Another Voom Service Number!!??


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Cheektowaga, NY
I was trying to call Voom today to request an upgraded OTA antenna. After sitting on hold and calling back for hours i hit 1 instead of 3 and got right through, go figure. The rep tried to transfer me to the existing customer line but was unable due to call volume. He told me to call back. I told him i has been calling all day and getting frustrated. He then put me on hold. When he came back he gave me a direct 1800 number to support. I called that 800 number and within 2 minutes someone picked up and put in the request for my antenna upgrade.


Dont know if it was a coincidence that i got through finally or that is some magic number. Either way i got through, FINALLY...
This new number is a godsend... getting my billing issues fixed right now. Now if I could just get Installs to respond....
Ok, I got the voom number now... Corporate office and spoke directly with John Mckee's office.

Voom is working on the call center. They know it is a disaster! The have directors on site and are addressing it.

That number is the direct dial past the ACD it is nothing special. It just is the direct number instead of hitting option 3. Nothing special.
briless said:
Glad i can be of help.
Lets hope i dont get blacklisted for giving that number out.

I just called that number and got through to a LIVE WARM BREATHING person on the FIRST RING!!!! :D Heavens to Mergatroy (Boy am I getting old!!) let's bury this thread in the bowels of the earth before everyone catches on to this godsend!!!!!!!
I tried calling last night at about 11:40pm eastern and was on hold for an hour before I gave up and went to bed. I called just a few minutes ago at 1:12pm (using the second number 1-800-641-3746, I don't know if there is something special about it or not, but it worked) and the thing didnt even ring before a csr picked up. I told her that I locked myself into demo mode and she hit the box with a pin reset for me. She said that if that did not work to call back. I am at work right now so when I get home I will see if that fixed it.
This was interesing - about two weeks ago when I was calling to complain, I could not get through. I ended up at the message that told you to press 1, and they would call you back. The next day I used the number above and got right through. Yesterday, I just received a call from them, following up from two weeks ago! Pretty comical. The gal explained that they were way behind and were trying to catch up. No duh!
How ironic... I got a call from Voom yesterday too but I never left any messages back when I called them over a week ago and was getting the "leave a message" recording. The lady said she was just doing a follow up call to be sure all was okay. Of course I took the opt to bring up the issue of mapping my locals again. She did tell me that they were hiring new CSR's to handle the increase in calls and that service should get better. I tried to get more info out of her such as software upgrades but she didn't know much.

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