Dish network called me a thief and cant live in a 2 floor house!

The broken English can be a problem. If he's a sub to any of the Arabic or Indian programming, he is subject to audit and that's because of trending. It's also why some sport packages are limited to just the primary receiver on the account.

I also think they use the audit team to "disconnect" customers they don't want anymore for profitability reasons. Customers who demand too many credits fall in this category as well as customers who call in too often. To get an understanding of this, Google "Sprint disconnects thousands of customers who complain too much". This might be DISH's approach to the same problem without the same media fallout.

I'll call bull on this....
I know of a bunch of Arabic on Latino families that occupy a 2 family house and have one family living in it. Husband, Wife and kids in one unit and in laws in the other unit. In theses cultures its normal to have extended family living with you. But as far as E* is concerned its 2 families and I agree if this is the case I agree with E* if its not the case than E* is in the wrong.
My two cents

While no one really knows how the conversation went between OP and Dish, here are my inferences:

1) The OP is an excitable and easily angered person - based on the original post. There is a lot to be said with a calm manner of speaking to people with an auditor from Dish, and auditor from the IRS or a police officer pulling you over from speeding. No matter who right you think you are, the best results from a professional tone.

2) Due to the language barrier, I think it is more likely that Dish used Google Street View and saw that the house was in fact a split with two front doors and therefore two separate residences.

3) Dish has a right to protect their bottom line. I imagine they are playing a constant cat and mouse game with pirates, "movers", and multiple receiver across residences type of fraud.

My advice: I have heard very good things about the Dishnetwork Twitter account. Might want start with them.
If they can record you then don't that give you the right to record them as well?

Also, best thing to do is contact Attorney General's office if what you say is true to get out of the contract without penalty and just switch to Directv.

If you do not answer the phone then they will shut the boxes off on you.

Companies that do customers this way do not deserve your business and do not want it that bad. I wonder if they pull this stunt on people that are in contracts more than those that ain't because they know you are stuck.

Depends on your state laws. Last time I checked in my area I could record phone calls as long as one side of the phone call knew about the recording.
Let's remember one important thing here- You have a contract with DISH. That's a two way street. The contract is nullified when EITHER party breaks the terms of agreement. If you are abiding by the terms of the contract, then they must provide the service they agreed to, or you can cancel your agreement with them without penalty.

I would write down word for word, all you can remember about the conversation you had with the rep. Then, you must try to resolve the issue at least once with them. Be reasonable and civil about it. Write down the names of whomever you talk with. Note what is being said. If there is a problem with the person you are talking to, ask to speak to their supervisor. Ask them to explain exactly how you are violating the terms of the agreement, and exactly where it says that, and where it says they can do what they are doing to you. Remember, write down what is being said. If you need to, put the conversation on speakerphone and have someone else listen so you have a witness to the conversation-no law against that- Then if you still cannot resolve the problem, I would contact your State's Attorney's office. Ask them if you are still required to pay your bill. The State's Attorney will usually tell you what you need to do in order to get satisfaction. I am inclined to agree with the other comments that there might be some discrimination going on there.

Personally, I would just get a shark of a lawyer and sue the heck out of them. Free unlimited channels for life!!!

One question about something I noticed. Are you having someone else type for you now? Your grammar seems to have improved dramatically in the last few posts!
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I know when I worked in radio we played a thing that said any phone calls to us will be recorded for possible use on air that was our out if anyone cried foul. But I know a guy that makes what telemarketers thinks is a joke saying they are being recorded for training purposes and does record them most thinks its a joke and goes along with it. As far as I remember in NY a phone call can be recorded as long as one party knows its being recorded.
a residential account is restrained to only one residence. the OP lives in two residences. even if he and his family occupy these two residences, they are still just that. two residences. my guess is the audit agent heard him going outside to get from one floor to another and thats what failed him possibly.

a lot of people will say this is no different then a pool house or guest house. well, it is because his home is an actual multi dwelling. it most likely has two electrical meters, as well as two separate addresses. he needs to just chock this up to the cost of his living lifestyle.

on the same note, im wondering if the local cable company would infact turn on both residences for the price of one?
I was not angry when I spoken to the rep. I didnt know they are audit reps. I was very calm when giving the information. The whole precedure too less than 5 mins. He told me what to press on the remote and read the numbers back to him. when one machine is done, he told me to go to next box. I walked to the next room and we repeated the precedure. I did not know 5 second walk was too long. I Didnt know there was a time limit. If I known that I would walk a little faster. Heck I will run like hell.
I get angry when I was told that he say he dont belived this boxes are in one family. He dont belive it because I TOOK TOO LONG to go to next room and that he checked my house. I will be billed each box to a separated account.
For the record. I speak and write english fine (maybe bad spellings lol). I grew up here in NY. My first post was bad because I was so piss about the whole conversation. I just keep punching the keys. I didnt even read what I wrote.
I just dont belive that a company should use/abuse public record or make decisions without proof. This is America "innocent till proven Guilty" NOT "Guilty until proven innocent" (LIKE DMV etc).
I thank you for everyones comments and help. keep them coming.
I was not angry when I spoken to the rep. I didnt know they are audit reps. I was very calm when giving the information. The whole precedure too less than 5 mins. He told me what to press on the remote and read the numbers back to him. when one machine is done, he told me to go to next box. I walked to the next room and we repeated the precedure. I did not know 5 second walk was too long. I Didnt know there was a time limit. If I known that I would walk a little faster. Heck I will run like hell.
I get angry when I was told that he say he dont belived this boxes are in one family. He dont belive it because I TOOK TOO LONG to go to next room and that he checked my house. I will be billed each box to a separated account.
For the record. I speak and write english fine (maybe bad spellings lol). I grew up here in NY. My first post was bad because I was so piss about the whole conversation. I just keep punching the keys. I didnt even read what I wrote.
I just dont belive that a company should use/abuse public record or make decisions without proof. This is America "innocent till proven Guilty" NOT "Guilty until proven innocent" (LIKE DMV etc).
I thank you for everyones comments and help. keep them coming.
I'm not sure if this is the case w/ you but the receivers have the ability to "see" each other just by using your home electrical wiring so long as they are all plugged in on the same electric meter. So they may be able to "prove" it this way. Other reasons can make two receivers not communicate on the same electric account but usually that only comes up with very large properties.
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Czynot, I can understand being too upset to even speak straight, I've been there a few times. Please don't take offense by my assumption. Anyways, how the rep handled your situation still smells fishy. Just be assured that if you are in the right, and handle the situation in the proper manner, you will come out on top. I can understand your frustration and feeling hurt by the accusations of being a thief, as I would also feel indignant.

Just keep in mind that the person who made those accusations is probably someone who used to work at the local hamburger chain before they got that job, and think they just moved up in the world. It's easy to bully someone over the phone without revealing their identity as if they were face to face with someone.

I recommend you try going through the proper channels and speak to someone higher in the food chain- someone who is making a salary they would hate to lose-not someone making peanuts, not giving a c**p about the company they work for.
I am certian that I will get flamed for this post, however I will post it any way. The OP can obviously can only speak and spell the English language at a bear minimum to communicate. How can any here be sure that he even understood exactly what the Dish Network representative was asking him to do? And again, if he lives in a "two family house" does that mean he has two families? He continues to berate the point that "I lives in a 2 family howse." I am as upset about the fee increase as most of you here are, but I believe that the increase in lease fees plays no small part in this thread being extended for seven or more pages. Also, Bob I see that you continue to post heavily in the forum, I thought that you were soon to switch your service to Verizon Fios?

help with switch...maybe...

Charlie does open the Wallet once in awhile

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