Fox’s ‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey’ to Debut on 10 U.S. Channels Simultaneously

From the article the OP linked:

After the cross-network premiere event, “Cosmos” will continue its 13-episode run, airing Sundays on Fox, and Mondays – with bonus footage and behind-the-scenes content — on the National Geographic Channel.

What a great way to get around the Hopper's auto hop feature!:)'s close enough to set your timers. Should be a good show, looking forward it.
Next Episode: Series Premiere

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Standing Up in the Milky Way": Giordano Bruno's spiritual epiphany about the universe; a compressed version of the cosmic calendar.

With this much fanfare & coverage. It makes 1 wonder if they will finally make an announcement confirming the existence of life outside of this world.
With this much fanfare & coverage. It makes 1 wonder if they will finally make an announcement confirming the existence of life outside of this world.
Not a chance an announcement like that would be kept under wraps for Fox to make it on a TV show.
With this much fanfare & coverage. It makes 1 wonder if they will finally make an announcement confirming the existence of life outside of this world.

LOL, well it certainly looks like that would make sense, think about it, Worldwide premiere in 181 countries, capturing such an audience in the same day, they confirm life elsewhere or something else worth all that drumroll ;)
Good episode. Nothing new last night I haven't seen on many different shows. Yeah, I watch a lot of Discovery type shows. Got my oldest daughter into space and aeronautics.

Oh, Neil deGrasse Tyson... What have you done to Cosmos? Instead of high school/college level prose composed to inspire and teach accompanied by music that moves the soul we get a rather boring remedial middle school science class complete with low-res, 3 frame a second cartoons and and super-duper graphics draped over content presented in the most uninteresting way possible with almost distracting stock-sounding music that does nothing to enhance the experience.
I really like your shows, Niel. When You hosted Nova Scinece Now, especially in 2011, I thought it was the best that show ever was. The Pluto Files was interesting and informative. The Origins portion of Nova in 2004 finally got me hooked on Nova again.
What happened? How did it come to this?
I can't express my disappointment. I expected an updated and revised Cosmos presented in a way I remember Carl presented the Cosmos to me as a young adult. I expected to be talked to as an adult with revisions to include new and exciting discoveries. I expected your unique and dynamic delivery of knowledge and wisdom to rival the rhythmic and mesmerizing delivery of Carl. But no. I got what sounded like a 6th grade science class teacher talking down to his students' level of understanding. I got the equivalent of a film-strip presentation. I can almost hear the beeps signaling where to change the slide. At the very least I was expecting something as good as "Wonders of the Universe" presented by Brian Cox, my other favorite astrophysicist. But no.
Oh, I'll watch the rest of the series. That is how hungry I am for real science programming. I will continue to hope this series grows on me, and not just like a fungus.
Tony, I agree but you have to realize, 6th grade science is way too advanced for the vast majority of the viewing audience.

We desperately need something to bring science to the masses and maybe this is it.
so, one has to wonder how many Americans learned last night that the earth is not the center of the solar system? :rolleyes:

My hope is that they needed to dumb down the first one because it was the big splash across multiple networks. For that reason alone it gets another week from me.

Raising Hope

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