Excessive "Nigeria Scam" email lately?

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Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
Am I the only one getting an unbelievable amount of the classic Nigeria email scams lately? I swear I get at least 40 messages a day in my junk mail, all the same basic "hey we need your help to get this money, you get a cut" or "You won the international lottery, send us a scan of your ID and bank info" etc etc long lost relative left money, need your ID.
I get about 1 per day because I have an online storefront. Usually you can tell they are from Nigeria because they always use the words "Kindly" "Sir" and "Regards" in their email.

I hate to say it, I wish people would be a little more smarter when it came to this type of stuff because if people would just ignore the emails these scammers would stop doing it!

I did respond to one of them by accident. One of these scammers emailed me and asked if I shipped to "Niagra" instead of "Nigeria" and thinking it was Niagra Falls NY, I replied to the email.

When I realized they ment Africa, I stopped responding to the guys emails. The SOB kept emailing me for a week wanting to know why I didn't reply to his email yet.
dragon002 said:
no firewalls??? get VERIZON DSL and NORTON,,,THE BEST!!!!
and dude NICE avatar (walter)

This has nothing to do with firewalls or verizon or norton. It's just a bogus email scam that even my most basic email filters are catching. All I was curious on was if it is as widespread as I am seeing.

Claude Greiner said:
I get about 1 per day because I have an online storefront. Usually you can tell they are from Nigeria because they always use the words "Kindly" "Sir" and "Regards" in their email.

Yeah, at least they are politely asking for my bank info :)
I do not get hardly any emails of that sort but I have had my fair share of pm's on the messengers regarding that. Some will talk back and forth with you and no they are not bots, but real people trying to get money or want to know if you will keep their money for them but they say it in their own words. One of them acted like she was from Kentucky. Messaged me on two different screen names.
dragon002 said:
no firewalls??? get VERIZON DSL and NORTON,,,THE BEST!!!!
and dude NICE avatar (walter)

I have both hardware (cable modem) and software (norton) firewalls. And actually, the yahoo filter gets most of them, but a few still get through. When I check my Bulk mail, there are a ton in there as well.

Thanks. The Pens are just not catching a break this season, but still fun to watch.
Claude Greiner said:
I get about 1 per day because I have an online storefront. Usually you can tell they are from Nigeria because they always use the words "Kindly" "Sir" and "Regards" in their email.

I hate to say it, I wish people would be a little more smarter when it came to this type of stuff because if people would just ignore the emails these scammers would stop doing it!

I did respond to one of them by accident. One of these scammers emailed me and asked if I shipped to "Niagra" instead of "Nigeria" and thinking it was Niagra Falls NY, I replied to the email.

When I realized they ment Africa, I stopped responding to the guys emails. The SOB kept emailing me for a week wanting to know why I didn't reply to his email yet.

Thats funny. I ocassionally pick an email and respond. Tell them I'm interested. But I have a project that *I'm* working on and I need some funding. :) They will respond that they are interested in working on it. Then I'll tell them I need bank account numbers from THEM and I'll never hear from them again!!

I strung a guy out for two weeks emailing back and forth. That was a year ago. Now, I will send him an email asking "where are you? I haven't heard from you." :)

Guy's name: Charles Taylor. Exiled American Former President of one of the African countries.
99.99% of the crap that attempts to get into my inbox gets filtered out by my
mail server using a combination of:

1) sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org
2) people that forge my ip or domain in their HELO
3) SpamAssassin

the first 2 get unceremoniously dropped in mid SMTP conversation.

the others get tagged.

if the SpamAssassin score is over 15.0, it gets an SMTP reject.

I have zero tolerance for spammers and spam.
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