Current on D* (I have almost had it)

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Supporting Founder
Jan 9, 2005
Heart of Dixie
This morning I was surfing the channels before work and I noticed that we now get Al Gore's Current channel.

I almost wanted to cry, this is perhaps the worst channel I have ever seen. What is wrong with DirecTV? In the past couple of months they have added LRW, Fox Reality, LOGO and now Current, yet they claim they have no bandwidth for more HD channels. I am just not buying it anymore. You're telling me they could't have added TNTHD instead of these four waste of space channels. What are they thinking?

If they don't get their act together by January, when my commitment is up I will gladly jump ship to E* The only reason I chose D* over E* is because of TIVO. (Don't get me wrong, I love MY HDTIVO and it was one of my greatest purchases ever) but soon D* will have their own untested DVR which they haven't even dropped a hint about, and as far as I know, there will not be a mpeg4 HDTIVO (BIG MISTAKE) Therefore, as I see it there will be no reason to stay with D*.

They better get off of their collective a$$e$ soon and announce some kind of plans. The Voom Package along with E* HD lineup is looking better and better everyday.
if I had D*, I would love those 4 channels. Not everyone has HD, so those channels 'you dont like' benefit everyone that wants to watch them.

What's wrong with LRW, Fox Reality, LOGO, and CurrenTV?
lvkewlkid said:
What's wrong with LRW, Fox Reality, LOGO, and CurrenTV?

They suck. :D
LRW = 24/7 chick flix = crap
Fox Reality = 24/7 Joe Millionaire = crap
LOGO = 24/7 homosexual programming = crap (less than 10% of the population is gay)
CurrentTV = 24/7 weird news channel that bores the snot out of me = crap

If someone out there actually enjoys all four of those channels, then I am happy for him/her. But, my point was D* claims "we don't have enough bandwidth for more HD" yet they keep adding channels that I don't here anybody asking for, yet internet forums are filled with people wanting ESPN2HD and TNTHD. It does not make any sense to me, and I am certain I am not the only one who feels this way.

I personally don't care about ESPN2HD because there is hardly ever HD content on ESPNHD (that is an entirely different complaint, but not D* fault)
JeffreyDJ said:
Other than being useless, nothing. 3 of them have more infomercials then actual content.

If DirecTv is as bad as you say with no hope in the future, why not pay the early termination fee and go with Dish? I wouldn't waste 5 more months. Make that move. I'm sure Rupert will survive. Just stop with the idle threats about leaving. :no
shugo77 said:
This morning I was surfing the channels before work and I noticed that we now get Al Gore's Current channel.

If you understood what ACTUALLY understood the situation with this channel, you would know that all D* did was continuing the service as being delivered to them - NWI was changed TO Current & D* had NO sayso in the switch. They didn't ADD ANYTHING. :rolleyes: :confused:

And as far as switching to E*, go ahead & switch & see just how much WASTED bandwidth there is on EVERY foreign channel that E* can possibly add - at least with the channels you mentioned above, at least you CAN understand them. :eek: Other than locals, E* hasn't added an English channel in months... ;)
dishrich said:
If you understood what ACTUALLY understood the situation with this channel, you would know that all D* did was continuing the service as being delivered to them - NWI was changed TO Current & D* had NO sayso in the switch. They didn't ADD ANYTHING. :rolleyes: :confused:

Thanks for the info I did not realize that, however; that does not change the fact that the channel is worthless crap

dishrich said:
And as far as switching to E*, go ahead & switch & see just how much WASTED bandwidth there is on EVERY foreign channel that E* can possibly add - at least with the channels you mentioned above, at least you CAN understand them. Other than locals, E* hasn't added an English channel in months...

I guess I am just getting tired of seeing all of the commercials "150 national hd channels" yet they can't even give us TNTHD to hold us over until their fairy tale dream comes true
DobyMax said:
If DirecTv is as bad as you say with no hope in the future, why not pay the early termination fee and go with Dish? I wouldn't waste 5 more months. Make that move. I'm sure Rupert will survive. Just stop with the idle threats about leaving. :no

I don't think anyone said DirecTV has no hope for the future.
I don't want to pay the early termination fee and leave now because I love my HDTIVO. And I am willing to wait for D* until January, However if January comes and still no news from D* regarding new HD channels....bye bye D*

All I want is some confirmed news, and right now E* HD content smokes D* HD content. Not to mention E* has WB and UPN nationals, why can't D* add those?

I am sure that D* will be on top one day, but when? I want what is best right now, not 3 or 4 years from now.
I happen to like LRW and im a man. I love watching Laverne and Shirly again and Suddenly Susan.Fox Reality was a factor in me getting D*.Not everyone has hd or wants that.I had E* before and they had not much real variety for me anyways.
Adding SD Channels Vs. Adding HD channels are two horses of different color.

Adding SD they add it to 101... ther eis very little space on 101 and absolutely no space for HD... that is why HD is on the other 2 birds 119 and 110... and there is practicly no space left on them. d* would have to compress HD much more than they already do to add another HD channel.

and their addition of 3 SD channels brings them more reveunue than 1 HD channel... its about making money with a best fit situation. dont worry though we will soon have plenty of HD. But none before SW 1 and 2 are operational.

and for the record I like LRW and FR... LR has some funny old stuff and FR has some pretty good shows on it that I used to watch.
riggscm said:
WGN is a national WB programmer.

Uh, evidently you have NOT watched the national WGN feed lately - they have NOT had WB prog on it for YEARS - YOU are probably getting the local feed, which is totally different from the national feed everyone ELSE gets... ;) :rolleyes:
This thread is cracking me up. Come on hugo, tell us its worthless crap again. ROFL!!
Each provider offers channels that the other does not. I'm happy with the lineup from Directv.

Would I like to see more HD? You bet! But I'd rather wait until they have the capacity to do it too. I don't like the overcompression that's on the channels now.

I left E* due to their bickering with channel providers, and interrupted service on one channel that is very popular broke it with me. I have never had this happen with D*. Plus I feel that you get more of a deal with D* than E*.
shugo77 said:
This morning I was surfing the channels before work and I noticed that we now get Al Gore's Current channel.

Well, here's one person that's happy to have Current on DirecTV... :yes
Although I did not watch CRNT for an extended time, I thought the format (a string of short segments) wasn't too bad as long as they update the contents frequently enough.

Also, I felt that it was somewhat like a high-production-value high school TV channel, or something like that... :p

hongcho said:
Also, I felt that it was somewhat like a high-production-value high school TV channel, or something like that... :p

That's essentially what it is. It's for teens and young adults or so I've heard. Also very cool how they offer $$ for local features sent in by kids.
Chado said:
This thread is cracking me up. Come on hugo, tell us its worthless crap again. ROFL!!

What am I a clown? Am I hear for your entertainment?..LOL
ok, ok... I'll say it but just one more time,
along with...
LRW, FR & especially......LOGO ;)

I'm sorry for sounding like an ungrateful crybaby, I just want more HD

I have 9 HD channels including my OTA locals. and I probably watch those 9 channels 80% of the time, compared to the other 100 or so SD channels.
People that don't have HD just don't realize what they are missing, once you watch something in HD it is hard to watch something else in SD.
Quote: People that don't have HD just don't realize what they are missing,
Reply: Not everyone can afford an HDTV, and some of us would like the people with HD to stop complaining, the channel additions need to benefit everyone not just HD'ers.

Current, LRW, FR, and LOGO all sound interesting, since i'm on E*. I am sick of HD additions, I feel that general interest SD channels should be added.
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My saga last night with D* ;)

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