ENTER HERE: Win a C Band Dish & LNB from SatelliteAV!(Contest Over)

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
The folks from SatelliteAV came to me a few weeks ago asking me to have a contest for them. They want us to giveaway a 2.4M (8 Foot) GEOSATpro polar mount prime focus dish, GEOSATpro C2 dual output C-Band LNBF and FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the 48 Continental United States.

So wanted to make it fun so I went to the staff and asked them for their ideas and the staff agreed that a Essay Contest would be fun, however they could not figure out what people would write about.

So I went back to SatelliteAV and told them what the staff came back with and they suggested the following which is the premise for our next contest.

Tell us why you want an 8 foot C Band Dish, however in doing so explain it to us like we are your WIFE! So explain it to us as you would your wife if what you want a big 8 foot dish in your yard!

Just have fun with it, it does not matter if your married or not or even if your a wife yourself!

It can be as long as you want or as short as you want. JUST HAVE FUN WITH IT!

The winner will be selected on October 31st and is open to all US Residents except Scott & Eva Greczkowski and the staff of SatelliteAV.

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This is a great contest.

Two questions (which only a professor would ask):

1) How long do you want the essay?

2) Do we PM it to you Scott? That way the entries are not in the forum, enabling others to "cheat" so to speak by getting ideas?
It can be as long or short as your want.

And please post them here. Winners will be selected at Random, the essay is just to hopefully get some good laughs. :)
Hi honey. I've been thinking. Maybe we should put a big cband dish out in the yard. Yes, a Cband dish is bigger than that KU band dish on the roof, and that little 18" dish that your friend has down the street, but you know, it'll bring in a lot more tv channels for us. I know you miss those ol days when we had lots more channels and were paying 100 plus dollars for cable. With a CBAND dish, we might be able to get almost as many channels as we had back then - just imagine the possibilities!

Plus, having a CBAND dish will help bring a new, stylish look to our yard and make the house value go up.

You know, ever since we moved here 10 months ago, how you've been having to help me manually haul the lawn mower up to the side yard by lifting it over the steps and flower garden in the front yard, so that I can mow over there where there's no gate in the fence to the back yard, so I can't get the lawnmower from the back yard to the side yard without you helping me... well, if we could get a big cband dish over there, you wouldn't have to help me do that as much since the shadows from the cband dish would help the grass over there not get as much sun so the grass won't grow as high.

Plus, I hear that if you are careful, you can actually paint the dish without making the signals that it receives go bad. I could paint you a really big Tweety Bird on there. You love that little guy so much...

(she really does - has tweety on car mats, hanging in the car, and upstairs we have a whole bunch of tweety dolls - something like 20-30 of them, not to mention the tweety logo on clothes and stuff)
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Funny.. my wife is funny, she's addicted to tv.. her's would be like this

You want a what?! Wait, is it high def? Can I record my shows on it? Can I record multiple shows at the same time? Can I put them on the psp so I watch them durring lunch? How much is this going to cost us? Nothing? You're kidding right? I better be able to record my shows or so help you!

Me: Your favorite shows are starting and you know I like to watch alot of sports. Too stop our nightly bickering of when you can watch Desperate Housewives, Dancing with people that don't know how to dance and CSI Miami to name a few, we can get a 2nd c-band dish for free. That's right, free. My favorite big dish website is selecting a winner at random. I never win anything except you honey, but all I have to do is enter and I have a chance. It won't cost a thing. I can install it here in the corner by the palm tree. You will still be able to see the satellites for the programming that you like to watch. Most of your programming is on one satellite, so we won't have to move it much. I promise, I won't watch one sporting event on it unless you want to watch it with me.

Kimberly: What comes with the dish? We are short with money, our landlord is raising the rent soon, you just bought a HD TV that you won't let me watch anything on even video's or cd's. If you get another dish, you will make it for yourself and I'll be stuck with lousy COX cable upstairs on our TV upstairs where most of the channels are snowy and not even in Stereo.

Me: The dish comes with a free lnbf. You can watch 2 different things at once.

Kimberly: There's only one TV upstairs dummy.

Me: You can record one program and watch the other later even though both are on at the same time. You can watch Kidnapped at 7 and then watch Nine at 8 that you recorded because it was also on at 7.

Kimberly: Will you have to buy anything?

Me: Probably some cable to run to the bedroom upstairs from the dish. We can use the extra analog receiver that we have already. I don't use the old Zinwell digital receiver that much. We can put that upstairs. If you want to record a 2nd program then we will need to buy a separate receiver, but Pete sells receivers at a good price and is very nice. I bought my lnbf's from him. I'm sure I could get a good deal. Iceberg (remember him - you know the big college hockey fan I talk about nicely all the time?), may have a spare receiver that he can sell to me for cheap. I can ask him. You will get better reception from your dish than I get on your favorite programs because your dish will be bigger and have less interference for those HD feeds.

Kimberly: Okay. Go ahead and try. If you don't win the dish, then we need to really work out a system where we can both enjoy c-band programming from one dish and both of us can be happy.
We can have double the channels, and more news

We can get a free big satellite antenna--shipped herefor free--and get many more interesting channels to watch. What we have now with the small dish has more problems from rain, the bigger dish won't have so many problems.

Some of the channels we could get are Warner Brothers (Disney,) BBC News, some NBC news, several shopping channels, most of Sky Angel's channels, weather network, CCTV 4 and 9 received during rainy weather. We caould get SatMex 5 too, with the additional Chinese channels there.

The dish is 8 feet wide, but we can put it in the back yard where it's hidden by the shed and the bushes. Can't get it for a better price, and we already have everything needed to use it. They also include a free LNBF for C band.
Geez, AND I thought you were serious about that essay!! Gullible me! :D

Here goes...

Dearest wife,

I have a great idea for a new addition to our yard. I know you grew up on a farm, and have missed that. So... I was thinking that we could build a dish farm. Yup, we'll have two dishes on the roof, plus this new one in the dog's kennel. Oh... its not too big, and since we are building a shed out there this fall, I can pour some cement for its base. No one will see it. Really.

This will make me REALLY REALLY happy. And just think, we could get SO MANY more channels. This will enable us to watch pretty much anything we want. Please! Please!

And we'll have the coolest yard on the block. I think you would really like it. If you let me get it, you won't need to get me anything for Christmas OR my birthday.

And did I say it would be Free???


ok... there's my lame entry. I sure am glad the essay is for fun, because this is a very hard one to write! It will be even more difficut if I win, and then have to really convince her of what I am going to do. :D
Hun, I am thinking about getting a big dish, we can cut our cost by buying our movie channels off the big dish. We'll get more channels for less money and the picture will be really clear...not like Directv. Also you know the neighbor with the yappy dogs that bitches about us taking trees down...well I haven't given her anything to complain about in awhile and this would be great!!!...right there in the middle of the front yard....she might even put up that fence you want. We can paint it like a giant yellow smiley face with a bullet hole in the forhead. You could even plant sunflowers around the base :D
I don't know how i would explain how i would want another c-band dish , i currently have one out in the yard that needs only minor repair to get to work. so it would be a hard sell.

you want a what ?? ......you want a what ?? ..... you got one , out in the yard
fix it and get it to work. :mad:

She doesn't watch but a few channels so shes happy with the DTV setup. we don't have HD so we aren't into that yet.:(

so tough sell all around

Then i could tell her , well it is for my at Home hobby, :up i could be out in the deer woods .... or out fishing in the bass boat .... but this hobby keeps me at home :)
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Hey, I have a great idea! No, this is nothing like the last one.....but, honey....c'mon......but.......but......but....the doctor said I'll be able to get the cast off in a couple weeks.....ok, at least listen to it.

You know how badly WE need a second C band dish to cover the eastern portion of the sky, right? So, there's this 8 footer I've had my eye on. You won't even notice it in the yard next to the 10 footer, 4 footer, and the myriad of Primestars. In fact, here's what we're going to do. Setup the 8 footer to cure the C band issue, then we'll setup the 1.2 meter over by the neighbor's place. Just point it directly at their bedroom window and wire some of those ultra bright LED's to it. Then, whenever I see that mullet wearing jerk out in the yard working on his 78 Pinto, I'll just keep mumbling something about a "Death Ray" and world domination. They already believe that I'm nuts and communicating with some forces from the beyond. They'll move back into the trailer court with his son and her daughter (whom are married to each other if you recall). C band problem and neighbor problem solved in one fell swoop, and all we got to do is get the 8 footer from Satellite AV. Soooooo, what do you say? Honey? Hello? Come back, my cast is itching me again. Help.
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I'll try

Me: Sweetheart, you know those diamond earrings you wanted from Borsheims? I said I'd wait for the perfect moment to get them for you. Well, now is the perfect moment.

Wife: Why is now the perfect moment?

Me: It just is sweetheart, it just is.

Seconds later a delivery truck arrives unannounced to drop off the .4M (8 Foot) GEOSATpro polar mount prime focus dish, GEOSATpro C2 dual output C-Band LNBF courtesy of SatelliteAV.
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This is exactly how I will explain it if I win it.

Honey, I know that during the last almost 30 years that we have been married, I have made a lot of decisions that didn't pan out like we thought they would, but this experiment worked when I put up the first 10' BUD on the roof.

I also know that I have a 7.5' BUD waiting to go up on the roof for you and the family as soon as the over expenditures on the first one have gone away, but this one is free if I win. We have plenty of room on the roof. It is after all 50' x 125', and we can string christmas lights on them this winter.

I really need this extra BUD for the computer repair room tv, and it will be a good place to experiment, and I can even get a DVB Worldbox or something similar to run it with. That way I can record the shows right on my computer.

Besides, I don't have an LNBF, and I want to see what is on those circular birds.

It will be a lot of fun, and you know what the Doctor said the last time I saw him. I lost 14 pounds climbing up and down the ladders putting up the first one, and he wants me to keep on doing whatever it is that I am doing to get that kind of exercise.

So if I can get it free, and the other stuff to make it works doesn't cost too much, can I have it if I win? :luvlove:

Me: Honey, you know that dish on the roof that I keep tinkering with and got ticked off for a week at and then acte like a kid on Christmas morning when I got it working?

Her: Yeah.

Me: Well, I'm happy with that but I want a bigger one.

Her: Why do you need a "bigger" dish? Isn't the one you have big enough? I swear, you men are never satisfied with anything.

Me: I'm satisfied with you.

Her: Satisfied? That's it? Not happy or jovial or ecstatic? Just satisfied? I swear...

(After an hour of not speaking with me, we start again)

Me: Honey, about that bigger dish I was talking about...could I possibly get one of those?

Her: Why? Because you have to have more stuff?

Me: Well, there's a lot more programming out there on C-band that I can't receive with my smaller dish.

Her: You seem to be glued to that thing for hours now. If you got one of those you probably wouldn't speak to me at all.

Me: Well, actually, with a C-band dish, we could get numerous shopping channels. Both Home Shopping Network and QVC are on AMC 10, which I can't receive with my smaller dish. Plus, you wouldn't be paying every month for cable to receive them, then you'll have more money to order stuff, like those ear rings you've been looking at.

Her: Order it...
Dear wife,

You seem to be really tired of directv going out when it rains. If we installed a c-band dish, this would go away, plus we would get a lot more channels for less money. I also have a perfect spot in the yard where we can put it (by the a/c unit). I have asked you about this befor ebut you said it was too expensive, now I can win one and get it shipped for free!!1
C Band Dish for me - Lots of Loving for U

My dear wife,
If you let me get this nice free dish, I'll promise to give you good lovin' every night and stop cheating, drinking, smoking and cursing.
Oh $%#^&, I left my smokes at the bar.
Yeah a big dish for me.
Thought I might better tell you I just entered a contest to try and win a free 8' satellite dish. It's a solid metal dish and should give better picture quality than our 10' mesh dish. It'll certainly improve the ku-band reception, that as you know is sometimes "hit and miss". I've been telling you those holes in the mesh are just too large. If we can win this, I'll be able to show you what I've been talking about. So, if we win, I'll put it up next to the mesh dish behind the well house. No one will hardly notice it. Please Karen, please say yes?

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