Cartoon Network HD

Which brings back my statement from the previous page:

I don't give a rat's petootie how clear the picture is... If it's distorted to fill the screen and there is no way for me to UN-distort it, it sucks worse than a grainy, artifacted, black & white picture with ghosting!

Stretch-o-vision is the work of Satan himself!
I am so tired of Voom fan boys whining in every HD related thread.

5th post on the thread and you have to bring Voom into the equation even though no one did but just you... There is a solution to the problem use the "ignore" button. Again this is about cartoon (wannabe) hd. Nothing wrong complaining about it since there is no hd... This is what the OP said... Why do you have to single out people with the incorrect logic? :confused:
Boooooo...BRAND NEW Venture Brothers shown in stretched letterbox last night :(

THAT has no solution :(
Then I am glad I am dragging my feet on making my e* or d* decision. If I was going to miss the season in HD, I would have forced myself to decide faster. (Now it is up to the two headed race of what happens first: STONE COLD CONCRETE fact nothing will happen to the rest of the e* dvr's or d* rolling out an HD only pack).

The producers have stated it was created and mastered in HD, why Turner chooses not to air it that way is beyond me. Someone seriously needs to smack 'round the CN execs.
WOW. Thats too bad. Thats the same thing History Channel pulls. Major Bullsh!t.

There is NO EXCUSE for that. NONE.


No, the History Channel actually shows programs produced in HD...IN HD.

Turner actually (supposedly) HAS HD masters in this case, but doesn't show them.

Everyone always complains about the A&E channels, but they are almost always in HD when I turn them on. Maybe it's because I just don't watch them much...generally, if I turn them on, it's to watch something new that has been promoted elsewhere (like Andromeda Strain).
As far as Venture Bros (and other HD) on CN, Jackson Publick (co-head guy on Venture) wrote this on his blog
It turns out the HD channel isn't fully operational yet and they're just getting used to things. I'm told that by the fall everything should be in place and our episodes will be aired from our full HD masters.
That's what I figured. People keep claiming to see HD on there, but I'm not sure I believe it.

It's quite possible "Cartoon Network HD" consists of one upscaler in a rack right now.
still looks way better than the sd version of it. by the way this channel today was going bonkers and it looked like it might be at their end.
Every time some one posts
still looks way better than the sd version of it

I will post:
I don't give a rat's petootie how clear the picture is... If it's distorted to fill the screen and there is no way for me to UN-distort it, it sucks worse than a grainy, artifacted, black & white picture with ghosting!

Stretch-o-vision is the work of Satan himself!
Every time some one posts

I will post:

And then I'll say "Just unstretch it...looks great"

And you'll say "Can't"

And I'll say "Why not?"

And you'll say "No one can"

And I'll say "I can...looks great"

And you'll say...
But stretched letterbox is where I draw the line. Oh, I saved something from my local CW...need to get a frame grab and post it. It was a Speed Racer commercial. 2.35:1 letterbox INSIDE a 4:3 pillarbox INSIDE a 16:9 letterbox INSIDE a 4:3 pillarbox! :eek::eek::eek:

(but I guess at least it wasn't stretched...)

EDIT- I posted this elsewhere, but here it is. (This is actually a gum commercial, not Speed Racer...)
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This is a close tie with another looser channel from dish, the weather channel, for the biggest waste of HD air space. Cartoons in HD??? totally lame, maybe Charlie is really following the demands of a four year old child?

Yes, I'm going to keep whining about loosing VOOM HD and will keep doing everything to persuade everyone in my personal network to drop dish like I will be by July. I've already had a dozen friends do the same and I hope Charlie and dish loose their buts in both the VOOM lawsuit and the TIVO lawsuit!
Is it me or weren't people complaining that DTV had theses channels and Dish didn't a couple of months ago? Now that Dish has them people are complain that Dish is carrying them. Also, it seems like Voom supporters are complaining the most.
Nothing wrong with cartoons in HD. So long as they are in real HD and good ones. The Cartoon Network should have a Samurai Jack marathon.

Oh and yes in the past people were complaining that Dish didnt have these channels. But those people are happy campers now (the lack of HD material aside). Those that dont want these channels rose up in their place and now we get to read about their complaints instead. I am waiting for the anti-SpeedHD faction to arise when it finally comes out.
This is a close tie with another looser channel from dish, the weather channel, for the biggest waste of HD air space. Cartoons in HD??? totally lame, maybe Charlie is really following the demands of a four year old child?!

OK, I'm going to take both sides of this argument.

Cartoons look fantastic in HD. Cartoon Network owns plenty of old material that was produced for theatres...some in Cinemascope. And honestly, even the upconverts look great, I just wish they wouldn't stretch them.

AND I'm not sure what "the demands of a 4 year old" have to do with it. A good third of their programming is aimed specifically at adults. The rest of their demographics are aged well above the age of 4. Noggin is the only channel I can think of specifically aimed at 4 year olds. BUT...why can't 4 year olds appreciate HD? This is almost as stupid as the people who seem to think that women don't appreciate HD.

The problem is, they aren't showing anything in HD. That's why it's a waste of "HD air space" (?) AT THIS TIME. If they actually showed anything in HD (Even if it was just the new Venture Brothers, which we KNOW was delivered in HD), it would be in my top 10 HD channel list. It's one of the few channels I watch regularly. Anyone can't spell the word "lose" really shouldn't be insulting 4 year olds, let alone educated people who just happen to appreciate the Dadaism of talking wads of meat.

As far as Weather Channel, I don't understand it myself. I tuned in regularly on cable, but only to see the local weather. Without the local info, it is worthless to me. However, Weather Channel is HIGHLY viewed, for whatever reason. Many of my clients swear by advertising on The Weather Channel. It is a very popular channel. It also is actually in HD. And it looks fantastic. Therefore it is probably one of the BEST uses of "HD air space" (?!?) when compared to something like Bravo HD. I may be more likely to watch Bravo than The Weather Channel, but that doesn't mean it's not a waste of bandwidth.

I guess my point here is just to remind you that you are not the center of the universe. Your opinion is not more important than other people's. In fact, considering YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL THE WORD "LOSE", I'm willing to bet your opinion is actually slightly less important than most other people's.
Hmm.. demands of a four year old? Funny, cause you can make the same argument 2 fold on d* - not only do they have the presently HD-free CN HD but also (from what I've heard) HD-free Nick HD (and carried both a heckuva lot longer than e* has). Maybe Charlies child advisor has a friend with d* ;)

As far as TWC HD, well - should have some pretty intense live (hopefully HD) coverage once the hurricane season starts. (Let's face it, other than local on the 8's - the only real reason to watch the weather channel is to watch the insane meterologists trying to stand in the midst of horizontal rain somewhere along the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico coasts during the late summer months- kind of a sad social commentary) But at least with the new set, there is a good deal of HD here.
I don't know about the 'demands of a four year old' bit but I will say that Cartoon Network was the last channel I needed to go HD so that I could switch to 'HD ONLY' without upsetting the family. While my children could care less about HD/SD, or stretch-o-vision for that matter, CN is really the only channel they ever watch... I wasn't going to take that away from them. However, I DO appreciate the ability to switch to 'HD only', thereby saving a lot of money each month without causing anyone in the family to miss out. Thank you Dish on that one.

As for 'waste of HD space', I'd agree with you except for the fact they aren't at full bandwidthe capacity right now anyway. Remember, there were 15 HD VOOM channels up at the same time for a day. Having Cartoon Network there is not causing a loss of any other HD channels at this time. Your agitation for CN being an HD channel should be directed elsewhere.

I agree that the 'stretch-o-vision' is dumb. While I am one of the lucky ones that can at least fix the 'stretched and letterboxed' content I do think that any kind of distorting the picture on the broadcasting end is obsurd. It amazes me that execs at the companies actually thinks this is a good idea.

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