Dell Inspiron Mini 9

Yeah, I was looking at this yesterday. I havent decided yet if Im going to order one or not. Its certainly a nice little machine.
I ordered two yesterday as a buddy wanted one too. Got a good deal as a friend of mine used to work at Dell, so still had one of their Friend's and Family coupons so got a decent % off and free overnight s/h. Reviews look mixed but fairly favorable for it. I like the size of it compared to the other netbooks currently out. I was going to get a Ubuntu model and then add the options, but it kept being more expensive than the Windows model :confused: so I just went with the Windows one. I guess I'll be imaging that off to put Kubuntu on it.

I'm tired of lugging around the old heavy notebook that just won't die... Especially as I typically just need it for browsing and email while on trips. Supposedly it has an open PCI-E slot ready for WWAN, but also may have a built in HSDPA modem already in addition to the open slot. I'll probably go the cheap route and tether it with my existing cellphone. :)

I wasnt aware of the 3G rumors. That makes it MUCH more attractive.
FYI if you placed an order for one, double check your order online. Mine was cancelled yesterday for some unknown reason without any notification via phone or email (they couldn't explain to me who/what cancelled it as the order was approved by the CC company.) After speaking to no less than five people, now my order ended up bumped a few days since they resubmitted it :(

No DVD or CD, however the thing is tiny around 6x9".

Also FYI, looks like the rumors of the 3G have been squashed. The Vodafone models have them, but the US models currently do not (also no antenna.) Later this year they will add it to the US model apparently.

My EEE doesn't have one.. (optical drive, that is.), but it is really easy to jury-rig one from an off-the-shelf internal optical drive and the guts of an external hard drive enclosure. That's what I do when I need to load software from a CD onto my EEE.
No DVD drive would be a deal breaker for me.
A compact PC laptop is purposed as a travel PC. As such it needs to do some basics. #1 is internet connection, ethernet, wifi, and wireless service but w/o an internal wireless a USB 2.0 port will work fine since you can get the dongle adapters for EVDO and 3G.
Next it has to have some entertainment value for personal movie viewing on flights and in hotel rooms.
Finally have earphone jack for private listening.

If money is a big deal, maybe this is the right choice and then buy an outboard USB DVD drive. I just prefer to have everything I need built in even if it cost more. The price for what you do get is really good however.
If money is a big deal, maybe this is the right choice and then buy an outboard USB DVD drive. I just prefer to have everything I need built in even if it cost more. The price for what you do get is really good however.

I can definitely see that. One work around I had thought of is using a USB key. You can get 8 and 16gb keys for <$50 now (scary :eek:) so lower battery usage than a DVD and can hold a few movies if compressed :) I know a lot of the blu-ray discs are starting to come with Digital copies, but not sure if they would work for this purpose (more for Ipod applications.)

I'm on vacation next week, so I am waiting until I return to order one. Go with the Bluetooth option for $20 and tether over that.
Just came in... have to say it's small. Can't wait to play with it tonight. It a bit odd to look at not in a bad way, but like looking at a laptop's kid brother.

I love it. I loaded XP Pro over XP home, played with tethering with my cell and no problems. Disabled folder compression and sped things up (thought its not really that sluggish.) I imaged it and loaded Ubuntu 8.05 on it and 100% of the hardware works (including the WebCam) out of the box. The only flakey thing is Bluetooth in Gnome isn't working well (it's a Gnome issue as command line booth apps work fine.) Even with Ubuntu it boots quickly and speedy for browsing. I got used to the small keyboard after a couple of days, so now a normal size laptop feels awkward. The touchpad I tend to hit by accident a lot when typing which can get irritating at times. Battery life is pretty good and I do get about 4+ hrs out of it with normal usage (including wifi or lan.) I left work on a Thursday and put it into Suspend (not Hibernate) mode, forgot about it and opened it up on Sunday. Came on instantly and still had battery left on it. Display looks pretty good, and it came with no dead pixels. Several people at work wanted one after they saw it.

I plan to use it for mobile browsing (if I can get my darn Verizon crippled phone to work with Linux) and for portable APRS work.

I saw a hack to add an internal GPS so I may do that. :)


Internet Speed Problem - Phone company says it's on my end

Greetings through ubuntu

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