Don't Jump Ship yet, a deal might be close

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SatelliteGuys Regular
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Owasso, OK
Saw this artical. from

We're pretty close in terms of agreement in principle, but there are some details that have to be worked out

Every time I've check the stock prices, E* was Up, VIACOM was down. I wonder who is feeling the most pressure?
A_Noland said:
Saw this artical. from

Every time I've check the stock prices, E* was Up, VIACOM was down. I wonder who is feeling the most pressure?

And this is from the same man that said:

- $299 for a Dish 811
- The 921 will be released (put in the month/year you want)
- The 105 slot will be used for all new HD programming and you'll need a Superdish to receive HD
Rad, if you really don't have something constructive to say, don't bother. Your posts don't contribute anything to most discussions recently that I've noted and if I recall, you aren't even a Dish customer anymore, so why do you care, Is it all just to be annoying..
normang said:
Rad, if you really don't have something constructive to say, don't bother. Your posts don't contribute anything to most discussions recently that I've noted and if I recall, you aren't even a Dish customer anymore, so why do you care, Is it all just to be annoying..

And where does it say on ths forum's rules that you can only post if you are a customer of a service? I feel that I have every right to make my option know about Charlie and how he's running Echostar. Someone got to bring up the alternative points of views to counter balance all the folks that just love Charlie to death and think that he can do no wrong.
While you have the right to your opinions, please don't shoot the messengers. We work hard to give you the best news and as you know not everything pans out.

The 921 was released, and now its back to being unreleased. :)

On a seperate note, I added VIACOM to our main page stock ticker.

Let's hope this is over soon.
rad said:
And where does it say on ths forum's rules that you can only post if you are a customer of a service? I feel that I have every right to make my option know about Charlie and how he's running Echostar. Someone got to bring up the alternative points of views to counter balance all the folks that just love Charlie to death and think that he can do no wrong.

I have never said that Charlie can do no wrong, and while there may not be a rule, is there any sense in tossing in your two cents on something that doesn't even effect you if you are not a Dish Customer any longer. You made your choice, switched to whatever you got, and if your happy with that.. cool. But to perpetually sit on the sidelines and snipe, and you expect me or others to be happy with what you say, forget it.. Its sort of like rooting for the opposing team while sitting in the bleachers with the home team.. You left Dish, Charlie doesn't have any say in anything you see.... Get over it..
In that "The Street" article, they give credit to Dow Jones for the quote, but I actually think they (Dow Jones) got it from the special Charlie Chat last night. Sounds like exactly the language Charlie used when the lady asked him how close they were to a deal.
As much as I have liked some of the discussions we have had about the 811 and you being a Chicago boyall.I have to ask Why do you care about DISH anymore? We have plenty of DISH users who cut Echostar and Charlie no slack.
Seems like a silly crusade and a waste of time that could be better spent helping the homeless along the Dan Ryan
Kevinw said:
As much as I have liked some of the discussions we have had about the 811 and you being a Chicago boyall.I have to ask Why do you care about DISH anymore? We have plenty of DISH users who cut Echostar and Charlie no slack.
Seems like a silly crusade and a waste of time that could be better spent helping the homeless along the Dan Ryan

Maybe I like putting the screws to E* and Charlie a bit. I didn't get any free installs or hardware to switch from D* to E*, I paid over $1300 for my system and install, and that included a 301 and 501 on DHP. I kept hoping the the long awaited 921, even was #5 on Scotts pre-order list. I was looking forward to getting my SuperDish and being able to watch all the new HD programming (remember E* said that they'd launch SuperDish with 10 HD channels). I paid $299 for an 811 because of all the features that were supposed to be on it. Hell, even up to last November I had two coworkers sign up for Dish based on what we were being told. The yesterday one of them comes up and tell me that his little girl came up to him and asked where Nick was, how come she can't watch it anymore, and I feel bad since he got Dish after talking to me. So excuse me if I feel like taking a pot shot at Charlie and company, I feel that I've paid for the right to take them when I can.
rad said:
Maybe I like putting the screws to E* and Charlie a bit. I didn't get any free installs or hardware to switch from D* to E*, I paid over $1300 for my system and install, and that included a 301 and 501 on DHP. I kept hoping the the long awaited 921, even was #5 on Scotts pre-order list. I was looking forward to getting my SuperDish and being able to watch all the new HD programming (remember E* said that they'd launch SuperDish with 10 HD channels). I paid $299 for an 811 because of all the features that were supposed to be on it.

So its all Charlie's fault that you paid full boat? Didn't get any deals? I don't think so..

While Dish has issues with delivering their gear and software issues to boot, its only TV for crying out loud.. Don't you think its time to get a life.. Get over it.. Its time to move on and smell the roses, eventually it will all be over, the channels will be back, rates will go up somewhere along the line as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow (assuming no clouds of course) And the software will get fixed, and receivers will be plentiful.
normang said:
So its all Charlie's fault that you paid full boat? Didn't get any deals? I don't think so..

While Dish has issues with delivering their gear and software issues to boot, its only TV for crying out loud.. Don't you think its time to get a life.. Get over it.. Its time to move on and smell the roses, eventually it will all be over, the channels will be back, rates will go up somewhere along the line as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow (assuming no clouds of course) And the software will get fixed, and receivers will be plentiful.

Yeah. It's only TV. But, he pays E for it, and it shouldn't have so many issues. Such a minor thing as TV should be almost effortless. But, for him, it hasn't been that way with E. For you, it seems it has.

If he's happier with a different provider, why berate him? Why should anyone put up with broken promises, faulty equipment, as well as less desirable programming and/or higher prices in some instances, if that's how they feel they've been treated.

I cannot understand the constant knee-jerk defense of E, or any satellite or cable provider. It's a f'ing company, fer cryin out loud. If they don't provide the best value for a particular subscriber(that's VALUE, not just price), then they switch to one that does. No emotion. No attachments. Easy decision. Let them share the reasons for their decisions without being personally offended by their choice of a provider other than the one you chose. Sheesh.
rad said:
Maybe I like putting the screws to E* and Charlie a bit. I didn't get any free installs or hardware to switch from D* to E*, I paid over $1300 for my system and install, and that included a 301 and 501 on DHP. I kept hoping the the long awaited 921, even was #5 on Scotts pre-order list. I was looking forward to getting my SuperDish and being able to watch all the new HD programming (remember E* said that they'd launch SuperDish with 10 HD channels). I paid $299 for an 811 because of all the features that were supposed to be on it. Hell, even up to last November I had two coworkers sign up for Dish based on what we were being told. The yesterday one of them comes up and tell me that his little girl came up to him and asked where Nick was, how come she can't watch it anymore, and I feel bad since he got Dish after talking to me. So excuse me if I feel like taking a pot shot at Charlie and company, I feel that I've paid for the right to take them when I can.
Unfortunately you aren't doing anything to Dish or Charlie. You just come off as a persistant whiner. Oh well It's your life bitter as it is. :rolleyes:
GaryPen said:
If he's happier with a different provider, why berate him? Why should anyone put up with broken promises, faulty equipment, as well as less desirable programming and/or higher prices in some instances, if that's how they feel they've been treated.

The issue for me is the constant harping on Dish, that he abandoned. Sure RAD perhaps had good reasons.. But to me its time to get over it and move on. On the surface, it seems to me he created his own problems and solved them by changing providers.. To me, that should be the end of the story. If I recall, he did this at least 3 months ago.. if not longer..

I still like Dish, because I look at it from various perspectives of I basically have had no serious issues. I take the software and hardware issues in stride, I've never had a really defective reciever. I know that eventually most of the annoying issues will be fixed. If there ever comes a time where I think that something else will *really* give me more for my viewing dollar, then I'll cross that bridge if and when it ever comes. Its not here yet and I don't see it coming for a few more years, if it ever does..
With the possible addition of the MLB package, I wont be changing to another DBS provider anytime soon - If the MLB package on DISH comes to fruition. What better way is there to forget about lost channels than good old fashioned American Baseball? :D

Although, it would be nice if we had some more HDTV available on DISH. Oh well.

Back to the topic at hand, has anyone heard an update on the DISH vs. Viacom issue?
. No emotion. No attachments. [/QUOTE]
Its the emotional attack response when ANY post about DISH, Charlie or the 811...At what point does informing others of shortcomings and venting become obssesive? This is like the polar opposite of those who think DISH is heaven and Charlie is the Second Coming..Is there no objective middle ground?
Kevinw said:
. No emotion. No attachments.
Its the emotional attack response when ANY post about DISH, Charlie or the 811...At what point does informing others of shortcomings and venting become obssesive? This is like the polar opposite of those who think DISH is heaven and Charlie is the Second Coming..Is there no objective middle ground?

I certainly hope there is. It's what I strive for, and why it irks me so much when I see that weird, fanatical, almost religious, fervor of the Dishites.

I keep waiting for them to start ladling out the Kool-Aid.
WLong said:
With the possible addition of the MLB package, I wont be changing to another DBS provider anytime soon - If the MLB package on DISH comes to fruition. What better way is there to forget about lost channels than good old fashioned American Baseball? :D

I''d miss the Superstations, if I ever left. FREE (or next to free) Mets games from WPIX. Just my luck, they'd stop sucking right after I lost WPIX.

I was getting Mets-Dodgers and Mets-Rockies games too on the LA and Denver stations, but I hear those teams changed local stations. :( Well, there's still the Cubs and Braves on WGN and TBS. :)
GaryPen said:
I certainly hope there is. It's what I strive for, and why it irks me so much when I see that weird, fanatical, almost religious, fervor of the Dishites.

I keep waiting for them to start ladling out the Kool-Aid.

LOL Guyana GO-GO Juice.
Most people will refuse to ever admit they made a mistake.. To me its just a provider..I know people who do nothing but extoll the virtues of cable. While I live in an Adelphia service area with no HD in any known future.I dont harp about them, I replaced them..'nuff said :D
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Any news?

Anyone under contract have any luck canceling service?

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