Facts about HD Lite on E*

Can you guys go 1 f'ing day without bitching about HD Lite? Jesus Christ - you people make every post related to HD Lite.

Oh - did you see that baseball game on ESPN-HD? Oh yeah - the programming on VOOM was Hd-lite. Wait - I was talking about ESPN HD. That's okay- i'm gonna blab about HD Lite.

Let it go already - :mad:
psumattDE said:
Can you guys go 1 f'ing day without bitching about HD Lite? Jesus Christ - you people make every post related to HD Lite.

Oh - did you see that baseball game on ESPN-HD? Oh yeah - the programming on VOOM was Hd-lite. Wait - I was talking about ESPN HD. That's okay- i'm gonna blab about HD Lite.

Let it go already - :mad:
Amen! We don't condone HD-Lite but what are you going to do? D* has all HD-Lite and most cable companies are starved for bandwidth. My local Comcast has added one, yes one HD channel in the last two years. They may not even have the bandwidth to carry NFL Network in HD. If they compress HD they can fit it in. Otherwise they need to wait for analog to go away or update the system and that is not going to happen.

No matter what you want or I want, there is a 99.999% chance that HD-Lite will be the standard. HD will become the current SD (over compressed) and something better will come along and the pattern will continue. I feel blessed to have 34 channels (including locals) versus the 12 (including locals) Comcast offers. As long as it looks better than DVD and better then SD we should not complain!
psumattDE could not agree with you more!!!!! With what is going on in the world, HD resolution or bitrate is really not even on the radar screen. I am please with the HD I receive even if it does now and then have a hickup, ( have over $75,000 invested in audio and video eqipment. I feel sorry for people that live only for TV. Glad I have a life....
riffjim4069 said:
Q: What do the civilians of Nazi Germany and a group of HD-Lite Apologists have in common?

A: They both turned a blind-eye and a deft-ear toward unfolding events because many lacked character and conviction; it's called dereliction, cowardice, irresponsibility, indifference, selfishness...and a whole lot of other really bad words.:shh
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. This comparison is disgusting and pointless. How old are you? Have you lived in Germany at this time? Did you experience it? Do you even know the whole history about this and the reasons how this got that way? I am german and my grandfather told me about this time. I don't think you educated yourself enough about the history, otherwise you wouldn't make these uneducated comparisons. The country back then was in such unbelievable poverty, and the people had nothing to eat and no hope about their future. It wasn't all that simple the way you make it look like at all. I just hate it when people talk about stuff they have no clue about. This is off topic, but it had to be said.
...in case nobody noticed...

In case nobody noticed, this IS an HD Lite thread!

So, if you don't like having it brought up in other threads, bitch there.
But to bitch here about it, is pointless !
scooby2 said:
We don't condone HD-Lite but what are you going to do?
As long as it looks better than DVD and better then SD we should not complain!
There I will have to disagree.
If everybody just takes their meds and makes no effort to complain, you'll continue getting whatever is offered.
(...so, who would like some more soylent lite? ...anyone? ...anyone? )

....hrmmm..... I quite like that... why don't we start a revolt and call it that and see how much they hate it!? :)
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foghorn2 said:
I do care about PQ.

Maybe if enough of you left, Dish would change their minds :eureka
There you go. If you hate HD-Lite put your money where your mouth is and cancel service. Though I have a feeling even if every Dish sub from satguys quit, it would still not make a difference.
I doubt most people can tell the difference at this point, unless they are comparing the same thing, i.e. Dish HD local vs OTA HD local. I know that on my old TV, all the DishHD channels look great. I *think* I can tell that Discovery HD Theatre looks best of all of them. It may be the resolution, bandwidth, or just quality of source material, I really can't tell.

Probably only those relatively few people who have a large, properly calibrated true 1920x1080 display will be able to notice, but for them, it will be doubly frustrating because they have spent more for a better TV that only serves to make it obvious that the input is deficient.
Gosh, I spent money on a HDTV and now I can see that SD looks deficient.

Guess I should have just saved my money and lived in ignorant bliss?
ralfyguy said:
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. This comparison is disgusting and pointless. How old are you? Have you lived in Germany at this time? Did you experience it? Do you even know the whole history about this and the reasons how this got that way? I am german and my grandfather told me about this time. I don't think you educated yourself enough about the history, otherwise you wouldn't make these uneducated comparisons. The country back then was in such unbelievable poverty, and the people had nothing to eat and no hope about their future. It wasn't all that simple the way you make it look like at all. I just hate it when people talk about stuff they have no clue about. This is off topic, but it had to be said.

Sorry, by your description African Americans should have lived in despair and poverty, kept their mouth shut and so the civil rights movement never would have happened. Actually, by your statement, you try to excuse what happened in Germany on Economic Conditions which is much worse of insult - as it says that economic conditions justified it. And judging by your picture, Hitler would have had you in the furnaces before most people, so for you to justify keeping quiet is just mind boggling.

If something is wrong, poverty or conditions are no reason to keep your mouth shut.

If HD-Lite is wrong, shut up and accept it is also the wrong answer.

And to the others, if HD Lite doesn't bother you, why are you even reading this thread?
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All i know is on expressvu OasisHD,tsn hd, treasure hd, look amazing but the other hd channels look ok.
Owning a 60in sxrd tv i wish all the hd channels looked good ,so i feel you guys pain .
cebbigh said:
Thanks for the information. I'd be interested in comparisons between dish and comcast as well as fios. I'm in a shopping mood because of Dish's marketing decision not to make new HD available on MPEG2 receivers. If comcast is on a par as far as picture quality and if their DVR is on a par with the 942/622vip I will be very tempted. Not knowing the timetable for fios, I'm reluctant to recommit long term with dish.

I just came over from Comcast. In my not so humble opinion, the "HD Lite" of Dish slams the "full HD" of Comcast.

You know, I hear a lot of junk about HD Lite this and HD lite that. Maybe I'm an uneducated fool....., but I can't tell much of a difference between the two, and it looks way better than comcast anything. And that with me being right off of the main trunk line of Comcast.
ralfyguy said:
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. This comparison is disgusting and pointless. How old are you? Have you lived in Germany at this time? Did you experience it? Do you even know the whole history about this and the reasons how this got that way? I am german and my grandfather told me about this time. I don't think you educated yourself enough about the history, otherwise you wouldn't make these uneducated comparisons. The country back then was in such unbelievable poverty, and the people had nothing to eat and no hope about their future. It wasn't all that simple the way you make it look like at all. I just hate it when people talk about stuff they have no clue about. This is off topic, but it had to be said.
Actually, I am a student of all military aspects related to the American Civil War and Nazi Germany. In fact, I am currently enrolled in a Masters degree program in Education (History). I am of German decent from all four grandparents; two grandfathers fought in WWI; three relatives fought for Deutchland in WWII, including my great Uncle Ray who was Waffen-SS. On the flip side of the coin, my best friend (for more than 30 years) is Jewish, and so was my High School sweetheart and fiance of more than 5 years (we broke up in '83 and I still miss her father to this day - he owned five jewelry stores!:rolleyes: ). While I have been to Deutchland on three occasions (hope to visit more often in the coming years), on the flip side of the coin I have also been to Israel and keep my eyes and ears open to all points of view...with the notable exception of those spewing intolerance and indifference.

Perhaps you should view my profile and also my Nazi related movies reviews before making any statements:


I will admit that my comment was a bit flippant since, after all, the focus of my objections were concerning HD-Lite and not Nazi Germany. So yes, I realize there were a million and one factors involved that cannot be summed up in a single sentence. However, I am very concerned by your comment, "The country back then was in such unbelievable poverty, and the people had nothing to eat and no hope about their future." I'm sorry, but ignorance is no excuse and I generally agree with HDTVFanAtic's assessment. I am not sure what your grandfather has been telling you, but my family has come to terms with their actions and, more importantly, their silence and inaction during this time simply because "we were hungry and afraid." Sorry, but the German people were equally culpable and share the responsibility for what happened: Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, riffjim4069's family, ralfyboy's family, etc.). Anyway, I apologize to all the neo-Nazi's, and all other Nazi Sympathizers out there for my short-sighted comments.:rolleyes:

"I didn't know what was happening." Wrong, you should have known...you just didn't want to know out of fear and selfishness.

"I was afraid to speak out." First the Jews, then the misfits, then the Catholics (my heritage), then you. People knew what was happening (they weren't stupid), but they elected to look the other way since it didn't affect them. Indifference is a killer!!!

Anyway ralfyboy, perhaps we should take this topic to the Chit Chat room or The Pit where you can be fully enlightened.

Regarding HD-Lite, you HD Apologists make me sick. Either take a stand against HD-Lite, support the folks who actually have a pair, or shutup and accept what happens! If you're happy with HD-Lite, go back to watching TV. Hell, there's certainly no reason for you visiting a "FACTS ABOUT HD LITE ON E*" thread, now is there?;)
And dont bitch at me (or others that do it) for simply supplying resolution and bitrate information.

Someone asked a question about a channel's resolution and I supplied the information. I didnt slant it with any negativity, I just gave the stats of what the channels were. Plain and simple.
pduncan said:
I just came over from Comcast. In my not so humble opinion, the "HD Lite" of Dish slams the "full HD" of Comcast.

You know, I hear a lot of junk about HD Lite this and HD lite that. Maybe I'm an uneducated fool....., but I can't tell much of a difference between the two, and it looks way better than comcast anything. And that with me being right off of the main trunk line of Comcast.

Same here, I came from Cox and the HD from Dish looks so much better on all channels. Most people do not have a native 1080i set so a majority of us don't come here and compalin about not gettting a straight 1:1 pixel map.

Those peope should go back to cable, really... instead of HD-Lite rants and comparisons to Nazi-Germany!
Except for the MPEG-4 fiasco (HD LIL and StarzHD), HD-Lite looks great on my 30" HD CRT, 1440x1080i looks fine on my Sony GWIV, but 1280x1080i looks like crap on my Sony GWIV and Mits Diamond. Ok, it's still a pretty picture, but the side-by-side comparisons of MonstersHD recordings (i.e. Bubba Ho-Tep) at 1920x1080i versus the watered down 1280x1080i version are striking! One is a pretty picture and the other is an immersing experience that literally reaches out and pulls you into the TV screen. I realize it is difference strokes for difference folks, but I subscribe to the later version of HD.
riffjim4069 said:
Regarding HD-Lite, you HD Apologists make me sick. Either take a stand against HD-Lite, support the folks who actually have a pair, or shutup and accept what happens! If you're happy with HD-Lite, go back to watching TV. Hell, there's certainly no reason for you visiting a "FACTS ABOUT HD LITE ON E*" thread, now is there?;)
If you HD-Lite obsessed posters would stay out of EVERY OTHER THREAD you might have a leg to stand on. :cool:
dslate69 said:
If you HD-Lite obsessed posters would stay out of EVERY OTHER THREAD you might have a leg to stand on. :cool:

Maybe they are agents of D* or the Cable industry? For them to spend so much time here crying foul with Dish, it makes one wonder.
Aggggggg it's the attack of the killer newbies bandito.gif
It is funny that HD LiteApologists get frustrated and very touchy about an HD Lite Thread. They are now telling us to not even post a HD Lite thread. Isn't this even ridiculous? These are the same that accepted SD Lite and now are ok with HD Lite. What a freaking bunch? If you do not like this thread, do not respond to it but at least let others that do care do.

The HD Lite problem has grown even at higher level than a year ago. Now HDnet and HDnet movies have been degraded to same fate and this is right ?????? Give me a f*** break. Is this right? Let it be known that Dish Network is even a bigger offender today than DirecTv of HD Lite. Dish Network should say "better HD Lite TV for all"

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