps, re-call to confirm your installation date. And of course, call for all the other information that this board recommends. I'm sort of kicking myself for not calling yesterday or perhaps last Friday about my install.

I know this is a new company and even with old companies things like this happen. I guess I will have to see what the "trouble ticket" people have to say. I'm trying to keep an open mind and be patient. However, after this I'm going to be EXTREMELY nervous for whenever my installation date is. I guess no caffeine for me that day!

Anyways, I'll update this post as my situation changes. Hopefully, it will turn out to be a good example of how to get through a bad situation successfully!
You are learning the "Voom" way ;) Log everything. Voom messed up my service call for fixing my OTA twice!! Once, they changed the date on me without telling me, second time they said they move me up a date and did not do it. Even then, the installer install the OTA atenna backwards. If you have a lot of resolve, the end product is definitely worth it. My plasma thanks me each night. ;)

Once you get Voom, you gotta let us know how it compares with your DVD viewing on your Bravo player :yes
415Scope said:
Once you get Voom, you gotta let us know how it compares with your DVD viewing on your Bravo player :yes

for sure. I'll do a comparison as soon as I can. I'm hoping to get the Geffen DVI switcher so that I don't have to constantly get back behind and flip DVI cables ;)

UPDATE ON MY SITUATION: I didn't receive the call about my install today, so I guess I'll call them tomorrow when I'm off work. SIGH.
When I signed up for service I had to laugh at the number of times the very pleasant lady asked me the same questions - phone number at least 4 times, Email address several times, etc. I made sure to spell everything out and repeat it. Still - when I got online to check things, almost everything was mis-entered.

The latest gaff was when I got an Email back from my request for a larger dish - stating that a workorder was entered and to contact the installer. I contacted them and set an install date for a week out. The installer shows up at the door - and asks where the new dish is so he could get started. Turns out Voom generated a workorder but never entered an order into the system to get a dish shipped out.

Some of this is typical with an upstart - poorly tested procedures, newbie staff, flakey software. The software, procedures, and staff experience will improve but will never be any more perfect than DirecTV or Dish...
Heh, you want a free month and you didn't even have to miss any work waiting on an install that never came? No offense, but if you think that's a bad install story you don't have any idea how bad it was a few months ago ;). Anyway, I hope you get installed soon.
madpoet said:
Heh, you want a free month and you didn't even have to miss any work waiting on an install that never came? No offense, but if you think that's a bad install story you don't have any idea how bad it was a few months ago ;). Anyway, I hope you get installed soon.

No that's also part of the problem! I am missing a days work, which is more than the cost of a free month of VaVaVoom so IMHO a month's credit would be a deal for Voom and of course make me a satisfied customer!

UPDATE: I received a call from Voom stating that the local installer had been contacted and that I should be receiving a call from them in the next 2 days. Two days from now is my original scheduled install date so I guess that's not going to happen. I tried to get the phone number for the company from Voom, but the CSR said there was none listed. Instead I was given the name of the local installer company and a contact worker there. But, I can't seem to find a useful phone number to call them at online. If by chance someone that reads this is in the sacramento area and had their Voom install done by American Wireless if you have their phone number please msg me it so I can give them a call.

So much for $0 installation, its cost me one days wage so far!

Also, according to the CSR, in my account notes it listed that there was a shortage in supply of IRD's. This was what caused my delay. However, the note on my account was dated the 14th of this month, which is the day after I placed the order. The least they could have done is give me a call to let me know there would be a problem, wouldn't have missed work that way!
UPDATE: Since I did not receive a call yesterday from my local installer I decided to make a call to Installs Inc to see if I could get the local installers phone number. I explained the situation to their CSR and they went to work in the computer. I found them to be very helpful. The rep decided to switch my install to a different local installer. Allegedly the first had been out of equipment, but this new one was said to be a "volume installer" with plenty of equipment. The CSR said that they could lock me into next friday and that the new installer should be giving me a call to set up the time. Just in case she gave me the phone number to the new place (Crave Electronics). Sounded good!

About an hour ago I received a phone call from the first installer (American Wireless). He explained that they are very booked up and was asking ME what the situation was about the install. I related the situation above to him. I asked if it would be too much of a problem to hold the window open for me until tomorrow when I could give Crave a call. He reluctantly did this for me after a bit of a haggle. While I had him on the phone I decided to try and ask him a couple questions about successes/problems with installs in my city. He was very evasive, disliking to directly answer my questions. When I asked if he had received requests to not install the diplexer he became very frustrated, rude, and defensive. I related to him that the cable run was very short for my house and still he was reluctant and gave me another lecture about how the diplexer had nothing to do with anything. Finally, he closed by stating that if the run was very short, and he didnt deem it to be too much of a hassle, that honoring this request might be possible. A lot of variables there!

So far my impression of this gentleman is not too great. He could have given me simple answers to my straightforward questions without getting so heated. Hopefully, everything will go smooth when I call Crave tomorrow, so that I wont have to have this gentleman do my install. =/
UPDATE: I gave Crave a call today and evidently contrary to what the CSR at Installs Inc told me my job order was not switched. Crave put me on hold and called Installs Inc to find out what was going on, and they still had me listed for the first company. So I hung up and called American Wireless back. The gentleman was still very blunt, short, and rude, BUT I WANT MY VOOM NOW! So I went ahead and scheduled with him. He repeatedly told me that this was busy satellite install time, and along with his attitude it really came across as though he could care less about doing my install because he would just fill the spot up with someone else. I dislike doing business with people like that, but it seems as though my options are limited. All I know is, the installation better go smoothly! So anyways, I'm on for june 12th! I can hardly wait, but at the same time I'm dreading the day :(
theph0xx said:
...So far my impression of this gentleman is not too great. He could have given me simple answers to my straightforward questions without getting so heated. Hopefully, everything will go smooth when I call Crave tomorrow, so that I wont have to have this gentleman do my install. =/

Many installers/service people in every service industry (auto mechanics, furnace repair, computer support. etc) experience customers all the time that profess to know more than them, questioning them, and trying to tell them how to do their jobs. Most of the customers do not know more than the service provider - so many of them have understandibly gotten crass towards customers arguing how things should be done.

On the other hand - there are still customers that have researched the heck out of a particular product or aspect of the service, and have valid requests or concerns. I try my best to fall into this category - but I still tend to offend them at first - until they figure out I do know what I'm talking about (usually).

Regarding the diplexor - Voom should have issued a service bulletin regarding it a long time ago - stating that they should stop installing them whenever possible, instead running a second line. My installer had no problem eliminating it - but it could be because I had run extra lines in my house when I built it, and he did not have to.
BBTKD: For the most part I agree with you. Experienced installers don't want to feel as though the customer is telling them how to do their job. However, I did approach the situation with a lot of tact. I imagine the problem is exascerbated by the fact that I'm not quite 23 years old, and probably sound young on the phone. However, I'm a department manager for a retail store and deal with various Company Reps on almost a daily basis. I know how to treat customers, and how to deal in such a way that hides my age. Just because I am young does not mean that I should not be treated with the same level or respect, service, and care that anyone else receives. When I questioned the installer about the diplexor, as well as previous Voom install experience in my city, I posed the questions first informationally. I just didn't come out and say, "hey d00d I dont want that diplexor thingy installed, man." I asked first if he had received requests in the past to not install the diplexor. When he replied "no". I asked if that would be something he could do if I were to make that request. He grumbled back about not having any problems with them and how much of a hassle it would be to run 2 lines. He acted as thought I had asked him to scale Mount Everest in order to see if there was a palm tree on top (A clearly fruitless, pointless, and incredibly rough journey).

In the end, I don't think that it is an excuse to treat someone poorly because you have had poor customers in the past. Again, in working retail I deal with a wide variety of people, who are many times very rude and demanding. This does not affect how I treat the next customer who comes along. They are dealt with on a blank slate. At the very least it is common courtesy.

My opinion of the installer so far wouldn't be nearly so negative if he hadn't treated me poorly the second time I spoke with him. I can sorta understand one long bad day, translating into being a bit blunt and short. But, to perpetuate the same attitude on the second day was too much for me. Sorry this has turned into such a rant, but it just bothers me a lot!

Hopefully, the installation will go smoothly regardless of this installer's attitude. Perhaps he is the most competent and thorough installer around, but just doesn't have the pleasant demeanor to go with it. Here's hoping!
Well tomorrow is my big day! At least I hope it is! Everyone wish me luck!

Hopefully the Satellite Gods will smile down upon me, showering my installer with a cornocopia of set top boxes and hence bestowing my HDTV shrine with a plethora of hi definition broadcasts!
well it looks like the planets and stars have not yet fallen into the proper alignment, just got my fateful call letting me know the installer is behind and will have to reschedule again. he said he was just leaving for his second job and its about 3 pm... first install took 7 hours? SIGH :(

someone tell me how beautiful voom is so I have some incentive to wait this out... at least i didnt cancel dishnet a month ago like i was going to... =/
UPDATE: after playing phone tag for a few days I finally got a rescheduled day for my Voom install! It sounds pretty solid that my installer will come out and he sounded actually honestly apologetic that we hadn't gotten this done earlier. OK so next Friday the 24th is my day! Only 6 weeks after I placed my order =/
While it's never a bad idea to confirm any transaction (Voom or any other company), I thought I'd post a different experience with Voom. I ordered Voom through the website, installer showed up on the scheduled date and all went well. I have yet to call Voom customer service (a good thing considering some of the stories I hear on this board!). I didn't call to confirm installation either - everything happened when it was supposed to. With the exception of my installer gaming me for the DVI cable, it's been a totally positive experience.
I'm glad you had a good experience with your installation. I'm sure a lot of other people have experienced the same. I'm hoping this post ends up less as a complaint of the situation, but more how to work through a difficult time that some MAY experience. I'm rooting hard for Voom to succeed because they are a true entrepreneur in the HD field, and at the very least I think they will spur more competition which is good for everyone!

Why Doesn't Voom Make Their Own STB's?

Crave Electronics

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