Can I do this? Switch TV1 and TV2


Original poster
Sep 12, 2007
I have a 522 receiver. For whatever reason, my TV1 is out, but I'm still able to watch TV on my TV2. Unfortunately, TV1 is in our family room and TV2 is in our office. Is there a way I can change the two (even if it means having to watch the same thing on both tv's). The DISH folks don't come out until Sunday and it's just not comfortable watching TV in the office. So is this possible?? Thanks, it'll make life a lot easier around here if that's the case.
It seems to me like you could just switch the output that goes to TV2 to TV1. But I am no expert, still new here.

Just an idea, have you tried putting the box into single user mode to see if that will allow you to get TV in the family room?
It seems to me like you could just switch the output that goes to TV2 to TV1. But I am no expert, still new here.

Just an idea, have you tried putting the box into single user mode to see if that will allow you to get TV in the family room?

I did try putting the box into single mode, unless I did something wrong it only went into TV1 mode and TV1 is the mode that doesn't work at the moment. Not sure if I can swap the two, doesn't look like it. Swapping the cables might be an option, but right now I'm a little gun shy...not wanting to mess up my other TV. Thanks for the response.
go menu 6-1-3 wait until self test is done then go to details see if it detects LNB drift? if yous then there is nothing you can do
go menu 6-1-3 wait until self test is done then go to details see if it detects LNB drift? if yous then there is nothing you can do

Sorry, but what's an LNB drift? I didnt' see that.....

I did a check switch and it looks like my lnb is good, just no signal. That's my issue, no signal on TV1...for some reason TV2 has strong signal.
if you don't see it then it is good on older installs some times the LNB starts drifting. when you go to do check switch what exactly does it says? ( it is easier to trouble shoot when we know what it says)
if you don't see it then it is good on older installs some times the LNB starts drifting. when you go to do check switch what exactly does it says? ( it is easier to trouble shoot when we know what it says)

It of the sat inputs or switches is not connected properly. Normal operation will be adversly effected (no kidding).

Sat input 1 appears good. Sat input 2 has no signal, although the port's have good connections, no signal. "Status: connected to a dpp twin w/ separator, 3 ports"

Yep, I'm lost after that.....
Can't you just run a piece of coax from TV2 output to the TV1 Coax input? Then just tune to Cable 73 or Antenna 21 or whatever channel TV2 output is set to.

Even better just use a composite cable (Yellow, Red, White) and connect it to TV1.
i would say there is nothing you can do at this point except to replace LNB or receiver

Thanks for your assistance!!! I have DISH coming out Sunday and that's most like what will happen (replaced receiver). I just like to believe it's something simpler and I can make fix it. Doesn't look like it this time. Thanks again.
What channel do you watch tv in the office on? I mean the channel on the TV itself, not the Dish channel.
Swap tv cables on back of dish receiver. Tune main tv to the same channel the office TV is set to.
Main TV should now be working. (just remember it's now TV2)

Have tech switch things back when he/she gets there.
What channel do you watch tv in the office on? I mean the channel on the TV itself, not the Dish channel.
Swap tv cables on back of dish receiver. Tune main tv to the same channel the office TV is set to.
Main TV should now be working. (just remember it's now TV2)

Have tech switch things back when he/she gets there.

I'll have to give that a try. Thought about it, but it was late and didn't want to deal w/ it anymore last night.
I'll have to give that a try. Thought about it, but it was late and didn't want to deal w/ it anymore last night.

FYI...due to the switch box being out (I believe that's the problem), each morning since it went's made me do a check switch test before I view any TV. Well today I happened to do the check switch on the TV2 (the one that's been working)...TV2 no longer works, but TV1 is working. No running coax between tv's, no switching cables around and changing channels. Bizarre, but I got what I wanted.
Take a splitter, connect the TV2 output from the receiver to the input of the splitter. Then connect TV1 cable to the first output of the splitter, TV2 cable to the second output. You will be able to watch TV2 program on both TV1, TV2. Use the remote for TV2 to control the receiver.

poor reception on 3rd set

LNB drift after I "moved"

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