Do you LOVE the Welcome Pack?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 4, 2018
The Welcome Pack looks pretty sweet.

Hallmark movie and mystery
Boomerang -- Scooby Doo and Flintstones!
Comedy Central

Wow --- this sounds really sweet. Do you like your welcome pack and why?
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I Love my Welcome Pack. I get HGTV, History, CMT, Hallmark, HMM, & I get 30 channels of local tv on my OTA TiVo. Add in my Prime Fire stick and I do not even need Netflix. I did add the movie pack for more movies than I can watch.
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The Welcome Pack + streaming is a good combination for us. The Welcome Pack, which includes locals, is THE reason we still subscribe to Dish. Our Dish bill is $41.07 all up. We stream most of our viewing via PBS, Amazon Prime & Acorn TV.

Every few months ALL Dish Subscribers get Free Previews of HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, etc. which include the their On Demand libraries. We use our Hooper 3 to record multiple programs simultaneously and download On Demand titles that typically can be watched up to 3 weeks after download.
We used to have the Welcome Pack with our Hopper 2000 back in the day. Once my discounts expire in another year or so, I will probably switch back to it. We watch so much more on streaming services than we do on linear TV any more, I am really on the fence about keeping linear TV in the long run. Really, the only reasons are local channels and avoiding OnDemand commercials. If I could get good OTA reception, I'd probably go back to a Tivo setup. YTTV and the other services are tempting, but most seem to want to ruin the experience in some way. If DVRing something means I get the OnDemand version, fine, but let me FF the commercials like I can on my Hopper or pay a monthly fee to avoid the commercials. Anyway, the Welcome Pack is a good solution for now as I see it.
The Welcome Pack + streaming is a good combination for us. The Welcome Pack, which includes locals, is THE reason we still subscribe to Dish. Our Dish bill is $41.07 all up.
My Flex Pack bill is $48. Could be less than $38 if I dropped the Latino Bonus pack.
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