DSR-410 News

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Prehistoric Satellite Guru
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jun 4, 2004
Montfort, Wisconsin
Latest updates on the DSR-410 situation, Skyvision and Satellite Receivers Ltd:

The DSR-410 receiver has returned front and center, after testing has confirmed that it can be re-mapped and used for C-band reception on AMC-18 satellite at 105 West. Preliminary testing has confirmed that a well-tuned 6-foot prime focus antenna should work throughout the U.S. Lower 48. Use of anything smaller has not yet been recommended, pending further testing.

June 1st, 2008 is the target date for all Ku-band signals being removed from X-4 at 99 West. Between now and then there will be a period of transition and simulcast on C-band with AMC-18 at 105 West.

As stated before, the move to C-band has a number of advantages. Very little incidence of weather outages common to Ku-band. Many former C-band users may have existing antennas that are not being used at all--and possibly never converted for Ku-band reception. This should allow people to easily add a DSR-410 to an existing C-band system.

Those that have concerns that they may have problems installing a C-band antenna for HITS service to replace their X-4 antenna now have an option, good for the month of February. Ship your DSR-410 receiver previously purchased from Skyvision back to them, and they will exchange for a preloaded Traxis DBS-3500 MPEG-2 free to air receiver. This will allow you to continue using your Ku-band antenna after repointing to the satellite of your choice, for no-charge programming delivered via Free-To-Air digital mode.

Those wanting a DSR-410 receiver and/or C-band hardware to connect to the AMC-18 satellite should contact us for more information.
Any idea if the receivers, after being remapped to c-band, will be able to pickup the fixed key stuff that is "free" for people that sub boxes like the 920's and such?
If a channel was using the same frequency, symbol rate and FEC that is mapped into your DSR 410 and is in FP mode Im sure it would work. The 410 and 4DTV are both Digicipher II so I can't see why a 410 wouldn't pick up a channel the 4DTV can as long as the proper information is there.
good info Mike. So there is still a solution :)

Being able to use a 6 foot dish it's kinda like the old analog G5 only packages with 6 foot dishes they used to sell :)

Ice, did you work at RShack when they had I think it was a 5 foot system for G5?
yep. They were catalog order only but they still had the G5 system in 93. Sold a few systems since where I lived/worked there wasnt cable in a lot of places.

There actually was one of those systems in the cabin we bought in 97. 5 foot dish and G5 only receiver and the subscription lasted about 9 months :)
I wish Skyvision and some other places put together some low priced C Band starter systems for this (with everything you need to get started)

They might actually be able to sell some c band equipment again.
yep. They were catalog order only but they still had the G5 system in 93. Sold a few systems since where I lived/worked there wasnt cable in a lot of places.

There actually was one of those systems in the cabin we bought in 97. 5 foot dish and G5 only receiver and the subscription lasted about 9 months :)

I guess history repeat's itself sort of :)
I wish Skyvision and some other places put together some low priced C Band starter systems for this (with everything you need to get started)

They might actually be able to sell some c band equipment again.

Scott do you know of any places that carry a cheap but good AZ EL 6 foot dish? Then all you need is a LNBF and it should be good to go.
I've bought both of my 6 footers from Sadoun. The shipping is rather cheap (35 bucks to Minneapolis) since the dish is in pieces

I guess history repeat's itself sort of
yes it is :)
Sadoun has the 6' Fortec Star dish both with and without the polar mount.
Just add a little superjack/von weiss motor to move it.
Or, you can put the plain dish on this H180 motor.
But the thing that cracks me up is this picture showing how small a box the 6'er ships in!
good news for me...thanks man.....i just bought 20 dsr 410 rec from skyvision only last week......i have been trying to get the red icon to go green and still nothing...so good news like this could be good for me...thanks again
I wonder if Skyvision plans to release a HD receiver anytime in the future that is capable of doing combo mode to enable subscribers to also access HITS HD feeds on AMC 18. I don't think the dsr 410 has a chance especially since DISH now offers a low cost all HD only package again for $29.99 a month. But with a HD receiver they may have a chance to compete otherwise forget about it.
I doubt it but hope so.....It seems most just stick with the big three - Cable, D* or E*.

Most people have never seen the vivid HD content that we have seen from the master broadcast feeds. You have to remember D* and E* 's HD looks so good to their consumers because of how bad their SD looks.

I have seen some of D*'s HD and it does not really impress me at all. It still shows some artifacts on a big tv.
I am picky however. HD is such a personal thing like asking what surround sound systems sound good. What is good for one is not for the other. C-band will probably always be a niche market since it requires technical skills to use. Most people now days are so clueless to how tv really works other than point the remote and flip channels.
Most people have never seen the vivid HD content that we have seen from the master broadcast feeds. You have to remember D* and E* 's HD looks so good to their consumers because of how bad their SD looks.

That was LSD's plan all along. To make SD look so bad that even a good SD OTA analog picture would look great, and call that HD.
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