Dish Network Customer Service SUCKS!

I've always had good results with Dish Network as far as getting what I want, but I think there should be something called "Rules to being a good customer" to go along with "Rules to being a good business". I also tend to like the Online Chat because you can pretty much tell them what you want and they get it done.

That said, not even the CEOs office would override the 'tech roll' requirement for a 922. The CEOs office said 'If we do it for you, we'll have to do it for everyone.'. You bet your butt I'm watching to see if anyone gets them to override it.

I do wonder if the OP can or has added DHPP and then claim his signal is garbage. If the tech rolls, he may be able to provide a post or see if there's some way to fix this problem the way he would like. I don't see any other way to go about it though. Obviously, he would have to pay SOMETHING too, even in this case, but at least it would be less.
I wouldn't confuse a few posters here who have issues with the overwhelming majority of satisfied DISH customers.

People complain when they have a problem, they typically do not sing praises when things are going ok.

DISH has over 14 million customers, a handful of people complain here. We know that the people that are members here are usually the most educated DISH customers or newbies with a problem looking for an answer.

We know way more about DISH than a normal customer does and we are way more vocal about it.
Its more than the few who post here and dish's churn is getting up there. Some here are more knowledgeable but then many are average customers coming here to ask questions to learn more and others are here to vent and others to sling mud.
am i the only one who does not have a problem with any of my services? i have not had to deal with cust service for my internet, my cell phone, or my dish. the only reason why is that i look at what the cost is for the services before i sign up, so when they bill me that amount it is what i expected. then i pay it on time. wash rinse repeat. this guys problem with cust service is that they are not making special exceptions for him. perhaps he should first try being a customer, then he can expect customer service.

merriam webster defines customer as "one that purchases a commodity or service". the OP is not completing the purchase, but has no problem consuming the service. until he completes the purchase, he is then a liability, not a customer. that is why he gets "liability service" instead.
How about a Troll comes and complains

Can we retitle this thread "meshmar's Power of Persuasion SUCK!"?

Now that we are on something like page 5 and there has been only one post from this guy I'm thinking that he just came by to troll and start this thread and run away. It he were to post agin I would be less apt to think that he is a troll.
maybe i missed the answer ....why does the op need a taller pole ? trees? I would go buy a pole from home depot or what ever and u-bolt it to the original pole...problem solved for around 10 bucks...insert customer service rant here .
That's all well and good.
Ask yourself, "where does it end?"
WHo gets to decide the criteria? How much money is to be lost doing these littel things for the endless parade of self proclaimed hardship cases?

You may call this harsh or refer to me as uncaring. Fine. I am harsh and uncaring. Whatever.

We all decide, one person at a time.

I would never call YOU harsh or uncaring. I don't know you. I would call the attitude expressed by some as harsh and uncaring. An attitude I hope is not expressed to them when it comes time for them to parade their self-proclaimed hardship before others.

I would say that hardships are real. People face them every day. A little compassion and understanding can go a long way in perhaps making life more bearable for the person in a midst of hardship.

That's my whatever back at ya. :)

maybe i missed the answer ....why does the op need a taller pole ? trees? I would go buy a pole from home depot or what ever and u-bolt it to the original pole...problem solved for around 10 bucks...insert customer service rant here .

it's called a "sense of entitlement."
We all decide, one person at a time.

I would never call YOU harsh or uncaring. I don't know you. I would call the attitude expressed by some as harsh and uncaring. An attitude I hope is not expressed to them when it comes time for them to parade their self-proclaimed hardship before others.

I would say that hardships are real. People face them every day. A little compassion and understanding can go a long way in perhaps making life more bearable for the person in a midst of hardship.

That's my whatever back at ya. :)

By your response, I gather you missed the point I was making using the 100,000 little pieces of paper anology. So be it.
The line has to be drawn somewhere. We as businesspeople cannot keep giving and giving. We operate on the premise of return on investment.
Yes, there are small touches a good businessperson will use to make a customer happy. ON that note we agree. But in the case fo the OP, he seems to expect the dish to be remounted on a new pole at someone else's expense. That's over the top.
You can always have your service disconnected.
Then have a new service connected in another name with all new equipment.
Plus some lucky installer will get paid to come out and hook you up.
ON that note we agree. But in the case fo the OP, he seems to expect the dish to be remounted on a new pole at someone else's expense. That's over the top.

I am glad we can agree on something :)

I am not necessarily agreeing with the OP. Not enough info given to really know. Perhaps the compromise is that the customer pays the difference between what Dish would pay and the cost of the taller pole.

For the record I am one of those disabled people. I have MS. I do not use my disability to get special treatment. (well maybe I work my older kids a bit) :)

I was a pastor for many years. I loathed the preacher friends I had who thought they should get a special discount or treatment because of their position.

I am for helping those who have need. Going the extra mile. But....I do not believe a disability or position in life DEMANDS we be get special service.

As one with disability I sometimes have the other problem......I get less service than I would if I was not in a wheelchair or using a cane.

why should dish even have to go in on half? its his problem. why should someone elses dollar be more respected then anothers? if he truely claims he cannot afford it and dish should have to pay, would you think it would be wrong then for dish to restrict him to a smaller economical programming package? after all, he is claiming hardship.

sometimes people just gotta realize that they cannot afford what they want and to learn how to deal without. dont use your disability as a reason to make others work for free and take food off their table.
I am glad we can agree on something :)

I am not necessarily agreeing with the OP. Not enough info given to really know. Perhaps the compromise is that the customer pays the difference between what Dish would pay and the cost of the taller pole.

For the record I am one of those disabled people. I have MS. I do not use my disability to get special treatment. (well maybe I work my older kids a bit) :)

I was a pastor for many years. I loathed the preacher friends I had who thought they should get a special discount or treatment because of their position.

I am for helping those who have need. Going the extra mile. But....I do not believe a disability or position in life DEMANDS we be get special service.

As one with disability I sometimes have the other problem......I get less service than I would if I was not in a wheelchair or using a cane.


That is all well and good. Here's the rub. The use of the term compassion these days is unfotunately used in a coercive context. For example, the healthcare issue. Those who favor it, say it is the compassionate or moral duty for those of means to take care of those less fortunate. True. But compassion should be an individual choice. Not forced under the threat of sanctions.
In this instance it appears you are demanding compassion from the service tech under thrat of sanctions from his employer (Dish) In other words, "do it for free or else"...
That is not compassion. It's blackmail.
Compassion comes form the heart.
Would I do this work for no pay? Maybe if it were a simple fix and the person was nice to me and really was a hardship case. But in this instance probably not. If he's paying $70 -$100 per month for pay tv, I am hard pressed to see a hardship here....On the other side of the coin ,if this guy were my neighbor and he needed my help, I'd leap at the opportunity.
There's the difference.
On one side you are demanding by suggestion of compassion, that a working man, a complete stranger to the OP, with a family to feed, practice compassion at the expense of his family. That's not right.

Ahhhh help.... 622 "squish" problem

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