Attention People Trying to Register

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
If you have tried registering as a new member here at SatelliteGuys.US over the past 2 days you probably have not had any luck.

There is a bug in the system that is preventing new users from registering.

I worked today as I could to try to fix the problem but to no avail, however at my office I do have the currupt file backed up and can restore it so it works again, but the problem is I have not been in my office and it does not look good about me going in tommorow.

As you may or may not know my 11 month old son has been sick with an serious ear infection and his tempature has been 103 degrees. I can not bring him to daycare until his tempature is back to normal. Today his fever has started to break but its not where it needs to be yet.

Needless to say when he is well enough to go to daycare I will be able to go to work and fix the currupt file.

Because of the inconvience I have opened up all the satellite areas again for posting by unregistered guests. This mean you do not need to be registered to post in any of our Satellite Forums.

Once the currupt file is fixes the system will go back to being registered posters only.

Thank you for your understand, I am sorry for the inconvience this may have caused.
This bug has now been fixed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

It feels good to be back to work. :)
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Get the following error when trying to register

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