Feeling Good!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I was asked by my friend John if I would consider getting dressed up again this weekend as the Hopper at the fair... I hate to use a pun but I hopped at the chance. The costume was supposed to be sent back on Friday but DISH told him he could hold on to it until Monday.

I jumped when he asked me because frankly I had fun doing it and plus I lost a bunch of weight playing Hopper in my previous stints, so for me it was a win win!

In the past when in costume I would do 20 - 30 minutes in the costume and then 20 - 30 minutes out of it. But on Saturday I stayed in it for a solid 2 hours. Yup I was hot but I had FUN! On Saturday the Big E had an all time paid attendance record of 164,281. There were a few times I wanted to get out of but there were so many kids there I couldn't leave them.

At one point though I almost broke down and started crying in the costume. There was a large group of handicaped kids and people who were being pushed in their wheel chairs. I went up to each as they came by and hi fived them. shook their hands and hugged them, they loved it! Then there was one girl at the end who was in her chair her body was twisted and it was like her head was on sideways. I went up and shook her hand then leaned over and gave her a big hug. After I hugged her she grabbed my hand and said "A lot of people try avoiding me because of the way I look, but you came over and gave me a nice big hug, thank you for remembering that I am a person too." I almost lost it then. She smiled and we waved goodbye. That made it all worth it for me right there.

No one from DISH could believe that I lasted for 2 hours out there in the crowd that day, but I did and I am proud of it.

Who knows what the future holds for my friend John, he might be a DIRECTV booth next year instead of DISH and if he is I hope they have a mascot too. I would be PROUD to represent their brand just as good as I did for DISH. In the past years his booth has always been DIRECTV, this was the first year he was DISH. In the past I would help him out and sell lots of DIRECTV too) :)

While I was there I sold a lot of DISH, I enjoyed giving demo's of the Hopper and those demo's of showing what the Hopper could do is what sealed a lot of the deals. :) I love being able to talk about this technology with others... and thats part of the reason why I love SatelliteGuys so much, not only do I learn here but I enjoy helping people back.

That night I went home and felt great. I was not only happy to do it, I was PROUD to do it.


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Great story Scott.

I do have one question.....

Did Eva give that woman permission to play with your joey? :eek:
There is a joke there somewhere. :D

One of my friends told me they couldn't do it... if they did they would be a perverted Kangaroo. Grabbing a lot of asses, and other body parts of all the hot women who were coming up for hugs and pictures. :D

I had to remember I was representing DISH. :)
I was asked by my friend John if I would consider getting dressed up again this weekend as the Hopper at the fair... I hate to use a pun but I hopped at the chance. The costume was supposed to be sent back on Friday but DISH told him he could hold on to it until Monday.

I jumped when he asked me because frankly I had fun doing it and plus I lost a bunch of weight playing Hopper in my previous stints, so for me it was a win win!

In the past when in costume I would do 20 - 30 minutes in the costume and then 20 - 30 minutes out of it. But on Saturday I stayed in it for a solid 2 hours. Yup I was hot but I had FUN! On Saturday the Big E had an all time paid attendance record of 164,281. There were a few times I wanted to get out of but there were so many kids there I couldn't leave them.

At one point though I almost broke down and started crying in the costume. There was a large group of handicaped kids and people who were being pushed in their wheel chairs. I went up to each as they came by and hi fived them. sook their hands and hugged them, they loved it! Then there was one girl at the end who was in her chair her body was twisted and it was like her head was on sideways. I went up and shook her hand then leaned over and gave her a big hug. After I hugged her she grabbed my hand and said "A lot of people try avoiding me because of the way I look, but you came over and gave me a nice big hug, thank you for remembering that I am a person too." I almost lost it then. She smiled and we waved goodbye. That made it all worth it for me right there.

No one from DISH could believe that I lasted for 2 hours out there in the crowd that day, but I did and I am proud of it.

Who knows what the future holds for my friend John, he might be a DIRECTV booth next year instead of DISH and if he is I hope they have a mascot too. I would be PROUD to represent their brand just as good as I did for DISH. In the past years his booth has always been DIRECTV, this was the first year he was DISH. In the past I would help him out and sell lots of DIRECTV too) :)

While I was there I sold a lot of DISH, I enjoyed giving demo's of the Hopper and those demo's of showing what the Hopper could do is what sealed a lot of the deals. :) I love being able to talk about this technology with others... and thats part of the reason why I love SatelliteGuys so much, not only do I learn here but I enjoy helping people back.

That night I went home and felt great. I was not only happy to do it, I was PROUD to do it.

This is one of the reasons why I am proud to be a Satelliteguy. Thanks Scott!
Loved the story Scott. It is great what you do!

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AWESOME thing to do Scott!! I wish more of us would do that without hesitation. Reminds me of a lesson we are taught in church but I won't go into that due to the religion thing here, but most everyone who goes to church knows the story I'm thinking of.

Scott you and Eva do so much for everyone and I always enjoy reading the stuff that you guys do. Keep up the AWESOME work!!

Thanks for making a point to treat the special kids the same as everyone else. Having a HC son for 14 + years until he was recently taken from us, I was always glad when persons included our son and did not avoid him. He would never say anything at the time but when people avoided him it always made him feel bad. He already had too many curveballs in live, did not need to feel excluded. Again, thanks from all those kids and parents!
You make us all proud scott. Glad you could brighten the day of so many. Just reading your story almost got me to shed a tear. Keep up the good work buddy. :)

Sent from my phone using SatelliteGuys sweet app
Kudos to you Scott!Sounds like you really brightened that little girls day!
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