Buy or Rent your HD DVD movies?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 21, 2005
Just wondering do most buy or rent your HD DVD movies?

Buy? From who?

Rent? From who? How much?

Thinking about Netflix maybe. Anybody have input on them as well?
Mostly buy from Don't rent but once in a while due to busy schedule. When I do it's from our BB.

Have always been a "buy" guy, but my wife is now pushing Netflix. I've only bought 7 HD titles so far and she is already saying I spend too much on them... Both my parents and my in-laws have Netflix and love it, although they've never used it for either HD format.
I signed up for NetFlix when I got my A2 around 6 months ago, specifically for HD DVDs and with standard DVDs mixed in, if the title is not available on HD DVD. I've always had very quick turnaround times for getting new discs. Only one disc I had to clean up, as it would not play the last 10 minutes or so.

I've also bought 10 individual titles, plus the Matrix trilogy set.
I mostly rent my videos via Netflix. I just got my A2 Friday and went to the Netflix website and enable HD-DVD as an option in my preferred format. It automatically changed all of the titles in my queue to HD-DVD (the ones that had HD-DVD versions).
I buy from Amazon, but if I'm impatient, I'll go to Circuit City or Best Buy. I've rented Happy Feet, Children of Men and A Scanner Darkly from Netflicks.
A Scanner Darkly had scratches on it, but played fine.
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I rent as much as possible. I buy certain reference, adult and catalog titles. I rent adult titles from a local brick and mortar store. I rent mainstream and indie flicks from Netflix. I buy from Fry's, Wal-Mart, Amazon and Target, Best Buy, Borders, Circuit City and Barnes and Noble price their media way too high.
Unless you are a collector. Only Rent. The only way to go. For the price of one disc you can have 2 memberships. One with BB and one with NF. I have them both. I have been with both companies for over 6 months and I have never had a problem with the discs.
I just got my A2 Friday and went to the Netflix website and enable HD-DVD as an option in my preferred format. It automatically changed all of the titles in my queue to HD-DVD (the ones that had HD-DVD versions).

Did the same thing Saturday evening after I hooked up the A2 I bought on Friday.
I follow the same rules for HD DVD as I did for DVD: If it's a movie I know I'll enjoy viewing several times, I buy, otherwise, I rent.

Buying: About 50 HD DVDs since May 2006, all but 2 bought Online - 60% Amazon, 15% eBay, 10% Warner Home Video online store, 5% other online retailers.

Renting: Netflix is the way to go. I've rented probably 50 HD DVD's and many more DVDs over the past 2 years, and have had only one that I couldn't play - Scorpion King HD DVD/DVD combo, the two sides were coming unglued. I saw about 1/4 of the movie & liked it, so I just bought it from Amazon. I've actually bought 4-5 HD DVDs that I liked the rental so much I wanted a copy. Elvis' Viva Las Vegas was the last one. I wasn't expecting much, but it's great. :up

It's worth watching this HD DVD Forum for "Bargain's" postings. I've posted in the past when Amazon has a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale, which are a great way to build up your collection. Also Warner Home Video has good online prices with coupon codes from time to time with 25% discount.

And, remember if you go shopping at Amazon, please use the Search button at the top of this forum. It links SatelliteGuys' Amazon Associate ID to your search so that SatelliteGuys receives a small commission from any Amazon purchase you make, at no additional cost to you. Helps keeps the lights on at no cost to you. ;)
I rent almost exclusively, however I will buy some HD DVDs that I know my kids would like to watch a few times... like Transformers! Great HD DVD!

I rent everything else - I don't have the time to watch movies over and over again, BUT I might occasionally buy some HD DVDs that again are on sale & are those that I wouldn't mind watching a few times...

Renting has another benefit - no need to store those HD DVDs, clean them, etc. Just rent them when you want them for the fixed monthly fee. I currently use Blockbuster, but thinking of switching to Netflix.
My local video rental place is a real small mom and pop kind of shop so I really like to offer them my business as much as I can, but after two discussions with them they are very hesitant to begin carrying any HD or BD DVD's anytime soon. Maybe they're just too small of a small video store. And I can't stand BlockBuster.

Does Netflix charge any extra for HD versions? What is your monthly $?
My local video rental place is a real small mom and pop kind of shop so I really like to offer them my business as much as I can, but after two discussions with them they are very hesitant to begin carrying any HD or BD DVD's anytime soon. Maybe they're just too small of a small video store. And I can't stand BlockBuster.

I have a bias against BlockBuster as well. I lived in Honolulu in the 90's (working in the hotel biz) and BB came in gangbusters and drove just about every mom & pop store out of business. Then. mission accomplished, the upped the price for the "new releases" wall by a buck, and their idea of a "new release" seemed to be any movie released in the current decade. :mad:

They've probably changed; I haven't been in one since 1997. I used Hollywood Video when I moved to Arizona, but they started going downhill after the Movie Gallery takeover, and I switched to Netflix.

Does Netflix charge any extra for HD versions? What is your monthly $?

No extra charge for HD (either HD DVD or BD), but my experience is since last summer HD DVD is much harder to get - new HD releases stuck in the queue with "very long wait". For new members they take very good care of you, but after a while and being a little "aggressive" on the turnaround on the unlimited plan (returning movies after only a day or two), they try to find ways to slow you down. They used to "throttle" you by not acknowledging your return for a few days (it's always overnight for me to the Tucson distribution center 30 miles away). Their newest ploy seems to be sending you movies from across the country. I swear half my rentals the past month or two have come up with "Your selection is not available from your local center, we're sending it to you from . . ." Massachusetts, Ohio, Kentucky, Baltimore etc. Funny, as I know they have another center in Phoenix, and a whole bunch "next door" in Calif. But, same postage cost for them and it slows delivery down several days going cross country. ;)

Plans start at $4.99/mo., 1 at a time, 2 max per month
You can change your plan any time; I switch between $8.99 for 1 at a time unlimited rentals during football & new TV shows in the Fall, and $13.99 for 2 at a time, unlimited rentals during the winter and football withdrawal. :p
Quote: No extra charge for HD (either HD DVD or BD), but my experience is since last summer HD DVD is much harder to get - new HD releases stuck in the queue with "very long wait". For new members they take very good care of you, but after a while and being a little "aggressive" on the turnaround on the unlimited plan (returning movies after only a day or two), they try to find ways to slow you down. They used to "throttle" you by not acknowledging your return for a few days (it's always overnight for me to the Tucson distribution center 30 miles away). Their newest ploy seems to be sending you movies from across the country. I swear half my rentals the past month or two have come up with "Your selection is not available from your local center, we're sending it to you from . . ." Massachusetts, Ohio, Kentucky, Baltimore etc. Funny, as I know they have another center in Phoenix, and a whole bunch "next door" in Calif. But, same postage cost for them and it slows delivery down several days going cross country. ;)


Thanks, I did hear a little about their tactics trying to slow down heavy renters. So you're saying that they could delay acknowledging the returned video so they wont have to send out the next. OK.

Then they say they are sending out your next chosen movie from a center farther away but not really? Or are they really are sending it from farther away? But what's the advantage for them to do that?

What is the turn around time is it to receive a HD DVD from them?
Thanks, I did hear a little about their tactics trying to slow down heavy renters. So you're saying that they could delay acknowledging the returned video so they wont have to send out the next. OK.

I think Netflix is great, just pointing out the cons with the pros. Must of their plans are X discs at a time, "unlimited" rentals. But, if you read the fine print, they say they "prioritize" shipments based on . . .[a lot of stuff] but including member usage. The biggest expense for Netflix in the round trip postage (your disc includes a Biz Reply Envelope), so the longer you keep a disc (never a late fee!), the lower the cost for them. My 2+ years' experience with them if you average 1 week per disc, your service if very prompt. The USPS is very efficient these days - even when the nearest Netflix center was in Phoenix (150 miles away, now they have one in Tucson, 30 miles away), when I dropped a Netflix disc in mailbox before mail delivery, Netflix acknowledged receipt the next morning - when I first started. But then when I would get a movie in the mail, watch it, and drop it in the mail the next morning, it suddenly takes 2 days to be acknowledged.

Then they say they are sending out your next chosen movie from a center farther away but not really? Or are they really are sending it from farther away? But what's the advantage for them to do that?

Well, I can't verify where the movie is actually shipped from (Biz pre-paid envelop, no postmark), but from my Tucson center the pre-paid biz reply return envelop always has Tucson as the return address. When they say they're shipping it from Wooster Mass or Cleveland OH, the return address is always the center they say they ship it from.

Why? The 1st Class postage is the same if you mail a letter to your next door neighbor, or from Florida to Alaska. But the delivery time is different.
They could be trying to distribute inventory based on local demand, but i suspect the reason is to slow you down if you're a little too aggressive with that "unlimited" part of your subscription.

What is the turn around time is it to receive a HD DVD from them?

You never know your closest distribution center until you join - they have no list. But, if you live in or near a major city, it should be a day or two. Folks in Minot, ND, may have a slightly longer turn around. :p

I like Netflix, and will continue to be a satisfied customer. Rentals average $3-4 each, based on # at a time & turnaround. Less than B&M rental stores, not a penny for gas, and much more convenient.
What is the turn around time is it to receive a HD DVD from them?

In a "perfect" situation, I could send back 3 discs on Monday. They acknowledge the returns on Tuesday and send out the next 3 that day and I receive them on Wednesday. That happens a lot for me. But I have also had the sending of discs from far away ploy, too. I usually get those discs on Friday or Saturday if I sent the previous discs on Monday (which I usually do).
I mostly rent (from Netflix). There are only few movies that I am willing to watch more than once or twice. Those I do buy.

Some of the greatest movies in the world are not easy to watch and may require special mood. So I prefer to buy them too.

And of course, there are some titles that I buy as a reference material, or just because I liked the packaging. ;)

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