Cable Forum Changes

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
We have been listening to your comments and suggestions regarding our Cable Television areas, and in response to your comments we have redone out Cable Television forums.

We have introduced a new "Cable Industry News" forum where you can post news reports about the cable industry.

When posting news stories please do not violate anyones copyright, make sure you include full credits for the story as well as the full url for the story.

In addition we have combined all of the cable forums into one big cable television forum. This was done for a number of reasons but we do hope that it ultimately makes for a more active cable television forum.

When posting to the cable tv forums please start the topic of the thread with the came of your cable company between brackets such as...

[TWC] (Time Warner Cable)
[BHOUSE] (Bright House Cable)
[COX] (Cox Cable)
[COMCAST] (Comcast Cable)

And so on...

This will make it easier for others to find information which matches their cable company.

We have kept the Verizon Fios forum seperate since Verizion is a FIBER cable teleivision service.

We hope you enjoy these changes! Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
I agree with Sean. This is not a good idea!

I have been visiting the cable forums just about every day for the past month and I found it to be very easy to find the information that I wanted. Now I will have to sift through all of the irrelevant posts to find what interests me.

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I feel the same way as you to its big cluster f*ck right now, much better the old way to find info about your provider
I just decided to stop using the cable forums here. I will just get my news from the Multichannel News website. It's just to hard to find stuff now!

Maybe we should have this forum and then have sub-forums of individual cable forums. At least like that the threads are organized.
I am in agreement with everyone, with so many Cable companies, this is horrendous. It's a PITA to find things relating to the cable company you want and it'll only get worse. Please put the cable companies back into their own forums.
This is not a good idea at all. You want to visit your own cable company forum to get news on your local cable company. It is much too cluttered now with all the cable companies put together. Scott, please separate them again. I want to read only Cablevision news, in my case, I do not want to sift through all the news for every cable company.
I don't like the new Cable Forum...big mess IMO. Also, I was really hoping the FiOS Forum would take off since we had posted a lot of good information out there...however, people are still posting their FiOS "stuff" on forums like, which surprisingly resembles our new Cable Forum.

I'm beginning to think is dying a slow death.:(
Gotta agree with everyone else. I don't care about every cable company, only mine. This looks like a big mess.
I feel the same way. We should keep this forum like it is, except make sub forums for all the cable companies we have so far.

DSLReports does this very well.
Used to look at the Cable forum area on occasion but it is time to move on. The "new" layout makes it worthless to look at only that part that interests me. Not sure who was being listened to but I was not one of them.
I read here a lot (hmm, that would be the past tense pronounciation) but rarely post. With the new change, it's too hard to drop in and easily find what's of interest to me. So, in case anyone is keeping track, I agree with the others: I prefer the older format.
Thank you for your feedback, as I said before we do pay attention to your comments and suggestions.

Do you have any suggestions on how we can add the areas back without clutting up the board? Any other cabletv things you would like to see?

Please keep the feedback coming! :)

Thanks again!
Scott Greczkowski said:
Thank you for your feedback, as I said before we do pay attention to your comments and suggestions.

Do you have any suggestions on how we can add the areas back without clutting up the board? Any other cabletv things you would like to see?

Please keep the feedback coming! :)

Thanks again!

Scott, I think the way it was before was perfect made it very easy to find exactly what one would be looking for, you would be able to find topic that pertained to your provider much much easier.
I just want to say to the core cable people that we are working on this so we should have a resolution soon. Keep posting your comments. Thanks.
Almost all discussions in Cable area are company-specific. Even STBs are company-specific: SA 8300 for one company is not the same thing as SA 8300 for another one. Totally different firmware!

I would keep company-specific discussions separate, perhaps as sub-forums of the main cable forum. We can also create a separate group of sub-forums for fiber and IPTV companies.

Resolution meanings

FCC Set to Vote on Adelphia July 13

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