Attention Everyone on the 811 Waiting List...

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
As you may know Dish Network has reduced the price on the 811 if you order directly from them or purchase your 811 from the dealer who origionally sold you your equipment.

Many of the people on our waiting list have canceled their orders with us because of this. (And we dont blame them)

However some people have not canceled their order yet.

Today we will begin calling and emailing everyone on the waiting list to find out if they still want them.

The cost is $399 and includes free shipping.

It's a lot more then $199 but you can install it yourself, no installer will be coming as required by the $199 promotion above. Also if you purchased a 811 already and want a second unit Dish will not give the the second unit at the promo price. Again you can purchase it from us if you wish.

Please also remember that when you buy from DishStore.NET a portion of the profits goes to support SatelliteGuys.US and DBSForums.COM two of the Internet's best Satellite Forums. When you buy from us you help keep both sites free for all.

We are still honoring our waiting list, however we do have enough stock to go around. :)

Thanks for your support.
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