Culinary recipes. Garden, vegetable garden.Belarus.

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Tasty, rich borscht with meat

Products |
Beef - ribs - 600-700 g
Beet of medium size - 1 pc.
Potatoes average - 3-4 pcs.
Onions - 1 head
Average carrot - 1 pc.
Sweet pepper large - 1 pc. (or 2 small ones)
Tomatoes - 2 pcs. (if they are not, then we use tomato paste)
Fresh cabbage - about 300 g
Greens (dill, onions)
Vegetable oil - for seasoning vegetables
Salt, pepper - to taste

1. First of all, we take a medium-sized saucepan, put washed meat in it, fill it with water (2.5-3 liters), salt to taste and put on fire. The meat will be cooked for a long time, the smallest - one hour.
At the initial stage it is important not to "miss" the moment of boiling water and remove the foam from the broth in time. In principle, the foam on the taste of soup will not affect, but certainly, spoil the appearance of the dish.
2. Vegetables, we wash, clean and cut.
3-4. Beets and peppers are cut into strips.
5. Tomatoes "doable" in the form of small pieces of arbitrary shape.
6. We shred onions finely. Carrots are best cut into small straws, but you can "drive" and through a large grater.
7. Cabbage shred like usual, not very large.
8. A potato - someone like it - straws or cubes. It remains to wait until meat is ready to cook.
We take the cooked meat from the saucepan with the help of a noise in a separate plate and let it cool down for now.
We turn on the second plate of the plate and put a frying pan on it. While the frying pan heats up, put the sliced potatoes into a saucepan with boiling broth. Add water to the broth. part of it evaporated when cooking meat. At the same time, we leave room for cabbage, meat and fry.
Next, in a heated frying pan, pour a little vegetable oil (literally, moisten the bottom), wait until it warms up, and begin to brown the vegetables. The first will go onions: it is fried until golden, this is about 3-5 minutes. Salt to taste.

Next comes the beet - it is the longest preparing. For her, we will take at least 10 minutes. Perhaps even if the beet is not too juicy, you will have to add water to the pan.

On the turn - carrots and peppers. They can be added at the same time. Another 5-7 minutes. And in the last place - tomatoes. Now once again we add salt and bring the vegetables to readiness.
9. At the same time, we put cabbage into broth. The amount of cabbage depends on the density of borscht. Someone likes a spoon to stand, but for someone, the soup should not be too thick. In a word, freedom of choice.
10. Vegetables passer for another ten minutes and directly from the frying pan to the pan with the broth.
11. Now we will "sort it out" with meat. It has already cooled down and is ready for further procedures. Remove the bones and cut the meat into small pieces.
And we also send it to the broth.
12. Now all our borscht ingredients are finally in one pan. But they still need to cook for about fifteen minutes.
And we will cut the greenery at this time. We will add it to each plate. However, you can fall asleep in the pan, after the borsch is ready. A matter of taste.
13. Estimated time has expired, borscht cooking has come to an end. Turn off the stove and pour a fragrant black ground pepper to taste.You can add a little garlic. Close the pan with a lid!


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Borisov-54, Thank you so much. Will try the chicken borscht first. You have a real talent for presenting recipes.
You have a real talent for presenting recipes.
These are all simple non-complex recipes. Checked by time, I love to cook. When my grandchildren come to visit me for the summer holidays and teach them how to cook delicious recipes. And the vegetables and fruits grown in my garden. It is an environmentally friendly product. I do not take chemistry kitchen garden. And I use only waste from cows, chickens, horses.




This photo was 2 years ago.
Also that at me grows on a kitchen garden.


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???? ???????? ??????. We have many different borscht recipes. I suggest you two more recipes for a hot summer. Checked in a warm summer. It is very good to try a cold chill.

Borscht cold meat

Products (for 4 servings)
Beef - 400 g
Beetroots - 500 g
Onion green - 125 g
Fresh cucumbers - 250 g
Sour cream 200 g
Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
Vinegar 6% - 40 g
Dill - 1 bunch (to taste)
Salt - 1 teaspoon (to taste)

1 .Products according to the recipe for cold borscht with meat.
2. Boil the meat until cooked. For this, pour the meat with cold water, bring to a boil. Salt. Cook over low heat under the lid until ready (about 60-90 minutes).
3. Table beetroot wash, place in a saucepan, pour cold water, bring to a boil. Cook the beet until cooked over a small fire under the lid (about 60 minutes).
4. Ready meat to take out, chill and cut.
5. Strain broth through gauze / sieve /
6. Decoction of beets strain and cool
7. Boil hard-boiled eggs (10 minutes from the boiling point). Boil hot water. Eggs pour cold water, cool.
8. Cut beets and cut into strips.
9. Boiled eggs cleaned, finely chopped.
10.Peel green onions, wash, chop.
11.Cucumbers to wash, cut into strips.
12.All connect.
13.All pour the beet broth and meat broth (1.75 liters). Broth of meat and decoction of beets - proportions to taste.
14.Stir well. Cold borscht fill to taste with sour cream, sugar, salt, vinegar.
Meat cold borsch (cold beetroot on meat broth) is ready.
15.Dill and finely chop.
16.When serving, add dill and put a piece of boiled meat in a bowl with cold borscht or cut the meat in the same way as vegetables are cut.
Bon Appetit!


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Holodnik Belarusian

Products (6 servings). Preparation time - 50 minutes
Water - 700-800 ml
Beet - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 2 pcs.
Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
Green onion - 1 beam
Dill or parsley greens - 1 bunch
Salt - 0,5 tsp.
Sour cream - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
Vinegar (optional) - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Prepare food.
2. Beet in the peel pour water, boil until cooked (40 minutes).
3-4. Beetroot clean and grate. Cucumber to grate on a large grater.
5. Eggs boil hard (pour cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes), peel and finely chop.
6-7.Chop onion. Greenery to chop.
8. Mix beets and cucumbers, add finely chopped eggs, chopped green onion and dill. Salt, if desired, add vinegar.
9. Pour water (boiled cold or mineral).
10.Spread on plates, season with sour cream.


In this recipe, boiled potatoes can be added.
But I eat this recipe with boiled potatoes / only cooked in the peel, so in potato all the useful potato vitamins /
The potato goes instead of bread.


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I offer a very delicious recipe. Zrazy with egg and green onion. Often I do it.
And for lunch to this recipe, combine with the home cooking of dishes.


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Zrazy with egg and green onion.

It is possible to name and -kotleta with an egg and a green onion

Products (8 servings)
Meat (with chicken thighs) - 500 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Bread white - 2-3 slices
Cream (or milk) - 100 ml
Eggs of chicken - 2 pcs.
Green onions - 2-3 pcs.
Breadcrumbs - 4 tbsp.
Salt - to taste
Pepper black ground - to taste
Vegetable oil for frying

1.Ingredients for cooking zraz with eggs and green onions.
2.Cream / milk / heat until hot and soak white bread in them.
3.Onion peeled, cut into quarters.
4.Pass meat through the meat grinder with soaked bread and onions. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5.It is good to knead minced meat and beat it in a bowl or on a table. If you beat the stuffing well, it will acquire the necessary viscosity and it will not need to add an egg. Cover the bowl with a stuffing lid and put into the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
( I personally add one raw egg. It will be even more delicious. )
6.Cut green onions into thin rings.
7.Slightly fry the onion in warm oil to make it softer and more fragrant.
8.Eggs boil, peel and cut into cubes.
9.Mix the green onions and eggs, salt and pepper to taste.
10.To make zrazy - / cutlets /, it is convenient to use food film. On the cutting board spread the food film. A tablespoon of scoop a portion of stuffing. Piece of minced meat to lay on the film, on top place the stuffing.
11.Raise the edges of the film and make zrazy as a form of pie.
12.You can do this all with your hands, moisten your fingers with water, but with a film it turns out more accurately and even faster.
13.Zrazy - / cutlets / -wipe on both sides in breadcrumbs.
14.Fry in well-warmed vegetable oil on both sides.
15.Fried zrazy- / cutlets / bring to the preparedness under the lid on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
16.Bon Appetit!


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Potato pancakes with onions, cheese and garlic.

Products (for 4 servings)
Potatoes - 8 pcs.
Cheese hard - 100 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Garlic - 2 cloves
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml (how much will go)
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste

-Peel potatoes, wash, grate (large or small).
-Peel onion and garlic, wash, grate.
-Grate the cheese on the grater.
-Peel the potatoes and put them in a bowl. Add eggs, cheese, onions and garlic.
-Salt, pepper, mix well. Add the flour.
-Then again, mix well.
-Preheat the frying pan, pour the vegetable oil. In a hot oil put a tablespoon of potato paste in the form of pancakes.
Fry potato pancakes with onions, garlic and cheese over medium heat until golden, 1-2 minutes on one side.
-Turn over, cover a minute and fry the pancakes with cheese until golden on the other side (another 1-2 minutes).
-Potato pancakes with cheese and garlic are ready.

Delicious, especially with sour cream and other kind of meat.
To such pancakes. I'm still making toast with meat and chicken eggs.


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Potato pancakes

Products (for 3 portions)
Potatoes - 11 pcs.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Vegetable oil for frying

- Potatoes rub on a large or small grater, immediately put on a strainer or colander. Squeeze the potato juice.
- Add salt, pepper, eggs.
- Stirring.
- Fry potato pancakes over medium heat in sufficient oil on both sides.
- Serve potato pancakes with sour cream or with applesauce.



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This is a timely recipe, as we are all ready, as soon as it stops snowing, to plant potatoes.
I was wondering about parboiling first, kind of like I zap a potato when I make Hasbrowns for breakfast, would this work?
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Lightly salted mackerel

Why overpay twice for light-salted fish in the store. All this can be done at home. We buy fresh-frozen fish, mackerel or herring. It is better to take mackerel, there are fewer bones in it. Choose a recipe that you like and prepare.
I like this recipe.
- salt - 5 tablespoons
- sugar - 2 tablespoons
- black tea without additives - 3 tablespoons
- onion - 1 piece
- water - 1 liter

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan. Add salt, sugar, chopped onions, black tea. You can take more tea, it all depends on its quality. He, first, the color of the fish gives smoked, and secondly, tannins make it dense and beautiful. Marinade is boiled for 5 minutes and left aside until completely cooled.

At this time, we clean the fish, remove the head and the insides, rinse. If the fish was frozen, let it thaw to a state that can be cleaned and marinated.
Fill the fish with marinade and put in the fridge for 2 - 3 days. Before pouring the marinade, I prefer it when the fish is cut into several pieces.
I noticed that it is more delicious when chunks in marinade.
After 2-3 days, I take the fish from the marinade, rinse a little in the water. Then I put it in a jar, I cut onions with rings and pour a little sunflower oil. This is for 1-2 hours procedure.
We get and eat a nice and delicate fish, with which you love ...
You can take this recipe. And many others that you like.
Freshly frozen mackerel - 2 pcs.
Water - 1 l
Salt - 6 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Pepper black peas - 5-6 pieces.
Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.



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Interesting photo and video.

Rerun of cops. I am looking into anti football device also.

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