Dish Network Petition

I'm not participating...

I have 8 1/2 more months on my service contract post VOOM DBS. Generally, I'm pretty happy with Dish service and, quite frankly, the fact that Dish lies doesn't bother me one bit - I knew that when I signed up for service....that's why I signed up with a provider who would bring me the most HD right here, right now. I tried cable (yet again) and once again I didn't like it. Likewise, D*'s grandiose HD plans sounded almost too good to be true, which is exactly why I avoided them like the plague. As long as Spaceway 2 is sitting on the launch pad, E* has very little incentive to bring customers additional services and implement new technology. Next spring I see D*, E*, Cable and Verizon Fios doing battle and bringing us many more choices. Until then, I expect E* will be trying to sell that overpriced Pocket Dish.
Many of us are "on the edge." If it weren't for TNT-HD and VOOM, I'd a been gone already.
1. If VOOM shows up elsewhere, E* is in trouble. Especially when it goes 21. Really especially if cable or Direct does 21 before E* because of lack of motion on this.
2. I would rather support a general petition with no threats specified (implied maybe?). One that strongly calls for MPEG-4 and more HD soon. They really are falling behind cable (okay, not everywhere, but many places).

Currently, I have only the HD pack, and cable for everything else, incl. quite a bit of other HD incl. locals. E* needs to really explain that they are on the cusp of delivery - and be really true.
I think everyone here who is complaining has a right to be complaining. For those who don't care about HDTV, well you're time is coming to upgrade to HD whether you want to or not and there's really nothing you can do about it.

As the mandated switchover from standard analog to HD approaches, the price of HDTV's are dropping like a rock. Two years ago, I bought a 32" Sony Flat Screen with all the bells and whistles for $700, today, you can buy a 30" HD set from, for less than $500!

As i'm having Mediacom installed on Friday, the DVR receiver i'm getting is also HD capable and with the prices as described above, i'm really getting the HD bug, which I didn't have only a year ago.
My cable (comcast) is buying adelphia, and then switching this area to Time warner...Who wants to be a part of that headache? Looks like cable is NOT an option for me right now...

What's the proof that E* read the thread about the chat, some IP's from dish HQ? Who knows who read that, might have been some of those non-english speaking CSR's for all we know...Next time, let's do the OPPOSITE, and post how much we want to hear about bingotv and remote control tips...

With D* stalled (spaceway2 on stilll hasn't launched, as just mentioned), does anyone know what's up with E*'s satellite launches? Seems like the D* folks have either more interest, or more access, to what D* is doing behind the scenes than E* folks do...
don't let the dish hit you in the arse on your way out

With all the mis-leadings that have been stated on previous chats why would anyone expect this last chat to be any different? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Do you think Charlie is gonna lose any sleep over a few customers leaving because he didn't discuss Mpeg4 or HD? When you originally signed up with e* did you do so because you thought they were dedicated to bring you Mpeg4 or more HD? or did you sign up because of what they were offering at the time? my guess would be the later.........
I could understand if there was a separate charge on the bill for Mpeg4 or HD development but there isn't. You're getting what you pay for. If you don't like it....... buh bye :wave
now that i have slept over night..... I really do feel that I have made the right Choice for now... Mann I really dont want to leave.. but I cant deal with buisness practices that take there coustomers forgranted.. I understand that its the name of the game to get as many coustomers as you can. but the thing is, is that you have to take care of the coustomers that you allready have. Unless you consider being lied to doing that then hey thats on you. I just would like to go punch charlie in his face and knock his clock off and say "what are you thinking mann" (not really going to do this, its just the PRInciple people) This is really sad... the day that a ceo lies to his coustomers. makes promases that he cant deliver.. After all look at 510 NBR we all were suppost to get months ago. Also for those of you who still dont belive me about the lies, go and ask a 921 owner about there product and what the promased software features were and what they have.
Charlie said a while back that mpeg4 will be announced at the end of the year. Don't expect to actually see any new receivers until 2006. Mpeg4 is more of an advantage to dish than to the customers so there's no reason to get upset.
I'd wait until the Sept. charlie chat. I remember on the last retailer chat that the sept. chat will be the one to discuss MPEG4. You can't view the retailer chats if you're not a retailer but you can read the notes when they air them. So why not give it another month before you switch?

For me, there's no alternative than E*. The local cable company (Comcast) stinks! It's way overpriced and my 921 has the capacity (250 GB) I need. I deal with bugs everyday thanks to the 921 but I still see that E* is a better deal for me on programming and cost compared to D* which we also sell. If I was a football nut, I'd be watching D* in the fall but I only need my Redskins. :)
When I signed up for E* 3 1/2 years ago, HD was in it's infancy and there was no such thing as ESPN 2HD, etc. etc, not to mention most HD TV's were several thousand dollars, today, like I said before, you can purchase a 30" HD set from for less than $500! Examining what my local cable, Mediacom, has when compared to E*, it's local cable, hand's down. HD locals, (outside of say the top 10 or so markets, when is that going to happen on E*?), ESPN 2HD and many more.

new_to_hdtv said:
When you originally signed up with e* did you do so because you thought they were dedicated to bring you Mpeg4 or more HD? or did you sign up because of what they were offering at the time? my guess would be the later.........
buh bye :wave
rocatman said:
I know folks are frustrated by the lack of information provided on MPEG-4, the D1000, HD etc. but I think the reason for this is because Dish releases its 2nd quarter earnings tomorrow August 9th and will conduct a conference call I believe at noon ET.
To me this is not a valid excuse. They control the schedule of both the earnings calls and tech chats, they had the oportunity to schedule the earnings call before the tech chat and they had the chance to schedule the tech chat after the earnings call.

This company amazes me how stupid the management is. If you were reading between the lines last night it appears that they will be mirroring VOOM at 61.5 and 129 which is a stupid use of the bandwidth.

Last night it almost looked to me that Mark Jackson has been spending more time eating hamburgers then really thinking about the future of what his company is doing. Maybe its time for Mr Jackson to bid farewell to the company if he wants to see the company thrive.

Dan Minnick is a nice guy, I have spoken with him a lot and have met him on a few occations, however he is a nervous guy and is always watching his back to make sure he does not piss of Mark. I believe Dan would actually make a better president then Mark Jackson, this guy has some good ideas but I believe he is being held down by Mark.
I haven't watched a chat in years. I just go to the Sat Guys chat chat. It's much better. :D Have they really ever said anything on the chats that we didn't already know about? My cable company is Insight. They charge 16 dollars a month for a single tuner pvr. They don't have agreements with ABC or NBC to transmit their HD feed. They have an agreement with the Fox affiliate, but they need to renew their contract in Sept or Oct and I hear that Sinclair wants more money so they lose that one. I just don't like that option. My DMA is like 65th so it will probably years before E* or D* add my locals (if ever). I will wait to see what shakes out between E* and D*.
rocatman said:
I know folks are frustrated by the lack of information provided on MPEG-4, the D1000, HD etc. but I think the reason for this is because Dish releases its 2nd quarter earnings tomorrow August 9th and will conduct a conference call I believe at noon ET.

The reports were released on August 8th to many financial sites and echostar did well. Earning up 18% I think, subs up (11.6 million total now) and profit up. I still don't see how this even would affect just talking about mpeg4 and future plans on the tech chat and if so, just reschedule the chat until after the earnings call. Hell, I had the financial info before the tech chat, so it was after the info was released.
I am not a subscriber anymore, what one should or could do is to hold off on paying bill, if 1 or 2 thousand costumer does this within a certain month and report the same reason for not paying i think E* will take more notice, tenants does that all the time when lanlord dont do what was promise, it's just a suggestion...
tumpy said:
I am not a subscriber anymore, what one should or could do is to hold off on paying bill, if 1 or 2 thousand costumer does this within a certain month and report the same reason for not paying i think E* will take more notice, tenants does that all the time when lanlord dont do what was promise, it's just a suggestion...

One or Two thousand customers won't even make their radar.

This chat delivered everything I expected, which was nothing. I don't waste my time with any of the chats anymore and they certainly aren't worth getting upset about. IMHO.

If you were a VOOM customer you must now know that DISH is not going to tip it's plans for the future until it is ready to act. DISH made a statement it was not going to add any HD till 2006 because of low demand just days before it added VOOM! When it did it was on a Friday and no one could find out about it till the next week! Think DirecTV may be doing the same thing now. Big things are going to happen with HD from both in the near future, but don't expect to have much advance notice. At least that is the way I see it. Be prepared to be surprised.
E* has always been reactive to whatever D* does. E* was planning an announcement to coincide with D*'s new Spaceway LIL stuff, but D*'s plans with S1 & S2 were derailed for the time being, so E* is delaying any announcements until D* is up and running with their new configuration. IMHO.
mdonnelly said:
E* has always been reactive to whatever D* does. E* was planning an announcement to coincide with D*'s new Spaceway LIL stuff, but D*'s plans with S1 & S2 were derailed for the time being, so E* is delaying any announcements until D* is up and running with their new configuration. IMHO.

BINGO we have a winner. :)

Dish Network has no desire to be a leader in anything. They enjoy playing follow the leader.

It's poor management.
Well, you know how to tell who the pioneers are, right? They're the ones with the arrows sticking out of them. :) Ask Chuck Dolan.
I also don't think E* will spill the beans until they're closer to launch of mpeg-4, but I don't know that they'll wait until D* has done it for a while. I really don't think E* has changed their schedule at all, Charlie has always said towards the end of the's barely august guys...

I think it's incredibly ironic that goaliebob is leaving E* because of their business practices...FOR CABLE...OMG...Who's more crooked, money-grubbing and non-customer friendly than cable companies...

Dish doesn't want to replace our broken receiver

L.A. and NYC Locals.....Yea baby

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