GEOSATpro bandstacked


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Pub Member / Supporter
Aug 22, 2010
North East PA
My FSS lnb on 97w isnt working right either. i have it set to 10750, 13850, but it is just doing poorly and i am not sure what i need to change to get it working right as of yet.

edit- i too only get h transponders with it.
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For using a Dish FSS set the LO to 10750, then set the scan range to 11700-12750. Then set your polarity to V only.
The Micro will scan in all the V TPs first, then continue scanning above that range for the H TPs which have been stacked above the V TPs. All scanned in channels will show as V, you will have to interpolate the true TP polarity if needed.

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For using a Dish FSS set the LO to 10750, then set the scan range to 11700-12750. Then set your polarity to V only.
The Micro will scan in all the V TPs first, then continue scanning above that range for the H TPs which have been stacked above the V TPs. All scanned in channels will show as V, you will have to interpolate the true TP polarity if needed.


i am at work now cheating to get on satguys.
i will have to change my multiswitch to the v side of it then to do this...
this could be an interesting thing to maintain, it could give me an additional bird on a multiswitch, even if only at 13v instead of 18v. useful info if it flys
i am at work now cheating to get on satguys.
i will have to change my multiswitch to the v side of it then to do this...
this could be an interesting thing to maintain, it could give me an additional bird on a multiswitch, even if only at 13v instead of 18v. useful info if it flys

It will work just as well in the H only mode too if that makes it any easier. Just that all TPs will now be labeled H.
It will work just as well in the H only mode too if that makes it any easier. Just that all TPs will now be labeled H.
and scan the same?

edit- set LO to 10750 , scanned 11700-13500 and they came all in H. i am up and running.
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i am still investigating it, but none of my bandstacked LNBs are working right with the new box.
i am using B1Sat Stack for c-band and fss for ku.
i had selected the stacked 5150-5750 for c-band although some of my lnbs are cable up instead of down.
i did not see a selection for 5750-5150.

after changing the ku from stacked to single 10750 and expanding the scan, i pulled in all the channels i wanted from 97w
it is too early forme to conclude anything. i have to separate one of the birds and connect it direct to validate this. it does not seem to change from h to v correct . it acts like it is not in stacked mode.
i am working massive amounts of OT so it is hard for me to keep caught up on all the new changes with the new micro.
i did download install and factory reset the latest firmware before i did all this.
Interesting Kodaz... I have both the B1SAT and the Dish FSS stacked LNBs, and I'll also be adding the Sadoun 10100 stacked LNBF soon, so I guess I'll be running into this issue once I'm up and running with the micros.

The settings were specifically for these LNBs, so I wonder why they're not working... I'm sure it will get sorted out soon :) ...

If sample LNB(F)s are needed, I can provide them.
this weekend, probably sunday, i am going to connect the openbo:mad:which no longer works quite right) and the micro to direct birds indiviudally, not both same time. I will post the results of this Bandstacked c-band test.
i am going to use one of the birds/lnb that has cabledown.
the coolsat doesnt seem to be having this problem, but it doesnt see S2
Interested in your results. We briefly tested 10750 / 13850 bandstack to confirm operation several months ago, but have no permanent bandstacked LNBFs for handy testing. If you can confirm any issue, we will resolve. This is how bandstacking should be programmed:

Stacked 5150/5750: 3700 - 4200, Voltage fixed at 18VDC
Stacked 10750/10100: 11700 - 12200 (even tpn's IF inverted; 1650-2150 MHz), Voltage fixed at 18VDC
Stacked 10750/10175: 11700 - 12200 (even tpn's IF inverted; 1650-2150 MHz), Voltage fixed at 18VDC
Stacked 10750/13850: 11700 - 12200 (even tpn's IF inverted; 1650-2150 MHz), Voltage fixed at 18VDC
Stacked 11250/14350: 12200 - 12700 (even tpn's IF inverted; 1650-2150 MHz), Voltage fixed at 18VDC
I cannot begin to guess the electronics of what I will test. Some of it will seem redundant nonsense, but it is information for the experts to decipher. I leave that to you..

The first test runs thru my switches – Diseqc 1.0- 4port to diseqc 1.1-8port to zinwell multiswitch for 4 boxes but 1 bird. This is a KNOWN functional switch setup. Not new.
Lnbs are all as mentioned in above posts, NO 13-18 volt lnbs in my system currently.
Also I used default scanning settings, except where noted.

Sat 99w is the first one. Only scanned tv, no radio. Sat 99 is one of 3 lnbs on a 8ft dish
Lnb is cable Down. Eventually will do a lnb cable Up

Openbox set to 5150-5750 scanned 11 tps
4140-29999 h 78Quality
3899-27999 h 70Q
38192599 h 75Q
3771-14399 h 37Q
3739-29999 h 65Q
4001-26400 V 75Q
3880-29999 V 75Q
3848 -15029 V 73Q
3825-4319 V 42Q
3776-3253 V 63Q
3735-3775 V 58Q
If I manually add 3785 v 4849 for Escapes it comes in at 40Q
All polarities backwards from lyngsat listings

TEST 2- all same except change to 5750-5150
Still got 11, but not the same 11
4739-29999 H 78Q
4499-2799 H 70Q
4419-2599 H 75Q
4370-14399 H 40Q
4339-30000 H 60Q
3401-26400 V 75Q
3280-29999 V 75Q
3248-15029 V 73Q
3186-4849 V 38Q
3176-3253 V 65Q
3135-3775 V 60Q

TEST 3 Micro,the rest same except lnb 5150-5750
Only 4
4139-30000 H 80Q
3899-28000 H 70Q
3819-25999 H 75Q
3739-30000 H 60Q
All polarities backwards from lyngsat listings also
There is no option to change from 5150 -5750 to 5750-5150

Test 4 is openbox –thru same switch array- to bird 91w cband-Lnb cable up.
5150-5750, tv only, no radio, on same 8ft dish as my 99w .
Scanned 21 tps
4179-2999 H 81Q
4139-31251 H 70Q
4099-29999 H 71Q
4075-2999 H 65Q
4020-31251 H 75Q
3984-22499 H 77Q
3964-4249 H 10Q (does not actually come in)
3927-7249 H 76Q
3859-31251 H 72Q
3819-29999 H 73Q
3740-31249 H 50Q
4160-31251 V 65Q
4080-29999 V 55Q
4040-31251 V 70Q
4014-6619 V 74Q
4008-2479 V 71Q
3920-29999 V 70Q
3888-19750 V 75Q
3841-29269 V 74Q
3800-31251 V 45Q
3752-14410 V 75Q
All polarities backwards from lyngsat listings

Test 5 change lnb to 5750 -5150 , the rest is same as test 4.
21 tps found
4779-29999 H 80Q
4739-31251 H 70Q
4699-29999 H 72Q
4675-2999 H 67Q
4620-31251 H 75Q
4584-22499 H 74Q
4564-4249 H 10Q (Does not actually come in)
4527-7249 H 75Q
4459-31251 H 74Q
4419-29999 H 73Q
4340-31251 H 45Q
3560-31251 V 50Q
3480-3000 V 50Q
3440-31251 V 70Q
3415-6619 V 74Q
3408-2479 V 71Q
3320-29999 V 70Q
3288-19750 V 73Q
3241-29269 V 74Q
3200-31251 V 45Q
3152-+14410 V 75Q
Tp 3288 is where Reelz falls in. if I manually change 3288 V to 3888 H , the polarity checks with what lyngsat shows..

It does matter cable up or down on the results.
Still, scans in a lot with bandstacked.

Test 6 Micro , 5150-5750 (heh, something that has gotta be fixed, the micro goes back to the previous bird instead of the one you are working on, so it is easy to delete the wrong tps as I have now done this 2 times switching from setup antenna to tp screen)
The rest same as test 5
16 tps found.
4181-3000 H 80Q
4100-3000 H 75Q
4076-3000 H 65Q
3984-22500 H 77Q
3956-2169 H 70Q
3948-2066 H 70Q
3927-7250 H 75Q
3860-31374 H 74Q
3820-3000 H 74Q
3740-31249 H 45Q
4160-31125 V 60Q
4080-3000 V 35Q
4040-31249 V 0Q (Doesn’t actually come in)
4015-6619 V 50Q
3920-30000 V 20Q
3801-31249 V 35Q
Here the V tps are not working quite right AND polarities are reversed from Lyngsat listings.

I am a little burned out as I worked this morning. Tomorrow I will test same without any switches in system.
This is some odd data.
I hope it is of some use.
HEH, this is the longest post i have ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your longest post!

For starters, the LNBF skew is incorrectly set 90 degrees out of rotation. The test data will be easier to sort with the LNBF skew correctly set.

Bandstacking LNBFs are not voltage switched and only use one voltage, the receiver takes the high and Low LO transponders and assigns them as horizontal and vertical transponders. The microHD may be limiting the highband scanning by either the START or STOP Blind Scan frequencies or is filtering by the polarity selection in the scan screen.

Test #1 is valid for your LNBF and should be the benchmark for that LNBF on that satellite. The scanned frequencies are in the correct band, but incorrect polarity due to the incorrect skew setting of the LNBF.

Test #2 is not the appropriate configuration for your LNBF and should not be used as the transponders are logged into the incorrect transponder frequencies. These are the same 11 transponders found in test #1, just incorrectly logged.

Test #3 Logged the same transponders as test one selection for only the horizontal. Once again, the scanned frequencies are in the correct band, but only one polarity was logged. As an experiment, change the LNB Polarity selection in the search screen to all instead of H (horizontal). My guess is that all transponders will scan and one polarity transponder frequencies will be of by 600mhz.

Test #4 Same as test #1

Test #5 Same as test #2

Test #6 I am having problems deciphering, but try rotating the LNBF 90 degrees and retest this satellite on the microHD. Also try the suggestion for Test #3.

Thank you for sharing the detailed data. Believe it or not, the data is very revealing, but need a little more data to diagnose.
Test 7 is a repeat of test 1 with openbox except direct connect to lnb, no switches.
Results are same as test 1 except that it found the escapes tp.

Test 8 is same as test 3 except direct connect micro to lnb
This one got all kinds of different results and did not find the escapes tp.
8 tps
4140-30000 H 75Q
3900-28000 H 70Q
3820-25999 H 75Q
3772-4441 H 58Q
3740-30000 H 68Q
3880-30000 V 75Q
3785-4849 V 50Q
3776-3255 V 70Q
Still opposite polarity as lyngsat lists, but scanned in V transponders.
This caught my attention enough to warrant a detail scan.
It acts like my multiswitch is blocking the v tps (I am assuming)
Detailed scan caught 1 more tp for a total of 8. Still short of what the openbox snagged.
Manually entering the escapes tp brought it in just fine.
Tp 3845 is a strong one, but it did not scan in!! 3845 has 74Q

Now curiosity got the better of me and I connected the lnb to the 13v side of the multiswitch. (this is still 99w c-band)
And rescanned
Caught 12 tps , that’s 1 more then the openbox did. On the wrong side of the multiswitch.
It did not get 3845 or it would have been 13 tps
So I did a deteailed scan on the 13v side. This was worse, only got 10 tps but in both cases, the V tps that it did find- came in strong.
The signal on the H tps dropped to 65 , but the Q on the H tps stayed same as before tests.
Now I know, it does not like my multiswitch –
I checked the voltage going int the switch array on the openbox, my meter read 24v.
I checked the voltage on the micro going in same- V= 13v, H=18v

Bingo, checked lnb settings, still set to stacked 5150-5750. it is not holding 18v.
it is behaving non stacked.
my apoligies for not seeing your post on the rotating lnb, i already had the advanced screen up and was fortunate to have some time this afternoon to continue.
i can also rotate the 99w lnb, i cannot rotate the 91 or it will hit my 87w lnb mounted on the same dish.
i dont think it will help because the micro is going to 13v on the v tps
Good information. Your testing has provided enough information to point us in the right direction. We will check for incorrect polarity voltage switching in bandstacking modes. It should be locked at 18vdc.

If you wish to use the microHD with this LNBF before we have a fix released, choose LO 5150, horizontal polarity and of course rotate the LNBF.
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Good information. Your testing has provided enough information to point us in the right direction. We will check for incorrect polarity voltage switching in bandstacking modes. It should be locked at 18vdc.

If you wish to use the microHD with this LNBF before we have a fix released, choose LO 5150, horizontal polarity and of course rotate the LNBF.

what would be the best scan range to use? the fss one changes a bit when in standard mode...

heh, when i first started using this lnb , i put the cable to the east. i dont know what i did that caused me to believe that it should go up or down, but you were right, 90 deg to the east and i got some of the channels i had before
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A Start frequency of 3000 would take the tuner to the highest limit (3000 - 5150 = 2150mhz)

A Stop frequency of 4200 would take the tuner to the lowest limit (4200 - 5150 = 950mhz)
Thanks for the information to get me going here.
I look forward to a permanent fix!

thanks for the fss info, i had to go slightly higher then you mentioned to drag in ADTV, but it worked.

i know you use the same c-band lnb as I,what way to you have the cableout pointed?
its on sat 97w -Amazing Discoveries TV.
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