Customer's Who Are Rude And Want Everything Free

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hdtvtechno said:
Right on, thats why they ask you your phone number before setting up your account,

theres a website that have a service, and you can do it that way, but for a fee, ;) , but not telling where, what url, i'll leave that to your lurking around and finding it on your own ;)

There are those ways but they can be traced with ease. I'm talking about government ways that allow direct access to a phone companies servers from a remote computer that can't be traced and yes there are ways to do this without being traced its just something that very few can do because they have no hardware that can do this. That happens to be what I could do if I obtained the proper clearance and passwords. I'm saying this because that is what had to be done in the days when we had to deal with that whole MSN TV or WEBTV 911 problem. We had to get that stopped because our systems were getting overloaded even MacDills systems were getting overloaded and with MacDill being one of the key central HQ for the US Air Force that as you could see became a big problem.

None of this above for the most part has anything todo with D* but just informs you that much more can be done than all of you think. For example if D* thinks a customer is stealing service they can go to that areas local FBI center and the FBI can get a list of every single package from any company that was delivered to this address and see if that list has a company that could have sold an access card that was altered and if they find a hit than they can force that company to show those records and if they say they don't have the records the company will be shut down and charged because they failed to keep records like they are required to do this type of business. Now say they have the record with the order where they had the time and IP address they can trace that down to the ISP and its hub and than the ISP would be required by law to give the customers account information that had that IP address at that time in that hub and all websites that customer visited within that timeframe.

With that said I hope that gives you an idea of what they can do. Also for example if you bought it from someone locally and paid by cash also be aware that the FBI often offers great deals for the key guys to give many names of their customers. Also remember that the FBI can always get involved when your dealing with the airwaves and that includes satellite beams. Most people don't know that when a crime is committed locally that the FBI may want to get involved but they can't but the bad guys are stupid to enough to make a call using a cell phone this using the airwaves and giving the FBI the chance to take the case over. Also making an out of state call can get the FBI involved because that is considered crossing state lines.

Boy I go on when I get going but consider that everyones lesson for today.
omg you guys are so not getting the point i wasn't talking about the pay per view option, goodness, i am saying we can find the signal and where it is being transmitted to, if you don't have a phone line connected you can still order ppv until you reach your ppv limit which is based off of your credit report.
stone phillips420 said:
i like how you give off the impression that your a good csr, but based on your previous posts, imho you seem like a dullard

i enjoy my job and i enjoy saying no to people who do not deserve anything, if you do not pay your bill on time, then why should i give you something for free? yeah right! sorry but there is a due date on a bill for a reason just like power, gas, phone, and whatever else you pay if you do not pay it then it will get turned off.
I love being a pot stirrer ... I am the King of D* credit. I made a thread about it. But I have been a D* customer for 8 or the last 9 years and they keep degrading the quality so I figure the $800+ I have received since August 04 is fair game. Thanks for the credits candy.
omg you guys are so not getting the point i wasn't talking about the pay per view option, goodness, i am saying we can find the signal and where it is being transmitted to, if you don't have a phone line connected you can still order ppv until you reach your ppv limit which is based off of your credit report.

I know what your talking about and I have a very high clearance with the US AirForce and I can promise you that D* can't do this without a two way dish because we can't even do this without something being on a persons house. That signal is being sent everywhere and your dish only receives it. Even using the spaceways sats for VOD D* would still need to use either the internet, phone line or a two way adapter on the dish so a customer can play the show.

We all have said that this can't be done and why and if you keep saying it can it will only start fights and as such I would ask my fellow mods about locking this thread if those fights start. I don't tend to get involved with mod type issues but again people who actually know all agree it can't be done and whoever told you it can is wrong and if their system showed you how todo it it still is using a phone line which you aren't noticeing. The only thing I can think of this being true is if a customer had a DirectWay two way dish that had a D* TV adapter on it and again it would be the dish telling D* where it is only if a phone line is connected to one of the boxes houses. Again even a two way dish isn't a GPS dish so again that dish can't tell D* where it is it can only tell D* what a box wants such as with their internet service.
I love being a pot stirrer ... I am the King of D* credit. I made a thread about it. But I have been a D* customer for 8 or the last 9 years and they keep degrading the quality so I figure the $800+ I have received since August 04 is fair game. Thanks for the credits candy.

hahaha.. to be honest, if even a 4year customer called me and said "hey bro, i dont like paying 41.99 a month, hook me up" if hes a good customer, i would credit the sh*t out of him. so if you've been a customer for 8 or 9 years, most agents love talking to people like you. your the people who keep DTV in business. your the guy who pays my car that the cheap asses who want all the equipemnt and set up for free then hear it 4 months that there friend just got it and go somethign else for free, and want the same thing as them. All new customers are usually dicks. more power to you..

and candygirl, your obviously not as intelligent and in the loop as you think you are. if we can tell where the signal is being broadcasted who, then why doesn't dtv have lawsuits for everyone stealing DTV sat..... to lazy to drive to that specific spot. give me a break. get off the internet, you are wasting everyones time..

BTW, its funny to me, as a DTV agent, i learn more here then i do in DTV's trainings.. haha... keep up the good work
I also highly doubt your PPV limit is based off your credit report. As far as I know there are two limits, one for items (like 20) and one for a doller amount, but from my understanding your much more likely to reach the doller amount first. Also, I'm pretty sure all customer's limits are the same, unless the phoneline is infact disconnected. Then it's at $0.00.
and yes we really can find out where the signal is being broadcast to, thats why we have lawsuits going on against customers for signal theft. duhh!!

D* signal theft lawsuits are based upon individuals purchasing grey market card hacking devices / services NOT by location! Please try to get your facts straight.
omg you guys are so not getting the point i wasn't talking about the pay per view option, goodness, i am saying we can find the signal and where it is being transmitted to, if you don't have a phone line connected you can still order ppv until you reach your ppv limit which is based off of your credit report.

To un-tech-ify LonghornXP's response: :D

the process you state above is NOT 2 way. You can easily assign services centrally to a given card. That means you can "push" access to a card, but nothing gets "pulled" from the card.

Easy example - you order PPV via the remote. D* can't even reconcile that to other receivers in the house WITH a phone call, much less without one!
Candygirl is a phony and a fraud. In this post he uses an ID of "Candygirl" portraying himself as a D* CSR who is tired of all the whining customers. In a VOOM thread he uses the ID "Ancalagowit81" claiming he is an installer who does 40 VOOM installs a week. In another D* string he claims he has done thousands of D* installs. This is all BS! In reality he is a nut case and "Provocatuer" who dabbles in fantasy. In other recent posts he assumes other ficticious roles either with this user name or another. You can spot him because he has a distictive and unusual writing style. He capitalizes every word.
In all of this clown's posts elsewhere he capitalizes each word. When somone metioned it in here he claims "FONTS' and then capitalizes none of his words. Forums are a great thing. Problem is they attract sick lonely people who can be anything they want in front of a forum audience. This poor soul is one of those; whether he is "Candygirl" the CSR today or Ancalagowit81 the professional installer on another day, the behavior satisfies something lacking in his life. Problem is too many fall for this sort of foolishness from the likes of him.
robbie3130 said:
I also highly doubt your PPV limit is based off your credit report. As far as I know there are two limits, one for items (like 20) and one for a doller amount, but from my understanding your much more likely to reach the doller amount first. Also, I'm pretty sure all customer's limits are the same, unless the phoneline is infact disconnected. Then it's at $0.00.
I don't personally know what the PPV limit is determined by as I don't activate accounts, but there are several tiers and its all money based, not number of items.
Elstevo said:
I don't personally know what the PPV limit is determined by as I don't activate accounts, but there are several tiers and its all money based, not number of items.

Most comapnies I've dealt with use a persons credit report to set their limits on PPV dollar amounts and its been proven that person with a very high credit score such as myself will always be ontime and as such is a much less risk than another customer with bad credit. Now keeping good credit is getting harder these days because I've had to keep track of my bills even earlier than before while paying nearly right away because it seems that I'm always getting bills very late or not at all and that can be a problem. I've had to fight just about two months ago a late payment because I didn't pay enough were the truth of it is that the company didn't enter to correct amount on my check and I figured out that one of my numbers wasn't clear but it should have been clear when I spelled it out below but they don't look at this stuff. So I had to contact all three credit companies and have them fix my credit once I faxed in the actual check and I forced the company to send an update to the credit companies and explain their errors. The funny thing was the company who made the mistake always said I had to prove they made a mistake and even when I did they claimed that the check was forged.

I also had Bank Of America charge me a late payment and later found out that I had 10 other checks cleared at least 2 weeks before my BOA check which was mailed two weeks before the others but cleared almost three weeks after the others. Now I started mailing all my checks via first class mail where they sign for it just to piss them off and they deserve it to be honest. But that is america today where companies can make tons of mistakes but its always up to us the consumer to correct and prove their own mistakes for them.

Edit...also just in case you want to know it seems that when I told Bank of America to shove it and I would take my hundreds of thousands of dollars and my mortage somewhere else it was funny seeing how fast they said it was their mistake and how fast they fixed my credit and even credited back my late fee twice. I say this because even their best customers they screw and whats funny it was a Bank of America credit card that I was late on and I paid with my Bank of America checking account and it seems that they didn't notice that I had checks out of order inbetween nor did they notice that I wasn't against paying it because I would never ever even come close to not having enough money to pay it. Hell they give me 500,000 credit limit on their credit card a week after that late payment. Heck I even told them I would never even got their credit card if it wasn't for the fact that every decent hotel required a credit card to book a room even though I was willing to pay thousands in deposit for the room they always said only credit cards will do. Its crazy how even a high end hotel room that cost 500 a night still can't trust a person who gives them a downpayment that is four times what the room will cost. I just hate using credit cards because I just don't want to deal with billing issues which seem to happen to me quite a bit.

Boy I'm on a rant now. Heck even now in first class on airlines you can't grab your own wine anymore or they would throw a fit. I remember when I flew with my father they pretty much owned the plane and did nearly anything they wanted.
ppv limit is off of your credit report smarty, if you had to do a pre-payment you limit is $49.99 but if you have good credit your limit is $200.00

robbie3130 said:
I also highly doubt your PPV limit is based off your credit report. As far as I know there are two limits, one for items (like 20) and one for a doller amount, but from my understanding your much more likely to reach the doller amount first. Also, I'm pretty sure all customer's limits are the same, unless the phoneline is infact disconnected. Then it's at $0.00.
LonghornXP said:
Bottom line is you are the farthest thing from being a D* employee. Now your steel town must be one of the very very very very very very very very very few towns or plants that would ever say this because a Union wouldn't destroy a company but I could see workers that always complained and wanted more destroy it but unions aren't designed so the workers could get everything they wanted they were designed so that the employer couldn't screw their workers like what is being done today.

I promise you a national union isn't a problem just look at UPS and if you ask UPS drivers how they like their job and than ask a FedEx driver how they like their job I promise you will be amazed.

Right now in my area I talked to a FedEx driver who was getting 8.75/hour and has been a driver for 5 years and worse they gave him a piggy back truck so he does the next day people that need it by 10am and drops off the back truck and goes back on his route and does the rest. They have no benefits and they have been given more and more work.

Now I happened to talk with a UPS driver that was a driver for 2 and a half years but granted he had to work inside at the starting job for about 3 years at 10+ per hour and once he got an opening to get a drivers route he got bumped up to 17.25/hour and UPS pays for health insurance and offer all the standard benefits such as 401K and profit sharing. They don't piggy back to save the cost of another driver. During Christmas UPS hires extra temp workers to help the drivers so the drivers can just driver and bring up packages while the helper delivers to the houses which is something FedEx doesn't do. That right there is a shocking difference and the FedEx guy said he was working at UPS at night becaue he needed the extra money plus he was waiting until he could get a route with UPS. Just think about that for a second.

Here is how helpfull a union is to UPS workers.....drivers aren't quitting so getting a route is near impossable. Now one other factor to point out is that even with all those big advantages that FedEx has money wise you wouldn't think that UPS would be number 1 with FedEx not even being close. UPS bottom of the barrel workers make more money per hour than FedEx drivers of 5 years while some drivers at UPS make over 20 an hour plus overtime which I think they said was double time but it could be time and a half.

Now you just read that carefully and tell me if you actually believe what you just said. If you do believe what you said than it wasn't the union to screwed things up in steel town it was the workers that screwed it up.

Hey now I know why UPS is such a sorry ass company! They're unionized! Seriuosly I NEVER use UPS anymore. They are a horrible company. I've had so many things lost or broken from them it's crazy. They are also always a day behind Fed Ex Ground in everything I deliver.

FedEx is awesome. They're cheaper, faster, more reliable, and they don't have near the problem with breakage UPS does.

PS, Candygirl. Typing Like This Makes You Look Like An Idiot.
Gasp! Really now...

Considering "CANDYGIRL" states that she cancels the peoples accounts, yet, if she's doing that she has to be Retention. And, if they're retention, they'd know that it costs less to KEEP a customer than it does to get a new one. So, a customer that's been with DTV for say... 5 years is more than worth $250 credit for whatever. Considering that after about 2 years of being a DTV good cust it's all profit(Well, fine, MOSTLY.) on that person from there on.

Erm, last I was aware, the IPPV limit was 49.99 for everybody at activation and was raised based on the customers history with the COMPANY, not the credit report. (Up to $200.) So that means... A late payment would affect that.

"And The Whole "you Treat Your New Customer's Better Than Your Existing Customers!" That's Getting Old As Well, It Is What It Is, You Recieved A New Customer Offer Too, Don't Forget!!!" ... Really now, are you aware a LOT of these people spent the $800 on the receiver back when DTV first came out? I do think that a good customer like this deserves the price & install of a DVR(For example) waived if they really don't feel that they should pay for it.

Oh yeah... Yes, we're all people... However, who are you going to b***h at when you've had a bad time with a company? If you READ your scripts... They all say something along the lines of... "If customer insists... Do X" "If customer REALLY insists... Waive completely"... Which reads as... Don't do much at all for the customer if they're not upset about paying for something they don't believe they have to. Also, those customers want to release their anger somewhere. They do know it's not your fault, however, they also know that you're the ONLY person they can talk to about this. If you LISTENED to your customers you'd most likely hear them tell you first: "I'm really sorry you got this call, this isn't YOUR fault at all, but..."

--> PS, Candygirl. Typing Like This Makes You Look Like An Idiot.

I Wonder If My Account Has Idiot Typing In It If CandyGirl Has Accessed It Before.
If you believe "Candygirl" works for D* then you're a bigger fool than she (he) is.
prove who you are

ppv limit is off of your credit report smarty, if you had to do a pre-payment you limit is $49.99 but if you have good credit your limit is $200.00


answer these questions, and if you are a real directv group employee you will know the answers. i will tell the others the correct answers, no ill pm scott, let him decide.

1 i am a sbca tech formerly a hsp tech generating 200 calls to directv for installs per mo, do i get total choice free ?

2 what was the boise call center before it was a directv call center?

3 if i still get directv for free, what is the dept i have to call to get services changed or to add irds?

4 what is the largest directv call center in the country in terms of total employees??? owned and operated or outbased it doesnt matter, name the largest, im a tech and know the answer.

5 how many employees are at the largest ?

where is the PRIMARY up ink?

7 where is the back up up link

1 to 3 right , good guess
3 to 5 i might believe
5 to 6 dtv employee
7 you are me

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