dish quality control shows up at my house..


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 6, 2004
So I just got my new 4 room dish installed last week by an independent dealer who sent in their guy to isntall everything. Everything is working great. Then today another dishnetwork guy in their official van stopped by the house, got in the backyard and started taking pics of the dish, the wiring and i dont know wat. My mom alone at the house that time called me at work and told me , he wanted to come inside and take pics of the recievers too. I was pretty mad that somone would show up like that out of nowhere and wanting to get inside the house and also take pics from outside. I talked to the guy on the phone and he said, he was doing a quality inspection control or somthing like that from dish and they do that randomly for new installs....well i told him to leave the hosue immediatly and not take any more pics and leave a card when he leaves. He left right away but left no card or any paperworks to speak of. What is that all about?? Do dish really do that or was it first time? He did had an offical dish network van with all the logos etc so i cant say he was doing it without authrizing from dish. Should i call dish and complain to them about sending someone wihtout first calling and when my old mom was alone in the house? Thanks eveyrone
I'm not sure if this is normal, but I would contact DISH to voice your concerns about having someone stop by and enter your property w/o the owner's permission. You may even get some kiss-ass credit to your account ;).

But I would have done the same exact thing. I can understand their goal in performing such inspections. At least inform the customer before sending someone out with a camera.
dish does do random quality inspection, but he should came to the front door frist, inroduce him self, ask for permision to take picture.
I've got a buddy who recently started doing this for Dish. He seemed to give me the idea that he would announce himself, show some type of id and then continue if they were ok with it.
That's nothing new. QAS comes up and takes pictures of the installs on a daily basis. They don't give out any paperwork to the customer, all they do is take pictures and go back to their computer and electronically do the paperwork along with attaching photos and such.

Good practice would be to knock on the door first and inform the customer as to whats going on. Sometimes they'll want to come inside and looks over everything briefly. They are supposed to fix what they see wrong, but they don't - I wouldn't either, I'd send the tech who screwed it up back out to fix it, then you can learn. :)

QAS is a cake job, most of them were big hacks (IMO) thus they know what to look for, you make QAS your king of the crop in your little circle.
This is the job of a QAS. I can say though that if I ever had an install and he just went in my backyard like this the police would have been called. If there was one thing that was rampant in my days of DNS it was a lack of simple respect. Seems other telcos have adopted this sad policy as well.
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I think in a lot of cases the Tech would be lucky with just a police call.

ALOT of people have a shoot-first mentality. Just strolling into a yard is pretty ballsy.
ALOT of people have a shoot-first mentality. Just strolling into a yard is pretty ballsy.
Following comes to mind.

Forget the dog, beware of owner. :D

Protected by Smith & Wesson. :up

Or could just be friendly about it all and take em fishing, not to far from the crab traps.
Im glad that others feel that its not okay to go into a backyard. Some people I worked with acted as though going into someones house was their right. In fact they pretty much owned the place to get the job done how they wanted. That doesnt fly at my house, though sometimes customers do make unreasonable demands. Its a balance like anything else. I would have no desire to hurt a trespasser in my backyard, but its not cool with me. For a company to do so that wants my monthy pay that is very uncool. As far as shooting someone that gets into too many legal issues. Cant we all just get along?
To the people that take exception to people on their property, without calling first, do you have natural gas, electric, water service? Do you have regular outside meters that need to be read? Does the utility company call first before coming to read your meter?

As the song says, "Paranoia runs deep..."
That is true however the utility companies do not need to enter my backyard for that. I know they will be here monthly, take a quick look, and can see that they visit every house next to me as well as the whole street. Its a bit different when some unknown person comes in your yard and start snapping pictures for no known reason. Again 2 minutes of talking with the customer to inform what was going on would go a very long ways.
Guess who's come knocking

It is usually standard procedure for quality control or qas to knock at the customer's door. It is the polite thing to do. Anyone who doesn't is asking for trouble. Use your brain
To the people that take exception to people on their property, without calling first, do you have natural gas, electric, water service? Do you have regular outside meters that need to be read? Does the utility company call first before coming to read your meter?

As the song says, "Paranoia runs deep..."

But the meters are usually located outside. There's no need to come inside the property.
It is usually standard procedure for quality control or qas to knock at the customer's door. It is the polite thing to do. Anyone who doesn't is asking for trouble. Use your brain

???????? Use your brain? People still do that? :D

That would be very nice for gas and electric reader to do so, but it is somewhat impractical as they have such a large number of houses to attend to. However these companies let people know they do this, and its a accepted practice. A QAS will have no where near the amount of jobs, so it would seem he can take 5 minutes to explain all this to the customer. I think alot of the problem too is that many install go bad and once the system actually works the last think the customer wants to see is another dish employee there. There was a running joke to where I worked that said the QAS is just the worst DNS tech that is still there. Maybe this was more true that I thought.
So I just got my new 4 room dish installed last week by an independent dealer who sent in their guy to isntall everything. Everything is working great. Then today another dishnetwork guy in their official van stopped by the house, got in the backyard and started taking pics of the dish, the wiring and i dont know wat. My mom alone at the house that time called me at work and told me , he wanted to come inside and take pics of the recievers too. I was pretty mad that somone would show up like that out of nowhere and wanting to get inside the house and also take pics from outside. I talked to the guy on the phone and he said, he was doing a quality inspection control or somthing like that from dish and they do that randomly for new installs....well i told him to leave the hosue immediatly and not take any more pics and leave a card when he leaves. He left right away but left no card or any paperworks to speak of. What is that all about?? Do dish really do that or was it first time? He did had an offical dish network van with all the logos etc so i cant say he was doing it without authrizing from dish. Should i call dish and complain to them about sending someone wihtout first calling and when my old mom was alone in the house? Thanks eveyrone
Note.. I am a tech as well a a customer and a homeowner. I have done QC inspections for the people I work as well.
Yes you should call to complain. The QC guy has NO RIGHT trespassing on your property. He should have followed protocol and announced his presenece first. He is supposed to ring doorbell/ knock and introduce hiomself to the people in the home.
The QC guy was wrong. You were well within your rights to tell him to leave. I surmise he didn't leave a card becuase he knew he was voilating the rules.
To the people that take exception to people on their property, without calling first, do you have natural gas, electric, water service? Do you have regular outside meters that need to be read? Does the utility company call first before coming to read your meter?

As the song says, "Paranoia runs deep..."
Um hey genius..When we hook up to the utility we give consent to the utility company to access their lines/ pipes/ property. That includs the facilty that lies in or in the case in dome areas the aerial easement up to the meter. Dish has no such agreement with it's customers.
I see you have a problem with common courtesy.
I will give you an example of how your logic is flawed.
Recently a neighborhoo nearby was getting hit with a rash of burglaries.
The scam was these guys would walk or drive thurough neigborhoods posing as landscapers of handimen. They would knock on doors ring doorbells and the ones that did not answer, they would go to the rear or the least exposed part of the home,break in and rob the house.
And you imply people are paranoid..The nerve.
If he were to come and look at my front yard, that'd be fine. If he wants to take pictures, he'd better ask. If he wanted to enter the fenced backyard, he better ask. And if he wants to come in the house, obviously he needs to ask. Although I couldn't guarantee I'd let him in.
Just read this discussion and would like to say that Dish Network no longer allows audits to be performed without the customers knowledge. All quality inspections have to be full intereactive inspections with the customer at home. Sometimes the inspector might show up when the tech is still on site performing his duties. But, no more inspections are being performed where they show up and start taking pictures of the dish, cabling, house and property. If I saw someone on my property snapping photos without my permission I might get upset and even call the police to come out and find out what they are doing. In todays world of crazy people you don't know what to expect.

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