DT Forever Lost MY Business!

Please reply by conversation.
First of all...I can't believe you think DishNetwork is better than Directv, (thats just absurd) but anyways the fact is that you went back and I see no reason why they would keep your deposit, that is the first thing that i would have questioned, then they are charging you another bill, sounds like a mistake on directv's side, are you 100% they disconnected your service, anyways whatever the reason something sounds fishy, Directv has awesome customer service you should call in and talk to someone about it, ask for a supervisor if you need to most of all don't be angry, they already lost you as a customer and have nothing else to loose to rude ex-customer (not saying that you are its just advice) anyway when you get everything settled, maybe you should consider switching to directv for good, DishNetwork may be cheaper but I gladly pay extra for Directv...and I suggest you do the same
twinrocks said:
During the Lifetime crisis, we switched to DT for 4 days. We didn't like it so went back to Dish. I called, and was way within the cancellation period. They sent out boxes and we sent the receivers back ON TIME. I begged for my $150.00 deposit back, but they kept it! But today, 3 months later we get a bill from DT for $129.00 more, stating it was an early cancellation fee! No way am I going to pay it, what a rip off, and not what they said or what they state in their policies at all.

I will be calling them tomorrow, but no matter the outcome....Direct TV has lost any hope of us being customers ever.
no you misunderstand you are losing the 129.00 because you thought losing lifetime was a crisis. i think we could all agree that you should be charged something for thinking losing lifetime was a crisis LOL
dragon002 said:
vurbano, im going to post the annual agreement and the new lease addendum, read them and then decide if THIS tech knows what he is talking about.

The document is grossly incomplete. It makes no mention of the upfront lease costs or whether or not that fee is a refundable deposit. I can see why D* lost in Wisconson. The dealers such as BB or CC are NOT informing customers that they are not buying anything. Combine that with this garbage addendum and you have a lawsuit.
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yes i do. i dont sell the eq, im an installing tech.

i carry it into the home and place it , the workorder and the new sub package in front of them.

im not their lawyer, im a tech.

stellar832000 said:
First of all...I can't believe you think DishNetwork is better than Directv, (thats just absurd) but anyways the fact is that you went back and I see no reason why they would keep your deposit, that is the first thing that i would have questioned, then they are charging you another bill, sounds like a mistake on directv's side, are you 100% they disconnected your service, anyways whatever the reason something sounds fishy, Directv has awesome customer service you should call in and talk to someone about it, ask for a supervisor if you need to most of all don't be angry, they already lost you as a customer and have nothing else to loose to rude ex-customer (not saying that you are its just advice) anyway when you get everything settled, maybe you should consider switching to directv for good, DishNetwork may be cheaper but I gladly pay extra for Directv...and I suggest you do the same

When we went to DT it was mainly because the women in the house wanted Lifetime and LMN. When DT was installed, granted we had those channels back, but DT had so much LESS than Dish! At that point Lifetime was not the issue! We hated DT, hated the remotes, hated the guide, it simply did not work for us. My husband was grouchy, my 80 year old Mother was miserable (and she is the one who wanted it), so since we had not cancelled Dish (paid in advance until this August), we cancelled DT. Believe me, we all rejoiced when we had Dish back. The icing on the cake was when they did give us Lifetime/LMN back. I called within 2 days of installation to talk to DT about it, they actually understood especially about the remotes and my Mother. They told me how long I had to decide without owing them anything. Within 4 days we cancelled. Within the week they sent the boxes for the receivers, and I shipped them back the next day. THEN I found out we would not get the deposit back and DT gave me the address to appeal that decision. I wrote to them and received some form letter type of answer back about how much it cost to install, bla, bla, bla. Then received a statement stating we had a $12.00 credit. Then two weeks later we get this bill for $129.00 dollars for a cancellation fee. That's the story in a nut shell. I haven't called them yet, I will tomorrow and post what happens.

By the way, I know that it costs them money to install people, but ours had to be the easiest ever. Already had the post with Dish antenna, not even on a roof! The guy replaced the antenna using existing cables that were already in place. placed the receivers using existing cables, and was done within 30 minutes!! I take chances in my business too.
twinrocks said:
When we went to DT it was mainly because the women in the house wanted Lifetime and LMN. When DT was installed, granted we had those channels back, but DT had so much LESS than Dish! At that point Lifetime was not the issue! We hated DT, hated the remotes, hated the guide, it simply did not work for us. My husband was grouchy, my 80 year old Mother was miserable (and she is the one who wanted it), so since we had not cancelled Dish (paid in advance until this August), we cancelled DT. Believe me, we all rejoiced when we had Dish back. The icing on the cake was when they did give us Lifetime/LMN back. I called within 2 days of installation to talk to DT about it, they actually understood especially about the remotes and my Mother. They told me how long I had to decide without owing them anything. Within 4 days we cancelled. Within the week they sent the boxes for the receivers, and I shipped them back the next day. THEN I found out we would not get the deposit back and DT gave me the address to appeal that decision. I wrote to them and received some form letter type of answer back about how much it cost to install, bla, bla, bla. Then received a statement stating we had a $12.00 credit. Then two weeks later we get this bill for $129.00 dollars for a cancellation fee. That's the story in a nut shell. I haven't called them yet, I will tomorrow and post what happens.

By the way, I know that it costs them money to install people, but ours had to be the easiest ever. Already had the post with Dish antenna, not even on a roof! The guy replaced the antenna using existing cables that were already in place. placed the receivers using existing cables, and was done within 30 minutes!! I take chances in my business too.

Lol funny story...I know how true it must be because my grandma also had the same "dish withdraws" its probably just that you are used to a product and its better to go with what you already know than having to learn something new (espically if it costs more) Directv is aware of the problems with the Guide and interface, sadly what we have now is an attempt to fix the problem, (it used to be worse, and the fonts used to be smaller) anyways good luck with directv im sure its all just a misunderstanding...you know one of the good things that i like about directv is the use of Channel Logos
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Not True!

dragon002 said:
i applaud your staying out of debt, and keeping your lifestyle. very commendable.

you do though have credit. ive been a tech for six plus years and have seen some weird things go as to credit checks at directv. we all compare notes, the only thing we think is happening is, utility payment history.

it seems directv doesnt care about mortgage, credit cards etc. the only thing we think they look at is utility bills. gas, electric, sewage, cableco, internet providers and telcos. everyone has those, so you DO have a credit rating.

That is SO not true!! If that were the case I would have one of the highest credit ratings!! We have two electric services, two sewer services, one water service, two phone services, DSL, cell phone, garbage service, and others, all on one property and all paid ALWAYS before the due date for at least the past 12 years.

Weird that when I was young I would get the Sears card and some others and purchase a few things. It was always so hard to be sure to make those payments!! I was thrilled when I would get one paid off, and vowed not to continue that way and pay all that interest! Then decided I didn't really NEED anything I didn't have the money for. So, I would wait until I had saved enough to buy that new washer, or what I needed. I stupidly thought that NOT being debt would be better, plus give me a great credit rating. Now, we find ourselves not having credit because of not being in debt...LOL!!!

I have a friend who has filed bankruptcy twice within the past ten years......they passed the credit check with DT and did not pay a dime to hook up to DT. They were laughing about it when I told them we couldn't pass. Ah, life!
twinrocks said:
I have a friend who has filed bankruptcy twice within the past ten years......they passed the credit check with DT and did not pay a dime to hook up to DT. They were laughing about it when I told them we couldn't pass. Ah, life!

Hello twinrocks. I think the root of your problem is that you're not the typical customer. Atypical customers (however defined) are often viewed as expendable. Please understand that I'm not criticizing you in any way; actually I wish Americans in general lived debt-free lives. But that's not the topic on this board...

I read somewhere that the average Directv customer pays around $70/month. I'm assuming that he/she purchases a few PPV or maybe a premium service. I've read articles that state that those who purchase PPV *often* usually live close to, if not in, debt. Since I don't know anything about how the author came this conclusion, I don't know how valid that statement is.

Nevertheless, a debt-free customer can oftentimes be the hardest person to deal with in the retail world. Imagine a person who can walk away from most any business relationship and not financially suffer...Indeed a rare breed these days.

With this in mind, you might be experiencing your problems because you could and did tell Directv that the service wasn't for you and nothing could change your mind. Many people today have a big problem being told that. The main issue, from reading your post, is that Directv did not follow their contract. If so, it doesn't matter why you discontinued service or whether I (or anyone else) thinks you did right. The contract is what matters.

More likely, however, is that the CSR(s) handling your problem made many mistakes. My calls to customer service have overall been positive, albeit I've had to be patient. As I recently told a Directv supervisor, making the mistake isn't quite as aggravating as working on the solution to keep it from happening again.

Hopefully your future call to Directv will solve your problem. If not, then you have the right idea to contact your state's attorney general and seek relief there.

Good luck and by the way, I LOVE your signature. I think a significant number of Americans feel the same way about our "100s of channels." Take care, j c
twinrocks said:
When we went to DT it was mainly because the women in the house wanted Lifetime and LMN. When DT was installed, granted we had those channels back, but DT had so much LESS than Dish! At that point Lifetime was not the issue! We hated DT, hated the remotes, hated the guide, it simply did not work for us. My husband was grouchy, my 80 year old Mother was miserable (and she is the one who wanted it), so since we had not cancelled Dish (paid in advance until this August), we cancelled DT. Believe me, we all rejoiced when we had Dish back. The icing on the cake was when they did give us Lifetime/LMN back.

I had the same issue when switching from E* to D* in September. My mom was used to 7.5 years of E* channel lineup and receivers. She still complains about not being able to find the channels she wants. I still remember the channel numbers for E* and now know the ones for D* so it's no big deal to me. I miss some things about E* and do admit that the SD pic quality on E* was a little bit better depending on the channel. In the end what matters to me is the DVR. Being able to set my Tivo and forget it is worth the change from E*. I set my Season Passes in September and have only had to make a change for the new season of Survivor since. Of course if I ever have to use a less reliable DVR like the R15 then I may switch back to E*.
dragon002 said:
yes i do. i dont sell the eq, im an installing tech.

i carry it into the home and place it , the workorder and the new sub package in front of them.

im not their lawyer, im a tech.

So you have a steel trap of a mouth when installing and activating for a subscriber knowing that after the equipment is activated the 30 return policy is violated. But yet on here you are just spewing D* knowledge all over the place. Meanwhile the retailer hasnt told the consumer he didnt "buy" anything, the installer keeps his mouth shut and the contract makes no mention of what the upfront fee actually was for or whether or not its refundable. This can either be one of two things. Either D* has made a mistake in how they are executing all of this (pretty unbelievable for company of their experience) or they are misleading consumers by design. But yet you dont understand why this is in the courts. :rolleyes:
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vurb, buddy!!!!

one, i dont care if it is in the courts.

two, im there to install a system they ordered, not to talk them out of it. there isnt much $$ in talking them out of it.

three, i think you meant VOIDED.. not violated.
DT Resolution Today

So, I call DT and explain the problem and that I should not have this bill! Got switched to someone else who claimed I did not send the receivers back. (First, if I had not sent them back, the bill would have been much higher!!) Anyway, LUCKILY I kept the FedEx airbill! I had to read the tracking numbers, and the date sent. Then I was on hold for 15 minutes more while they tried to track them down. All the while thinking of my next move...LOL!! The outcome is that they are taking amount due back off and issuing a credit for $12.98. I have no idea where THAT comes from, but after 45 minutes on the phone I really didn't care.
Please reply by conversation.

Wait them out ?

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