Avsforums locked down HD/BD areas

About time.

The forums over there because useless for accurate information or real debate.

I would lay the blame squarely on one group of HD DVD trolls that thread crapped every piece of positive news in and drowned out every piece of negative news regarding their format of choice.
AVS is waaaaay too sensitive. I got a thread deleted, and banned for a few days; simply for stating that the I was getting rid of my PS3, due to the noise/heat problem and that I thought the BD didn't look all that spectacular on a 720p display. The thread was not even turning into a flame war, and the trolls were nearly non-existant. Wussies...
About time.

The forums over there because useless for accurate information or real debate.

I would lay the blame squarely on one group of HD DVD trolls that thread crapped every piece of positive news in and drowned out every piece of negative news regarding their format of choice.

I agree that the membership of AVS tends to lean towards HD-DVD (myself included). I don't agree that it was all HD-DVD. There were buttmunchers on both sides. Way too many of us (myself included) take this stuff too seriously. I might be out $500 for players and software if things go towards the Blu-side. Whatever. It would cost me $500 (starting) to go Blu anyway. In the end all, it's really no big effing deal.
The problem was mainly HD DVD supporters. Sure there were some Blu-ray but majority were HD DVD. I stopped posting there (I own both formats) because there was no way to have any civil conversation. If I posted in Blu-ray forum that something was better on Blu-ray, HD DVD trolls would basically call me a lier. If I posted in HD DVD that some discs would not play properly in my HD DVD XA2, I was also called a lier, even though there were other people with problems. Oh and another thing was paranoia over Sony. No matter how many times it was said that Blu-ray is more of Panasonic format than even Sony, people were called liers, and lately had physical threats against them. Besides, those forums bacame useless, as most info was plain lies or tilted towards HD DVD.
No matter how many times it was said that Blu-ray is more of Panasonic format than even Sony, people were called liers, and lately had physical threats against them.
Did Panasonic lose 844 million last quarter on the PS3? This is Sony's war not Panny's.
The problem was mainly HD DVD supporters. Sure there were some Blu-ray but majority were HD DVD. I stopped posting there (I own both formats) because there was no way to have any civil conversation.


I own both formats as well.
Gee- looks like it's getting a bit heated regarding Sony, etc, even here, just referencing AVS. :rolleyes:
Scott gave us the War Zone to come in and 'duke it out' over our favorite formats. Then he also gave us a seperate forum for both BD and HD-DVD so those that want to comment and converse about their format can do so without being jumped on. Doesn't work all the time but most of the time it does.

AVS has always had a censor bug going for years. Back when there was the heated discussion over DVI and HDMI before HDMI became dominate -- several discussions got heated and the thread was locked so that not only could you not post but you could not enter and read what others were saying. So this move by AVS does not surprise me.

Thank You Scott for allowing us our freedom of speech on your site. We are always gratefull!:flag:

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