Dish Fox 17 Nashville Horizontal Line


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Original poster
Feb 26, 2008
Anyone in the Nashville market with Dish having a problem with a horizontal line across the middle of the screen where the upper half video and bottom half video are like a few milliseconds out of sync, really visible on fast action scenes. All my HD channels are fine except for the Fox 17 HD. Anyone else seeing this?
I get Fox17 out of Nashville, but haven't
really noticed. I find all the locals a hit or miss as far as quality but they have been getting better. What bugs me the most is the unbalanced sound. Local commercials get so load they wakeup my wife. Most of the its not a problem thanks to my DVR!! I think NBC Is the worst.
same here

I first noticed the same problem on Fox 17 HD during the Nascar race on Sunday. It is mainly noticeable during fast moving scenes. I don't have this problem with any other channels.
I've contacted the Fox affiliate in Nashville and they say their signal is not having any problem. They did seem peeved that DN is (or at least could be) passing the blame onto them.

They assured me that they would look into it and contact DN on their end.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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I have to take back my first post!
Now that I have upgraded from a 42"-480p too a 50"-720p NOW I get the horizontal line :mad: This is the only channel I have this problem. Dang!! I hope this goes away by football time.
I'm glad to know that its not something I haven't setup right. Now all have to do with this new setup is getting the HDMI working. I'm not having any luck so far.
Well, the HD Fox channel (6343) has been fixed. AI tonight was the first thing I've seen on this channel for over a week that was ok.

I did call the station directly and called DN again this morning asking them to escalate the complaint to engineering (which the CSR spoke with his supervisor and he agreed).

Looks like it paid off.


Of course, it could all be coincidence as well...
Sheez I didn't see this thread before. The line had been bugging the crap out of me.

I had the line and it recently cleared up. It was either a Dish or an uplink problem as the OTA guys at AVSFroum didn't notice the line.
YEP!! All cleared up. I noticed it on New Amsterdam the most. Last night was all clear. I'm glad its cleared up. It really bugged me.

New 722 having an assortment of issues

NESN HD Uplinked!!!

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