Fox News HD

You’re spouting a lot of hyperbole; when are you going to sprinkle a few facts to go with the rantings. Tell me exactly which facts are in error. Don’t be a popinjay. Enjoy the Kool-Aid. :rolleyes:

You mean like Barrak Obama being a Muslim who attended a Madrassa as a child?

Speaking of Kool-Aid, why do you think it is that FoxNews viewers are the least informed citizens? Either FoxNews makes people stupid or stupid people are attraced to FoxNews.
More HD is good. Don't particularly care for the channel myself, but lots of people that I know and love do so more power to 'em. Rather have Cinemax HD and the RSN's myself but this is just one more addition to the scales that will eventually push it past the tipping point where all of the channels that I like are in HD.
You mean like Barrak Obama being a Muslim who attended a Madrassa as a child?

Speaking of Kool-Aid, why do you think it is that FoxNews viewers are the least informed citizens? Either FoxNews makes people stupid or stupid people are attraced to FoxNews.

He was and did and now he's been caught using his senatorial influence to pump spending on avian flu just after he purchased $50,000 worth of stock on a company that is working on an avian flu remedy. Oh and by the way his "Christian" pastor is a black separatist.

Pretty informed and can spell too!;)
He was and did

And there you have it. Another victim of Fox News.

See, other media outlets actually sent reporters to the school Fox News claims is a madrassa. It is, as it always has been, a high income, secular public school. has video of the school where Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist boys and girls study and play together.

This is a good example of how how Fox News lies, as well as how ill informed Fox News viewers are. Because Fox News is primarily a propaganda mouth piece for the GOP, the facts don't matter, and they saw no reason to actually check to see if their story was true. They just claimed it was true then wondered if being a Muslim would hurt his election chances. And Fox News viewers only hear what they want to hear, so the debunking that filled the airwaves from all the legitimate news outlets was not allowed into their skulls.
And there you have it. Another victim of Fox News.

See, other media outlets actually sent reporters to the school Fox News claims is a madrassa. It is, as it always has been, a high income, secular public school. has video of the school where Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist boys and girls study and play together.

This is a good example of how how Fox News lies, as well as how ill informed Fox News viewers are. Because Fox News is primarily a propaganda mouth piece for the GOP, the facts don't matter, and they saw no reason to actually check to see if their story was true. They just claimed it was true then wondered if being a Muslim would hurt his election chances. And Fox News viewers only hear what they want to hear, so the debunking that filled the airwaves from all the legitimate news outlets was not allowed into their skulls.

The story came from Hillary's camp not Fox News. BTW the word Madrassa simply means school. What nothing to say about the insider trading and black separatist pastor? I suppose the star and sickle "CNN" hasn't ok'd that story yet...
Fox News sued for the right to lie.................and won!

In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.

Back in December of 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT in Tampa Bay, Florida. In 1997 the team began work on a story about bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured by Monsanto Corporation. The couple produced a four-part series revealing that there were many health risks related to BGH and that Florida supermarket chains did little to avoid selling milk from cows treated with the hormone, despite assuring customers otherwise.

According to Akre and Wilson, the station was initially very excited about the series. But within a week, Fox executives and their attorneys wanted the reporters to use statements from Monsanto representatives that the reporters knew were false and to make other revisions to the story that were in direct conflict with the facts. Fox editors then tried to force Akre and Wilson to continue to produce the distorted story. When they refused and threatened to report Fox's actions to the FCC, they were both fired.(Project Censored #12 1997)

Akre and Wilson sued the Fox station and on August 18, 2000, a Florida jury unanimously decided that Akre was wrongfully fired by Fox Television when she refused to broadcast (in the jury's words) “a false, distorted or slanted story” about the widespread use of BGH in dairy cows. They further maintained that she deserved protection under Florida's whistle blower law. Akre was awarded a $425,000 settlement. Inexplicably, however, the court decided that Steve Wilson, her partner in the case, was ruled not wronged by the same actions taken by FOX.

FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second District Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the settlement awarded to Akre. The Court held that Akre’s threat to report the station’s actions to the FCC did not deserve protection under Florida’s whistle blower statute, because Florida’s whistle blower law states that an employer must violate an adopted “law, rule, or regulation." In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a "law, rule, or regulation," it was simply a "policy." Therefore, it is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly.

During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so. After the appeal verdict WTVT general manager Bob Linger commented, “It’s vindication for WTVT, and we’re very pleased… It’s the case we’ve been making for two years. She never had a legal claim.”

UPDATE BY LIANE CASTEN: If we needed any more proof that we now live in an upside down world, the saga of Jane Akre, along with her husband, Steve Wilson, could not be more compelling.

Akre and Wilson won the first legal round. Akre was awarded $425,000 in a jury trial with well-crafted arguments for their wrongful termination as whistleblowers. And in the process, they also won the prestigious “Goldman Environmental” prize for their outstanding efforts. However, FOX turned around and appealed the verdict. This time, FOX won; the original verdict was overturned in the Appellate Court of Florida’s Second District. The court implied there was no restriction against distorting the truth. Technically, there was no violation of the news distortion because the FCC’s policy of news distortion does not have the weight of the law. Thus, said the court, Akre-Wilson never qualified as whistleblowers.

What is more appalling are the five major media outlets that filed briefs of Amici Curiae- or friend of FOX – to support FOX’s position: Belo Corporation, Cox Television, Inc., Gannett Co., Inc., Media General Operations, Inc., and Post-Newsweek Stations, Inc. These are major media players! Their statement, “The station argued that it simply wanted to ensure that a news story about a scientific controversy regarding a commercial product was present with fairness and balance, and to ensure that it had a sound defense to any potential defamation claim.”

“Fairness and balance?” Monsanto hardly demonstrated “fairness and balance” when it threatened a lawsuit and demanded the elimination of important, verifiable information!

The Amici position was “If upheld by this court, the decision would convert personnel actions arising from disagreements over editorial policy into litigation battles in which state courts would interpret and apply federal policies that raise significant and delicate constitutional and statutory issues.” After all, Amici argued, 40 states now have Whistleblower laws, imagine what would happen if employees in those 40 states followed the same course of action?

The position implies that First Amendment rights belong to the employers – in this case the five power media groups. And when convenient, the First Amendment becomes a broad shield to hide behind. Let’s not forget, however; the airwaves belong to the people. Is there no public interest left—while these media giants make their private fortunes using the public airwaves? Can corporations have the power to influence the media reporting, even at the expense of the truth? Apparently so.

In addition, the five “friends” referred to FCC policies. The five admit they are “vitally interested in the outcome of this appeal, which will determine the extent to which state whistleblower laws may incorporate federal policies that touch on sensitive questions of editorial judgment.”

Anyone concerned with media must hear the alarm bells. The Bush FCC, under Michael Powell’s leadership, has shown repeatedly that greater media consolidation is encouraged, that liars like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are perfectly acceptable, that to refer to the FCC interpretation of “editorial judgment” is to potentially throw out any pretense at editorial accuracy if the “accuracy” harms a large corporation and its bottom line. This is our “Brave New Media”, the corporate media that protects its friends and now lies, unchallenged if need be.

The next assault: the Fox station then filed a series of motions in a Tampa Circuit Court seeking more than $1.7 million in trial fees and costs from both Akre and Wilson. The motions were filed on March 30 and April 16 by Fox attorney, William McDaniels—who bills his client at $525 to $550 an hour. The costs are to cover legal fees and trial costs incurred by FOX in defending itself at the first trial. The issue may be heard by the original trial judge, Ralph Steinberg—a logical step in the whole process. However, Judge Steinberg must come out of retirement if he is to hear this, so the hearing, set for June 1, may go to a new judge, Judge Maye.

Akre and her husband feel the stress. “There is no justification for the five stations not to support us,” she said. “Attaching legal fees to whistleblowers is unprecedented, absurd. The ‘business’ of broadcasting trumps it all. These news organizations must ensure they are worthy of the public trust while they use OUR airwaves, free of charge. Public trust is alarmingly absent here.”

Indeed. This is what our corporate media, led by such as Rupert Murdoch, have come to. How low we have fallen.

SOURCE: Project Censored
The story came from Hillary's camp not Fox News. BTW the word Madrassa simply means school. What nothing to say about the insider trading and black separatist pastor? I suppose the star and sickle "CNN" hasn't ok'd that story yet...

The story came from Insight Magazine, not from "Hillary's Camp". Now, Insight Magazine is not exactly known for its journalism, but Fox News reported the story as if it were true, and continued to do so long after it was debunked by real news organizations. Neither Fox News nor Insight Magazine has presented any evidence that the story came from any candidate.

But, hell. Let's say Hillary herself DID call up Insight to create the tale. Fox News still reported it without checking it (and everyone else was able to check it in a matter of hours) and continued to report it after they knew it was false and have stil not retracted it. And you have proven that its viewers still believe it.

I;'m certainly not saying that any news outlet is perfect. But when other organizations make "mistakes" as big as that one, it is a big deal, retractions are proffered, and people are fired. Why doesn't this happen at Fox? Because the people who watch that network don't care if they are getting the facts, and no one else considered Fox NEws to be anything other than a propaganda outlet.

As for Obama being an insider trader, that hardly seems related to the topic of Fox News. But I did a search on "Obama Insider Trading" at Google News (which I am sure is another part of the great Communist Conspiracy). It got four hits, none of which had anything to do with Obama. I guess you are so "informed" you know of yet another event that never happened.

The only person I can find who has called the minister of Obama's church a "black separatist" was some guest on Fox's Hannity and Combs. This person, Erik Rush of World Net Daily, has since back pedaled like crazy, denying he said any of it.

Once again, Fox News lies to the people who desperately want to be as ignorant as possible.
Couldn't agree more.... You will hear no more on the subject from me. I'm just looking forward to more HD.

LOL! This has nothing to do with the fact that every item you "learned" from Fox News was wrong? LOL!

Look out! WMDS!
LOL! This has nothing to do with the fact that every item you "learned" from Fox News was wrong? LOL!

Look out! WMDS!
If you want to debate this come down to the PIT. All tin foil hatters are welcome. Shiny side down only.:) This is not the place. Respect the privilege
You mean like Barrak Obama being a Muslim who attended a Madrassa as a child?

Speaking of Kool-Aid, why do you think it is that FoxNews viewers are the least informed citizens? Either FoxNews makes people stupid or stupid people are attraced to FoxNews.

Not even worth a reply.:rolleyes: Back to the topic; when is Fox, and CNN for that matter, going HD?
CNN and Fox in HD would be great.

I watched "Dan Rather Reports" last night on HDNET. It featured HD footage of the invasion of Iraq that was absolutely amazing. Not much blood and guts fortunately but the explosions, smoke and dust and general atmosphere was grabbing. I also like to see the HD detail in the armored vehicles and weapons.

After watching that I was even more impressed by the quality and character of the people we have serving in Iraq.
This is great only in america can a question be asked about a news channel going hd. The all of a sudden it get political and the schools are mentioned and of course telling our children the truth and caring about your nation.

Hell let kids be kids everyone cares about their nation i hope. I personally think they are the most fair and balanced. They do have i think a few shows that are hosted by librals Greta for one combs for another and Shepard Smith isnt that conservitive. At least people watch them liberal radio is dead lol.

But keep comming with the Hd programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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