DISH is airing inappropriate ads on TV Land

you underestimate them - they know exactly what they're doing.
It is possible to know exactly what you're doing and yet have no common sense at all.

(See Hindenburg, Titanic, Space Shuttle Challenger, SST, XB70, Edsel, Ford Pinto, Chrysler K car, Corvair, Space Shuttle Columbia, Pearl Harbor defense plan, Richard Nixon... anyway, you get the idea.)
It is possible to know exactly what you're doing and yet have no common sense at all.

(See Hindenburg, Titanic, Space Shuttle Challenger, SST, XB70, Edsel, Ford Pinto, Chrysler K car, Corvair, Space Shuttle Columbia, Pearl Harbor defense plan, Richard Nixon... anyway, you get the idea.)
True - and the lack of sense is getting all too common.
ok we were just watching full house on nick2 (west) , had 2 commercials for vaginal freshness and vaginal moisturizing, i know it isnt girls gone wild but there you go.... they came on about 5 min ago (8:45 east coast, 5:45 west)
While it may be uncomfortable for men to watch a masingil commercial to compare that to GGW or Qwest or other chat lines is a considerable stretch.
My only point was that a post Tivo world still hasn't adjusted to the fact that anyone underage would be watching a show airing at 4am. It isn't fair to crucify management over this decision, since you're kids are watching something that was never intended to be in front of their eyes.

As for GGW being closer to Hustler, .... you MAY have an argument there. I've never seen a tape of them, but my impression was that these guys get these coeds liquored up and then convince them to flash the camera. If more XXX rated stuff is getting in them, then I stand corrected.

I'll reiterate again though my main premise, teach them to use the commercial skip button, or buy commercial free box sets at your local retailer.

I don't see the ads going away as E* is fighting for revenue anywhere they can to compete. With D* always considered the front runner, they have to fight on price concerns. The only way to make that happen is with ads. There just aren't that many advertisers clamoring for eyeballs at that time of night evidently.
people people people, what is your problem? If you don't like it, and its pretty tame, live your boring life at church and with your head in the sand.
people people people, what is your problem? If you don't like it, and its pretty tame, live your boring life at church and with your head in the sand.

So you are implying that morality and principles based on mutual respect for your fellow man is limited to church-goers?

Just asking...
My only point was that a post Tivo world still hasn't adjusted to the fact that anyone underage would be watching a show airing at 4am. It isn't fair to crucify management over this decision, since you're kids are watching something that was never intended to be in front of their eyes.
Isn't fair ? This is a case of the left-hand not talking to the right-hand. Dish pushes their DVRs endlessly but by doing so, they put themselves in this situation of younger people seeing inappropriate (to them, played during a kid-friendly show) ads. Maybe this is something to bring up on the call-in chat tonight ! Too bad the little "test" didn't indicate that it was Dish that was inserting the ads. On the other hand, one can just claim that TV Land states they are NOT the ones running GGW ads on their channel and it has to be Dish. They, of course, can deny it just like TV Land did...
I'll reiterate again though my main premise, teach them to use the commercial skip button, or buy commercial free box sets at your local retailer.
My kids know how to, and do, use the commercial-skip button. My kids would probably be embarrassed if a GGW commercial came on, that is, if they weren't paying attention when the commercials came on.
The "in your face" nature of tv ads

As for the western world showing gratuitous nudity so what's wrong with the USA? Explain this one to me: The nations with the most nudity on regular tv also have the highest suicide rates.

When nudity is used to commercialize and turn humans into objects, life has less value and that's not how children need to be raised. It's not so much about what as it is about how.

How about homicide and rape rates?

Where are you getting your suicide numbers? Can they be verified by an individual?

In the old days. it was "consider the source".
....and as this degenerates into "Pit"esque hyperbole, I respectfully take my leave.

Good luck with your crusade.
bringing up a somewhat old topic,

While watching Nick1 on directv tonight ( boy do I love all these hd channels :p ) I noticed that a commercial had been changed out for a new one and not inserted correctly. The new one wasnt anything questionable but it does lend to the debate as to who is changing out commercials and this is something that took place during primetime right now watching fairly odd parents 1 hour movie.
Oh, it's more than just nudity...

. I've never seen a tape of them, but my impression was that these guys get these coeds liquored up and then convince them to flash the camera. If more XXX rated stuff is getting in them, then I stand corrected.

Hard core hetero and lesbian sex is on those tapes, not just girls showing breasts. It is much more graphic than Playboy. Very Larry Flynt...

And the commercials in question show girls in those positions, just with stars covering portions. But a 7 year old might ask why girl one is spreading herself for girl 2, for example...

Whether it's 2am or 2pm, there is no need for that during Brady Bunch. But TVLand is not just Brady Bunch. They show MASH, a very sexually oriented show. As is CHEERS. They have decided to show movies with sexual material. So they are not some pure channel. I don't have a problem with their content. I think parents who think TVLand is rated G are naive... :tux:

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