Dish speaks with forked tongue, Retailers Beware

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Dish Skunks

New Member
Original poster
Dec 24, 2005
I've been a Dish retailer sinse 1996. I can't believe I was sooo stupid!
It was good for awhile they treated us with respect back then, because no other retail chain would take them in. But then came Sears then Sam's Outlet, Target, Walmart, and the worst Radio Shack! And the only reason they took Dish in is because of all the hard work us original retailers did to bring them Millions of subscribers.After Mary Davidson left Dish everything went down hill for us retailers. But even before that Dish felt they could start taking away our original incentives.
1} What happened with our promised life-time residules, Gone! Dish knows how to break promises, Even the newer retailers should know that.
2} We were doing fine with the original refer a friend promotion, but Dish had to take away $50 for that so I intentionally stopped doing that promo.
3} What about the showroom receiver, we are showing their products to get them more subs. Why did they start charging $60 a few years ago?
4} Free For All promo, Why should we take a $50 cut in pay to do them?
5} Superdish, It cost much more for shipping, and all the time to put them together, plus making three cables W/connectors, plus the extra time to install them correctly. And tell me what we get to make up for all the extra time, material & headaches from Dish?
6} Charge backs, 90 days before now 360 days. Why? Greed & Stupidity
7} Dish used to do the credit checks themselves. Now they want us to pay the credit agencies & also for the credit checks for their customers. Another case of passing the cost on to the retailers!
Well I can go on all day about how bad it's gotten working with Dish but I'm sure there are plenty of retailers that can add to this.
Don't Let Dish push you around anymore, All they do is take take take And us retailers are supposed to give give give! Jim Defranco can come up with multitudes of excuses! Do you really believe them? How much more will they want you to give up? I stopped advertising Dish Network last Dec. 2004 because of Defranco. My last Install for them was July 2005 and my Retailer Agreement has been terminated because I no longer have faith in Dish Network. Good luck to all Dish Network retailers, Stick together and you will have a stronger voice! Just say your not going to take it anymore and maybe they will start to listen. Jim Wickland Stargate Entertainment
Jim you should have done as I did, start selling Directv. It give you an alternative without cancelling your contract.
Bummer Dish and boba it sucks you have to sell FoxTV for your installs when it's owned by an evil SOB like Murdoch.
goaliebob99 said:
This would be better suited at (or sister sight.)

Maybe so but it does have a place here as there are dealers and retailers here that read the most popular dbs site on the web and its a good place for more than just those in the biz to get an idea as to what the corporate giant is up to. The public tends to be sympathetic to the little guy business man even if its marginal at best and short lived, its negative publicity and negative publicity does have a proven effect on its intended target most of the time.
I am having problems with them paying me at this time for a Dish Mover's and a few SuperDish upgrades. Those SuperDishes are pretty expensive and I got stuck with some because they went with Dish1000 here. If I were to have shipped back and traded them in for Dish1000's I would have lost shipping both ways plus the C.O.D. fee that is mandatory by my distributor that I had in them. Now the contract is up for renewal and I know in the past they stated that by agreeing to the contract that you agree that Dish Network owes you no money. I've decided to not renew yet, going to see how long it is before I do have to renew. Was told before that I would be paid in two pay cycles and was just told that again. I hate the FFA paycut because thats what the majority takes around here. Now they charge us more for the Dish1000 than what we get for them. They say false statements to my customers and have my customers yelling or very upset with me when I was the one that told them the truth and tried to help them out. I been a retailer since 1999 and there is only so much bull one can deal with.
Ok...add one more thing to the list of "forked tongues"...any retailer having a difficult, if not impossible time getting paid for DPP44 switches? Even with all of our techs utilizing proper procedues (calling Dish up..getting permission...getting Op ID and CSR name) Dish still refuses to reimburse for DPP44 switch installs UNLESS it's for a 4 satellite install. That pretty much kills it for a SD121 or SD105 install in an apartment complex or new, pre-wired home (ok..short of centrally locating things...but c'mon, that can be a pain even if the phone network interface is nearby).
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The chargeback was 230 days w/ FULL chargeback before they changed it. Now it's 25% every 90 days. That's not too bad. However, it really should be only 180 days or they should require us to give a 1 year install warrenty. Personally, I've always felt that install warrenties should be for the length of the contract.
What about those Dish1000 dishes that has five or more tuners? Dish1000 supports four tuners at the most and thats if you have two dual tuner receivers. Do we have to use a DP twin with a DP lnbf for 129 and DP-34 and not get reimbursed for the DP-34? Do we have to purchase the DP twin special as well? All of this bunch of bull instead of simply getting reimbursed for the dang DPP-44? I know this would not be a problem very often but who wants to lose more money than they made for doing an upgrade or Dish Mover?

That chargeback deal with 25% every 90 days, its not really better, its worse in most cases. Before you did not lose all of your commissions only part of them if they were on for 30 days if I am not mistaken. You still got to keep a third of the initial commission. Now you lose more than that until the 6th month. The only way you are ahead is if a customer disconnects through month 6-8 where you only lose half. Month 8-12 you stand to lose a fourth to half of your commission compared to the old system. The odds are still against the retailer. The risk is upon the retailer instead of the company. This is why the retailer has to have a contract to protect themselves. It is almost like playing the lottery sometimes.
How about those club dish cards :mad: You do all the work to sell to the customer and hope that you get a referral from that customer. Then a month after you hook them up, dish sends them bulb dish cards. They offer the customer $5 a month credit and waive the activation fee for the person getting dish. To top it off if you accept the club dish card, dish pays the retailer $100 less for the sale. Ive never seen a company screw over their retailers so bad.
And how about those charge backs. If a customer buys out of their contract, dish collects $240 from the customer, charges back the retailer and make the retailer go and pick up the equipment themselves.
Any large corporation has major issues and does what it can to defer costs to their vendors or distributors. I have dealt with Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart for years as a vendor. Over the last few years they have pawned off merchandising expenses, ad fees and whatever little costs they can come up with onto their vendors. Most of the time when the vendors need a price increase to compensate for fuel increases, or extra costs to produce products the vendors are told "No, we need to meet our margins"

In the satellite business, It doesn't suprise me to hear some of these issues. Your talking about companies who are trying to make a profit, and still spend money to build their infrustructure. Most other companies already have their infrustructure in place and are still doing what they can to screw their employees, suppliers, etc. to keep the customers happy and make money for the execs and stockholders.
E wants the number one position across the board very badly and is pretty much willing to do what ever it takes to get there regardless of who they step on it looks like.
Whiners, complainers, and.. DirecTV switchers.

You guys probably get bigger commissions suckering people into DirecTV anyway. It's more expensive all around.
OoTLink I'm sure you don't work for Dish!

If you were a retailer for dish, then you would know why there are so many
complaints. Dish screws you at every corner! Do not bend over Oouch!
No one mentioned the Merry Christmas dish gave us last year with the
FFA promotion chargebacks for every Superdish we put in! First we take a $50
cut in pay just for doing FFA, then dish comes back and takes another $50 for every superdish we put in under that FFA going back into Spring that was alot
of money dish stoled from us and I'll never foget it.
Why continue to do FFA promotional sales if you feel you are getting ripped off? DHA promotions are the best deal for retailers, and with very few exceptions, it is almost impossible to lose money. DHA is all the real big retailers do. I haven't seen anybody mention DHA here, why the taboo against it?
Van said:
E wants the number one position across the board very badly and is pretty much willing to do what ever it takes to get there regardless of who they step on it looks like.

Dish has enjoyed allot of success because of their retailers. Now they want to screw the people who got them there. Doesn't sound like a recipe for success, only disaster.
Dish Skunks said:
I've been a Dish retailer sinse 1996. I can't believe I was sooo stupid!
It was good for awhile they treated us with respect back then, because no other retail chain would take them in. But then came Sears then Sam's Outlet, Target, Walmart, and the worst Radio Shack! And the only reason they took Dish in is because of all the hard work us original retailers did to bring them Millions of subscribers.After Mary Davidson left Dish everything went down hill for us retailers. But even before that Dish felt they could start taking away our original incentives.
1} What happened with our promised life-time residules, Gone! Dish knows how to break promises, Even the newer retailers should know that.
2} We were doing fine with the original refer a friend promotion, but Dish had to take away $50 for that so I intentionally stopped doing that promo.
3} What about the showroom receiver, we are showing their products to get them more subs. Why did they start charging $60 a few years ago?
4} Free For All promo, Why should we take a $50 cut in pay to do them?
5} Superdish, It cost much more for shipping, and all the time to put them together, plus making three cables W/connectors, plus the extra time to install them correctly. And tell me what we get to make up for all the extra time, material & headaches from Dish?
6} Charge backs, 90 days before now 360 days. Why? Greed & Stupidity
7} Dish used to do the credit checks themselves. Now they want us to pay the credit agencies & also for the credit checks for their customers. Another case of passing the cost on to the retailers!
Well I can go on all day about how bad it's gotten working with Dish but I'm sure there are plenty of retailers that can add to this.
Don't Let Dish push you around anymore, All they do is take take take And us retailers are supposed to give give give! Jim Defranco can come up with multitudes of excuses! Do you really believe them? How much more will they want you to give up? I stopped advertising Dish Network last Dec. 2004 because of Defranco. My last Install for them was July 2005 and my Retailer Agreement has been terminated because I no longer have faith in Dish Network. Good luck to all Dish Network retailers, Stick together and you will have a stronger voice! Just say your not going to take it anymore and maybe they will start to listen. Jim Wickland Stargate Entertainment

Listen, the game has been changing ever since it was invented.....You could say the same things about the fees for installation..Back in the early years an installer could get $200 for a single tuner install...
I can empathize with your gripes but look at it this way, DN is probably using cost cutting measures to keep down costs to the subs...After all, the subs don't care what they are getting as long a s the price doesn't go up ..alot. I know this becuase the first question I get from a prosepctive sale is "how much does it cost per month" .Yearly program price increases as with cable would not be tolerated by DBS subs.. If DBS costs went up every year the subs would then have no incentive to leave cable....Now if that happens, you would have ZERO revenue instead of a little less..of course this is simply my theory as to your complaints on DN/Retailer realationship...If you think DN is bad, try selling DTV..They will pull your pants down.....
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