Fastest Dish Call to install ever?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 1, 2004
I had called Dish to Dish n Up to another 522/625 (they can't tell me which one the installer will bring). The CSR (in Denver) was a pain in the ass. She wouldn't go into explanations on what things meant, and she kept insisting that my 721 was a HD receiver.

Any way I set the installation for this Sunday. 13 minutes later my local dish installer called me to say he received the work order. He said he could install it right now. I had to say no because my baby was sleeping and my house was a mess, but man that knocked me off feet.

So it's not just India dish reps that are a pain, some USA ones are also.
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Kaydigi said:
The CSR (in Denver) was a pain in the ass. She wouldn't go into explanations on what things meant, and she kept insisting that my 721 was a HD receiver.

It's sad EchoStar's own don't know their operating equipment. But it's not like every CSR has a 721 in their living room. There are so many in the company that don't even have DISH, and if they do we have to pay for it just like everyone else so there's really no incentive for an employee to know much about the equipment other than what you pick up in training manuals or the job site unless you've shelled out money like I did to have some sort of clue what your customers are even using. It does make me wonder about companies like Verizon Wireless and if their employees are just as clueless as those in DISH Network.
This sort of thing isn't limited to Dish. When I moved two years ago, the phone company CSR (in Kentucky -- I'm in Pennsylvania) told me it would take 10 to 14 business days (!) to move my DSL service, even though I was only moving two blocks and closer to the switch besides. I was fuming and trying to decide how best to ridicule them in the newspapers, or whether to call them back and tell them to either cancel my subscription or leave the door to the switching office unlocked and I'd move the line myself, when the local technicians called me and said they'd got the work order and they would move the line right away.

I miss the old days when technical businesses were staffed entirely by technical people (see the Radio Shack thread...) Sure things were more expensive, but I'm willing to pay to not have my intelligence insulted on a continuous basis. (Part of the reason I'm paying for DSL instead of a cable modem -- the cable company wouldn't let me do my own install and wouldn't have been able to do it for me because they don't support anything other than Windows, and I wasn't about to pay an installation fee for an existing line even if they could've.)
The thing with DSL is that the date they give you and reality are two different things.
I ordered DSL and once I got it in the mail I hooked it up way before the date they gave me. I think they give you a worst scenario date.
It was that fast because dish is cutting sub'd out jobs in most area's to %10 and keeping the rest inhouse, the draw back to this is that those of us who are dish network employee's are working long long hours and taking out alot of work to be done. In some of the sub contractor shops these guys are sitting around waiting for work to come in so as soon as they see it they jump on it just to literaly survive.
Heh, All the HD receivers are supposed to be handled by TSR II's, and the 721 is also supposed to be handled by TSR II's - so some of the TSR I's that haven't been there very long get the impression that the 721 is an HD receiver. And Dish Employees do get a Discount on basic service, but it doesn't cover DVR fees, lease fees, etc, so alot of employees just buy a used 301 and call it good. I'm one of the few that decided to go up to the 625, and it's helped me alot doing troubleshooting on just about all of the receivers. I'm waiting to get a 622 (we don't get discounts on that either, I'm not even certain we can do the $300 lease upgrade, we may have to purchase them outright, which makes sense - We'd rather be able to get them to our Customers first), to learn a bit more about that system as well, though it does look pretty similar to the 625/522 with a little bit of 811/211 added in.

That is a fast date though. congrats.
As a contractor who has seen the jobs dry up this has been a painful time. Dish is now using there employee and working them many hour. I would have figured that they would have learned that when this is done the installs will become shoddy with many more call backs, or installers will be NLOS jobs just to get home at resonable hour. Having at times worked 72hr work weeks I have found that after a time I became a danger to myself and to the customer. This ploicy can only lead to even poorer service from E* to there customer. Does E* want to have the same reputation as the cable Co's where the repair will get done when the cable co is ready? Competition is good it helps the customer recieve a better product. If dish limits the work given out the good subs will leave because if they were good at dish they are good at somthing else and if there is more money they will go. If they go the compition will go and E* will become overworked and then fall into complacency because no one else will be left to compete with.
There's NO excuse for not knowing what a 721 (or anything else) is. :(

A reference card 1/4 the size of a regular piece of paper would tell you ALL the basic features/classifications for EVERY receiver E* has ever used. :cool:

Let's see, how many columns? Model, # tuners, HD (Y/N), DVR (disk size), DP, UHF.
Did I miss anything important?
and the agent's lack of LOOKING IT UP on a site comparable to this

is what they should have seen ....... and they would have known it's not a HD recvr ... Simon's right ... there is no excuse .... but i promise you that if "big brother" was listening to their call they got in trouble for giving wrong info esp not even taking the time to look it up

NJ Dish Installer

Lost locals on 622???

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