Are you going to deinstall to switch to lease?

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
If you are, are you coming back (reinstalling)? Yes/No. Please post your comments. It is important.

Here's my response to vidguy, who is facing a similar situation.
You may just have to cancel, and resubscribe if you want VOOM under the lease option. From what others have said, the ability to switch from ownership to lease was removed from their system a few weeks ago -- thus, no CSR can do it, even if they wanted to. It sounds like the CSR may have ok'd the change for you, before realizing that was no longer an option in their system.

We do not know why the decision was made to no longer allow the switch from ownership to lease. All we do know is that this decision was made by "higher ups" at VOOM. It may have been made for a completely justiable reason, such as something to do with accounting, or the terms of their agreement with Sears or Motorola. For example, Sears may be refusing to reimburse VOOM for the STB refund without a cancellation of service. Of course, it could just be to discourage returns.

This is a hassle. I tend to to believe that VOOM would not have made this policy change--given the frustration it will cause for some customers--unless there was a firm financial or contractual reason for doing so. VOOM's executives are not morons; they don't make substantial policy changes on a whim.

As far as cancelling, keep in mind that:

a) When you purchased the box, you were never told you would be able to switch to a lease -- you were only told you could cancel for a refund. In that regard, nothing has changed.

b) No other multichannel provider allows one to purchase a STB, and later change to a lease.

c) Some competing services want their customers commit to a year of programming before they can lease -- VOOM has no such requirement.

d) You have enjoyed months of free programming at VOOM's expense.

I've never actually had an uninstall before, so I don't know what it involves. Do they just take the dish, antenna, and STB? Or do they remove all cabling? Do they fish the cable back out of the walls? If the job only involves taking the dish and receiver, a re-installation would involve a lot less effort (and time) than a completely new install.

A reinstall would also be an opportunity to have VOOM mount a different antenna of your choosing, and a larger dish (purchased by you) to eliminate rainfade.
Ken F said:
I've never actually had an uninstall before, so I don't know what it involves. Do they just take the dish, antenna, and STB? Or do they remove all cabling? Do they fish the cable back out of the walls? If the job only involves taking the dish and receiver, a re-installation would involve a lot less effort (and time) than a completely new install.

A reinstall would also be an opportunity to have VOOM mount a different antenna of your choosing, and a larger dish (purchased by you) to eliminate rainfade.
I don't think that they would take back all of the cabling because it is cut to length for each install and likely could not be used again unless for a shorter run.
This is news to me!!

I was contacted by Voom two weeks ago requesting what programming I wanted after the "free" period ends. During this conversation, we also discussed the lease option. I was told I could wait until April 30th (money back gaurantee expiration) to decide to lease or not WITHOUT having to deinstall. I am very upset if I was misinformed. I would have chosen the lease 2 weeks ago if I was told a deinstall would be necessary later. Voom just can't keep jerking it's customers around like this!!!

I really want to like and be satisifed with Voom, I really do. But at this point they are just too high mantainance for me!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of the on site service calls, the software updates, the telephone calls and the constant speculation of when they will get it ALL together. I want to be able to sit back and enjoy my programing.........not worry about it.

Voom, time is running out fast! Get it together ! .... and when you can't, always.....always bend over backwards to make it right. It's the only way for a newcomer to survive in a highly competitive enviromnent!!

Ok, rant over................ I'm going to try to enjoy the programming I am paying for :)
I gotta get my money back and resubscribe...

It just doesn't make sense to me to keep my purchase at the price I paid. $1200 for a 3-room setup. Even after cancelling the Charter Member deal , I pay $85 (including HBO Plus pack, and 9.50 per 3 STB). That extra $45/month will still take me almost 3 years to make up - not to mention the fun or interest I can make/have with that money.
What about the DVR? Am I gonna have to shell out more $$ to get it? Voom hasn't made it clear to me about any upgrade path.

Also, I suspect the 'come grab the equipment' philosophy is to deter people by taking their viewing away. I know I personally cancelled all other programming once Voom was up-n-runnin'.

If you guys know of something to sway my opinion, please post. I love the service, hate digi cable, and want to keep my HD. But I don't wanna be no fool...


Can't add a plus pack...

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