Daylight savings update?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Feb 17, 2006
North Wales, PA, USA
Does anyone know if an upcoming or past update will address the change in Daylight Savings this year? It starts March 11 this year and I hope the fix will be in before then..
Does anyone know if an upcoming or past update will address the change in Daylight Savings this year? It starts March 11 this year and I hope the fix will be in before then..

Interesting question seeing as the time change is different starting this year. I wonder if Charlie even knows..
Talk about stupid, the f*cking government needs to leave time changes alone, it will just cause a bunch of headaches and accomplish nothing, then the idiots will probably change it back again next year!! :mad:

The DST adjustment is going to cause a lot of problems I haven't seen mentioned. Our satellite equipment will eventually be OK, of course.

Think of all the equipment in your house with clocks that were hardwire-programmed to the prior dates. They won't change on the earlier March date, so you'll have to reset them manually. On the original April date, they will change, so you'll have to reset them again. The same will happen in the fall. That's four manual adjustments for what was an automated feature.

I'm thinking VCR's, clocks, camcorders, etc.
Yea I think the government should have better things to do then worry about the time :rolleyes: . I know Microsoft just sent out an update a month or so ago to fix the problem. I'm sure Dish will also send out an update before it goes into affect.
I wish they would just get rid of daylight savings time period instead of changing clocks 2 times a year.Do away with it now.Daylight Savings Time is a pain in the butt.
I wish they would just get rid of daylight savings time period instead of changing clocks 2 times a year.Do away with it now.Daylight Savings Time is a pain in the butt.

I agree but the recreation industry (like Golf) will never let that happen, too many $ involved.

Agreed that adjusting the dates was a silly idea. But most of your appliances should have an option to turn off the auto-set. In some cases, like with your computer, it can be programmed to set itself off a central server, so that shouldn't be a problem, either.

I suppose if this is the biggest thing we have to complain about, we're all doing OK.
Interesting question seeing as the time change is different starting this year. I wonder if Charlie even knows..
Charlie probably doesn't know... but I'm sure that the EchoStar Engineering Department does know.
And I don't think that the receiver software has provisions for DST anyway - I think that E* just adjusts the EPG data. The receivers get their "time of day" information from the uplink.
Daylight Savings Time is just that energy conservation.If anybody wants to complain to the author we would have to dig up Ben Franklin(remember National Treasure?).I would like to see DST permanent for conservation the only problem I see is the schools need to adjust their schedules accordingly.I can hardly wait for
it to get here so I can save some money.:)
Talk about stupid, the f*cking government needs to leave time changes alone, it will just cause a bunch of headaches and accomplish nothing, then the idiots will probably change it back again next year!! :mad:


Maybe not next year but you are correct, they very well may change it back:

"Congress retains the right to resume the 2005 Daylight Saving Time schedule once the Department of Energy study is complete."

Also under consideration: a 2 HOUR change versus 1.

For us in the IT world, it is practically another Y2K headache!
They should of just pushed the clocks 30 minutes ahead from now and LEAVE it there all year. Then the earths orbit around the sun would take care of the daylight naturally without us changing our clocks forward and backward each year.
I am not an early riser, so having daylight savings time all year would be fine with me (of course I live in TX so do not have the late sunrise of the north).

Moving the time is an incredible pain. Yes I still have computers with old versions of windows that now have to be manually worked with.

I think the last time change (last fall) was the first time Dish actually had all the DVR issues worked out (I am sure someone will chime in if there was problems that I did not know). Used to be you could not make timers for after the time change before the time change, or they would be an hour off.

Maybe we just go 1 hour ahead all year, and 2 hours a head in the summer...
YOu would have problems with School children trying to catch the bus in the dark in the fall if you went ahead and left it one hour ahead all year long. But 30 minutes ahead wouldn't cause that problem.
Maybe not next year but you are correct, they very well may change it back:

"Congress retains the right to resume the 2005 Daylight Saving Time schedule once the Department of Energy study is complete."

Also under consideration: a 2 HOUR change versus 1.

For us in the IT world, it is practically another Y2K headache!

I hear that! In addition I have to worry about our antiquated phone system, the ACD module runs on OS2 Warp :eek:

Moving the time is an incredible pain. Yes I still have computers with old versions of windows that now have to be manually worked with.
Why worry about the time, my Model 4 running TRSDOS still has an 80's date. Guess I should have bought the patch to bring it to the 90's.:D
BTW all of the Dish Network receivers which have gotten software updates over the past two weeks DO have the DST fix included in the upgrades.
I wish the government would just stay out of it.

I know it is for energy savings, but that extra hour of sun in the summer causes me to water my lawn more just to keep it alive!! :mad:

:p Just kidding. That was an actual call in to the soundoff column in our local newspaper several years ago. LOL

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