Food Channel coming in HD in June

I can't believe all of these people are mad because E* won't broadcast a channel (scifiHD) that is not even in existence.
No one has expressed any complaints toward Dish about the Sci-Fi channel. They were expressing disappointment towards the channel itself for not developing a HD equivalent.

As far as Dish goes, I would be happy if they simply gave Sci-Fi more bandwidth. This is a channel with a lot of new shows with special effects, and the down-rezzed, bit-starved SD Dish is serving up on this channel really takes away from it.
Sci-Fi does have a large following and good amount of programming. I would think it would be a good candidate for a future HD channel.
IF they would give Sci Fi the same bandwith as a premium movie channel or even maybe upconvert it to the hd equivalent at the sat uplink I would be happy . It looks pretty good to me on my Toshiba 57 "hdtv but I wouldn't mind it to look even better. That is definately something Dish could do at their end.
My wife won't stop nagging me about this channel!! I told her it would be here soon and that was the only way I was able to jump up to the 211 and platinum package!! :D
joverstr2 said:
Sci-Fi does have a large following and good amount of programming. I would think it would be a good candidate for a future HD channel.

Since NBC and UHD already broadcast HD/SD material from their sister networks Bravo, USA and SciFi (all are under the corporate NBC Universal umbrella, along w/ MSNBC, etc.)--I'd think folks should just put more pressure/requests in to, say, UHD, that you want more of the content from said channel shown (I'm assuming Stargate, etc. I'd, personally, like to see them give Farscape a rebirth/re-syndication in HD)... Question is, what's mastered in HD?

I agree, I would love a full-time SciFiHD...but when there's a whole channel, UHD, that seems purposed to show their HD content, maybe that's where to look. Besides, there's also a LOT of cruddy filler on SciFi that I'd say doesn't warrant the HD treatment, just mho...

Here's a link for contacting UHD:
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I think he is saying he doesn't want Emril in HD, have you actually looked at the guy's face. Some people shoudln't be braodcast in HD!!
michaelgizzi said:
Done! I emailed them and asked for Atlantis in HDTV on Universal HD!

I sent an email asking them to rebroadcast SG1, Atlantis, and Battlestar on the same day and time as the SD. I mentioned it would create a large demand for UHD by doing that.

Hopefully someone will listen! :)
michaelgizzi said:
That is amazing. Why would they not broadcast what has to be their most popular show in HD? Pretty strange.

No Racheal Ray either... Maybe they haven't upgraded their studio sets to HD yet. Most of the stuff in HD seems to be new programs or programs that are "on the road". It's a lot easier to produce an HD program in the field than in a studio that is still designed for SD.
ClevelandRob said:
No Racheal Ray either... Maybe they haven't upgraded their studio sets to HD yet. Most of the stuff in HD seems to be new programs or programs that are "on the road". It's a lot easier to produce an HD program in the field than in a studio that is still designed for SD.
Racheal Ray is going to be doing a national network show in Sept. some time. Oprah is the money behind the show so I would guess it's going to be on ABC.

I like how people assume Food Network (and HD) is like Gallery HD or basically a bunch of slow pans on food or still shots of food.

Food network is more about the personalities than it is about filming food. A majority of their good shows are super entertaining like: Ham on the Street, Unwrapped, Secret Life of... Iron Chef, the Bobby Flay shows. Sure all of their shows deal with food or people cooking food, but it's the food network!

It will be nice to see more of their programming sent 16:9 rather than letterboxed (SD ersion) and yes the increased resolution (and bitrate) will produce a clean image for these shows, I say bring it on! (GIADA!!!!)

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