Executive Shake Up at DISH Network

Scott Greczkowski

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Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
The Denver Business Journal is reporting some changes at DISH Network in management.

Out is ECHOSTAR CFO David Rayner.

Also out is my former boss Ira Bahr Cheif Marketing Officer at DISH. Replacing Ira is Vivek Khemaka who is Vice President of Customer Technology. Ira was a good guy and while we butted heads a few times over differences in marketing philosophy I built a great respect for him and what he did while he was there.

I remember a few years ago in the middle of the DISH Network booth on the CES floor it was me and Ira going toe to toe because he didn't like something I said about one of his ads. We actually got quite loud and vocal there in the middle of CES but it was a great learning experience for us both, and as I said I gained great respect for him and for what he did there.

When Ira called me and asked me to start DISHsupport.COM I was honored that he thought of me to launch this important DISH Network project.

I am going to miss talking with Ira as it was always interesting to pick his brain and it was always great to have his ear when we chatted over the years.

I know Vivek and he loves his technology whenever he talks about a DISH product you can hear the pride in his voice as he discusses it, but with that said I have not known him to be involved with marketing so it will be interesting to see what happens here. Vivek is only taking over until a replacement for Ira is found. I have been working with Vivek a lot over the past 2 years and enjoy his zest that he shows for the technology. I look forward to working with him more!

Anyways to read more about the changes please CLICK HERE.
If the BBMP TV commercials were under Ira's watch, then I would say it's time for someone new. All the best and good luck to Vivek. I hope he can reign in his tech lust so as not to overwhelm/alienate the average consumer.
You might not have liked the BBMP commercials, but it got you and many others talking about them which mean the ads did their job.

You got to remember that all of this was thrown together in a really short time. New ads are coming and I hear that they will have some impact and feeling with them.

I have a feeling we are about to see the rebirth of DISH Network.

CES is going to be very interesting!
I am not to worried about Marketing Vivek is a smart guy, besides the marketing roadmap has been laid out for the next 6 months (if not longer)

Get ready for Movies,Music and Magic. :)
I'm surprised its taken this long, but marketing is only 1/2 of the problem. The other part of it is programming. Dish needs to change their philosophy on a lot of things! If they would like suggestions and actions they can hire someone who can help lead them in the right direction, they know my number! After all, I was offered, but declined, a job with them recently at the Monee uplink! I truly believe that dish could be the best satellite company out there, but the current direction and the consistent loss of subs were signs that dish wasn't doing the right thing. There is a reason, why Directv is adding subs even when they are not adding national programming! There will always be people whom don't want sports or won't pay for it. That's fine! Right size their package for them, but don't completely cut out the sports fans as they spend a lot of cash! Cutting them out the way dish has, they have lost touch with the basic programming choices that should be a no brainer. Really, dish needs some one (like my self) whom can make those programming choices and isn't afraid to do the right thing. I'm surprised at the corporate atmosphere with Dish and how people have lost the touch of what dish used to be all about, taking care of costumers, offering programming that people want, and informing costumers of what dish network was all about. While dish is known for movies, dish was once known as a programming partner whom provided everything from sports to movies at a great value loaded with entertainment. Its kind of hard to see dish as a viable choice when programming that is valuable local entrainment such as Full time HDRSN's isn't even an option for dish costumers. Its stuff like this, that's a no brainer that the corporate culture at Dish just doesn't get or refuses to listen.

I just hope that dish doesnt hire someone who's a filler for the slots, often that happens and then common sense is lost, and we end up with boneheaded decisions like not providing basic programming such as HD RSN's. Folks, I am also not talking about the full time sporting packages, I'm talking about basic local sports programming that should be automatically included within your local package. If you sub to locals, you should get your regional RSN, but I understand why some might not like that. I hope that Vivek does well and leads the company in the right direction but dish has a lot to change in order to go the right direction.
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They only did their job if the cash registers starting ringing.;)

I don't think they did, and I am going to say that a lot of people took a look at the lack of sports and said to hell with it, as Directv added subs in record levels, and they have only added one channel in HD on a national level this year, and that was AMCHD.
Get ready for Movies,Music and Magic. :)
:( I don't want "magic" I want tech support. And pretty much at every turn Dish has failed in their ability to support DishOnline/DRA/Sling, and now BBMP.

I don't have to "guess" on a daily basis if my internet will work ... the technology is sound, its damned near bullet proof ... Sat signals from the sky ... until last month's "what does this button do" issue with 129 .. it was damned near perfect ... or at least in the high 90's.

But Dish's implementation of sling? Dish's implementation of Dish Online (widevine bull crap, AND sling)? and THEN BBMP failures ... disk by mail speed, bbmp titles, vod/ipvod failures and interface design (who wants to page through 6000 total titles; 6 at a time, and then wonder if they will actually stream?).

Screw the lights smoke and mirrors.. give us something that works for *EVERYONE* not just those who don't have 922's, not just for those who don't go over 1000 recordings on an EHD, not just those who have *no* option but to take a gamble with 722/L721 & connection failures.. something that works for everyone.
I would say DIRT was one thing they got right.
I wouldn't even classify Dish IRT as a success either.

History proves that Dish sent IRT out without adequate resources. Matt G was one of the first to post a connection to some folks that deal with DRA and later DO ... if Dish had setup Dish IRT correctly ... they wouldn't have been scrambling day one, for error codes, meanings, and possible fixes / work arounds.

Dish IRT is not at fault mind you ... but they came to the party with only half their costume on, and went straight in and has been finishing getting into costume and character ever since. They consistently perform better than ANY of the average Phone or Chat persons directly at Dish ... but even know ... they are still hamstrung by the internal lack of communication, and probably the forced silence that their betters back in dish make them keep.

I would normally have expected the people on the phone and in tech chat, to be at or very near the level of Dish IRT ... leaving Dish IRT available to tackle the *real* problems.. but that's not happened ... and again that's not Dish IRT's fault.. but Dish Proper, for not giving Dish IRT the tools they need, nor the backup and staff (internal communications & logisitcs) that are needed to find and provide repairs for all.

Again please don't read that as not liking or thinking Dish IRT is good.. it is.. BUT what Dish IRT is now, is what DISH CSR's should have been like 12 months ago.
Unbelievable, as per usual. I knew TG2 would would be the shark in the bloody water.
Please all of you call a CSR and ask or talk about the DIRT team!!!!...They dont exist, and my favorite from 2 weeks ago, If they are on this site or dbs talk they shouldnt be and if there found here they will be fired! LOL.....So I asked the superviser why dosent he come here write down there names and send it to his higher superviser than he is? His reply was it wasnt his job. Just like when you call a CSR over and over and get lied to....Its not there job, they just fill out the ticket and submite it!!!!! Wonder why things are so snookered up on ALL ENDS of dishnetwork? There more than happy to sell you something that dosent work as advertised, but fix mistakes, bad upgrades.....well, well thats a whole different story!!!!!
Please all of you call a CSR and ask or talk about the DIRT team!!!!...They dont exist, and my favorite from 2 weeks ago, If they are on this site or dbs talk they shouldnt be and if there found here they will be fired! LOL.....So I asked the superviser why dosent he come here write down there names and send it to his higher superviser than he is? His reply was it wasnt his job. Just like when you call a CSR over and over and get lied to....Its not there job, they just fill out the ticket and submite it!!!!! Wonder why things are so snookered up on ALL ENDS of dishnetwork? There more than happy to sell you something that dosent work as advertised, but fix mistakes, bad upgrades.....well, well thats a whole different story!!!!!
Do you have any idea how incoherent you just were??
Please all of you call a CSR and ask or talk about the DIRT team!!!!...They dont exist, and my favorite from 2 weeks ago, If they are on this site or dbs talk they shouldnt be and if there found here they will be fired! LOL.....So I asked the superviser why dosent he come here write down there names and send it to his higher superviser than he is? His reply was it wasnt his job. Just like when you call a CSR over and over and get lied to....Its not there job, they just fill out the ticket and submite it!!!!! Wonder why things are so snookered up on ALL ENDS of dishnetwork? There more than happy to sell you something that dosent work as advertised, but fix mistakes, bad upgrades.....well, well thats a whole different story!!!!!

You just sounded like my dad on a Saturday night after 12 beers... :p
Please all of you call a CSR and ask or talk about the DIRT team!!!!...They dont exist, and my favorite from 2 weeks ago, If they are on this site or dbs talk they shouldnt be and if there found here they will be fired! LOL.....So I asked the superviser why dosent he come here write down there names and send it to his higher superviser than he is? His reply was it wasnt his job. Just like when you call a CSR over and over and get lied to....Its not there job, they just fill out the ticket and submite it!!!!! Wonder why things are so snookered up on ALL ENDS of dishnetwork? There more than happy to sell you something that dosent work as advertised, but fix mistakes, bad upgrades.....well, well thats a whole different story!!!!!

I can understand why the CSR, and supervisor you spoke with have not heard of the DISH Internet Response Team. We are still considered a new department, and are very small compared to most other departments (about 20 people in DIRT). Also, most call centers have not heard of us because we are only located in this one center (even people here don't know what DIRT is). I can assure you that we are a real department, and do work directly for DISH Network (with authorization to work on sites such as this one, and DBStalk). DIRT is here to help with anything that we can to the best of our ability.
Matt, as the GOOD man you are...there as some A's you don't need to kiss or apologize or validate yourself for.

622 Strange DVR scheduling problem.

External Hard Drive use with no signal

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