Going to cancel (or at least threaten it)

Please reply by conversation.
Stupid customers, wanting the receiver that doesnt suck. Why cant you understand that we told everyone how dang great it is before we made sure we could make enough to satisfy the demand? Of course, we could hold onto them to satisfy customer demand rather than flood the retail channel with them, but that wouldnt be as profitable.

Of course in this instance once again the problem is that the customer irrationally wants the 'good' product and the solution is to prevent them from getting it and then blaming the customer for wanting it. Finding a way to make more and get them to the customers that want them, making them happy, just isnt something that can be contemplated. Making sure adequate stock was on hand before crowing about it also wasnt an option.

Just take the old sucky receiver like you're supposed to, or go buy one on your own dime and quit yer whining!

Adam Osborne must work for Directv.

This whole situation also ought to eliminate any thoughts that hardly anybody reads about this stuff on the internet and just blindly orders from directv. Obviously if that were true, they wouldnt be inundated with requests for the new receiver.
whatever you decide, You had better get it in writing , record it , and have someone from direct to sign it . Bunch of liars , they are!!

Looks like bigmac31391 from the highdefforum found his way over here.

Here's pretty much what all his replies will be -
Bunch of LIARS !!
Price trippled !!
CSRs are terrible !!
Screwed me 2-3 times !!

He usually refers to DIRECTV as indirectv.

Lots of anger issues.
I know a lot of you think it's BS but I completely see stonecold's side on just about all of his posts. I think it's kind of rediculous to expect an HR24 to replace an HR20. Now granted, that would be my wish but I wouldn't be cancelling because I didn't get it. I would/will be cancelling if they don't get their HD programming in order. 95% of this country doesn't give a crap about their soccer channel additions. If I want to watch a movie in 1080p I'm more likely to rent/buy than go the on-demand route. Give me AMCHD, TRUTV Hd, and the History/Military HDs. At a BARE MINIMUM finish up putting the HBOs in HD.
As it stands right now, the HR20/21/22/23 are rather poor performers with the current software. That is if you're a fairly heavy user of the capabilities. Mine has been so slow the last couple of days its been ridiculous.

Theres probably a high correlation between people who plan to use the dvr heavily and people who read up on the receivers capabilities and feel that they'd like the newest one that doesnt run like a dog.

So I dont see any problem at all with an educated customer that wants a current product rather than a 3 year old design. But I suspect most customers dont know and dont care.

Directv's choice was to either treat everyone equally and frustrate a portion of their new customer base who arent getting what they want, or spend a little time finding a way to get those customers what they want. They were in fact able to send HR24's to customers who really wanted them, but decided to stop doing that.
And when you dont listen to the complaints, especially when they're legitimate, you fail as a service provider.

I think there is plenty of evidence from both dbstalk and this board that there are speed problems with the current software and receivers older than the HR24. I can probably point to 30-40 discussion threads without trying that hard. Are you denying the legitimacy of that complaint?

If a new customer is aware of this shortcoming with the older receivers, do you believe they should just take the old ones and shut the heck up, because Directv is just that fantastic? Seriously?

Do you really believe that if a customer wants something and they have legitimate reasons to want it, that its just too much trouble to give it to them?

I know, most customers are just bad guys trying to steal from your company and who have no loyalty. I wonder where they got that idea?

I'm not sure why I waste my time, other than a morbid fascination with this whole process. Sadly, I think you're probably one of the "good guys" at directv.
And when you dont listen to the complaints, especially when they're legitimate, you fail as a service provider.

I think there is plenty of evidence from both dbstalk and this board that there are speed problems with the current software and receivers older than the HR24. I can probably point to 30-40 discussion threads without trying that hard. Are you denying the legitimacy of that complaint?

If a new customer is aware of this shortcoming with the older receivers, do you believe they should just take the old ones and shut the heck up, because Directv is just that fantastic? Seriously?

Do you really believe that if a customer wants something and they have legitimate reasons to want it, that its just too much trouble to give it to them?

I know, most customers are just bad guys trying to steal from your company and who have no loyalty. I wonder where they got that idea?

I'm not sure why I waste my time, other than a morbid fascination with this whole process. Sadly, I think you're probably one of the "good guys" at directv.

You know what I have I have 3 HR22-100s and 1 hr24 and I dont know how I even got that I ask for a hr20. I record stuff on them all the time and use mrv on them . Do I dare say that the hr24 can be better in a few ways yes.

But so much better i should be yelling at employee account to replace mh hr22 no so bad that it going to change a customer opionon no as they are still slow. they will always be slow and some people with put up with it and some will leave.

I would not mind your complaints so much if you were constantly saying fraud this and fraud that.

I said this once and I say it again we promise hddvrs not hr24s
I think people are asking, not yelling as you imply.

People use DVR's differently. I have large hard drives on mine, 50 series links some of which are keyword autorecords, and somehow manage to almost always be watching something via MRV from the other dvr. Sometimes I can hit a remote control button and nothing happens for 10 seconds or more. Not consistently, but its certainly an issue. Every time I see someone with an HR20/21/22/23 who says they have no speed problems, they spend most of their time watching live tv and have 5 series links and no external drive.

Besides, as I said, if the 24 didnt solve any problems, why are the people who buy them gushing about how fast they are and how much better than the earlier models? Why would directv have bothered to build a faster DVR if the old ones ran just fine?

I also never said the word 'fraud' at all. Is english your first language?

Obviously nothing I'm going to say is going to change your mind or make you pause and think about how directv treats customers, so I'll stop talking to you about this. I suspect that Directv will be sued by at least a couple of states and have to change their policies, and the record keeping and monitoring will be expensive and onerous. I also anticipate Directv losing a lot of customers and getting a bad reputation that sticks around for a long time.

So...good luck with that!
NO CFB what you do is spread unnecessary hate.

In case you have not figured it out we dont promis model numbers customers often then get upset at us and yell. I wish I could say that were going to make factories appear out of no where, they are going to instantly start pumping out hr24s just for cfb.

Most people are not you. If you want an hr24 so bad go buy one from Solid signal. The people who absolutely needed one went out and bought one.

Most people dont have 50 series links. I dont know how many I have last i looked I was just a little over 30 in total on my main one. and then misc movies etc with some keyword searches on the other 2 the hr24 i seldom use it is in my home office. I record mainly some baseball and foot ball on it as long as anything gators.

My job is to sit and listen to complaints all day. when I am not in meetings or doing other administrative functions . Some people have legit concerns or complaints and we do our best to solve them for the customer. Other customers have complaints out of this world . I wish that I could be mother Theresa and give them what ever they want. But this is reality .

Also on this tiring subject that you bring up anytime someone mentions an hddvr you have use fraudulent in the pass in your normal hate speech against dtv.

Directv is not losing alot of customers as very few who say I want to cancel actually mean it about less then 10% of the calls where someone say they want cancel actually do . and I dont mean people who are under contract just in general, why because most are just looking for a discount and they have learned is they scream cancel they will get something.

No company is perfect and we are far from it, we try we dont always suceed in doing so. I am there to make thing right with in my power. I dont know who put the stick where the sun does not shine for you at the company but you go on and on and on about the same thing. I really wish I would snap my fingers give replace all your hr(s) with HR24's but I have a feel ing that would not be good enough for you, fine some other reason to complain and just troll this place. I use troll as you keep brining up the same topic over and over and over again.

Also DBStalk would say poo in a box was great because they like kissing DTV butt.
So dont even bring that up, most of it in peoples heads it called the placebo effect. There is a slight speed increase but not one that makes some kind of earth shattering difference.

I really feel if your not happy with us, I am sorry. If you have a resonable request I be more then happy to fulfill it. But this beating of a dead horse has to stop from you.
Sadly, I dont take direction from you on what I do and dont talk about. If the board operators agree with you and can tell me where I misrepresented something or was unfair or unreasonable then I'll listen to that.

Its even sadder when a company representative cant recognize constructive criticism of customer policies that cause a lot more problems than they solve, takes it as some sort of hate speech and reacts in the manner you have. Its extremely unprofessional and rather rude.

I think its important that people are well aware of some of the issues with the policies before they run across them, and would like to see directv change them. How you interpret that as 'hate' is a mystery. If i've misrepresented any of your policies or made any statements that are inconsistent with available facts, I challenge you to point to that post. Most communities like this one are places where people can get the whole story about what to expect from a service provider, and there is both good and bad about everyone.

As far as the HR24 speed goes, I can point to dozens of threads where people say that ALL slowdowns and erratic response times disappear with the HR24, and graphs showing as much as a 50% speed increase. So perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the products in question before claiming they arent any better.

On the 'fraud' comment, I challenge you to find a single post in which I used the word 'fraud' in conjunction with directv. You'll have trouble finding one, because there arent any. Not one. See the handy-dandy search tool above if you dont believe it.

In closure, I like directv I just dont like them as much as I used to, I see a lot of poor decisions, and I see a lot of things that could improve. I also see no reason why the company cant and shouldnt get a customer the equipment they want.
It is obvious who is bias here . With all due respect , Stone guy is of little help . I prefer folks who have opinions based on fact and not on the love for a company .
It is obvious who is bias here . With all due respect , Stone guy is of little help . I prefer folks who have opinions based on fact and not on the love for a company .

I wish I could change the system but they dont listen. I will always state how things are not how I wish things where. Most of the people I help are though Private messages as they give information that not for public consumption sorry oy feel I am bias.
Sadly, I dont take direction from you on what I do and dont talk about. If the board operators agree with you and can tell me where I misrepresented something or was unfair or unreasonable then I'll listen to that.

Its even sadder when a company representative cant recognize constructive criticism of customer policies that cause a lot more problems than they solve, takes it as some sort of hate speech and reacts in the manner you have. Its extremely unprofessional and rather rude.

I think its important that people are well aware of some of the issues with the policies before they run across them, and would like to see directv change them. How you interpret that as 'hate' is a mystery. If i've misrepresented any of your policies or made any statements that are inconsistent with available facts, I challenge you to point to that post. Most communities like this one are places where people can get the whole story about what to expect from a service provider, and there is both good and bad about everyone.

As far as the HR24 speed goes, I can point to dozens of threads where people say that ALL slowdowns and erratic response times disappear with the HR24, and graphs showing as much as a 50% speed increase. So perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the products in question before claiming they arent any better.

On the 'fraud' comment, I challenge you to find a single post in which I used the word 'fraud' in conjunction with directv. You'll have trouble finding one, because there arent any. Not one. See the handy-dandy search tool above if you dont believe it.

In closure, I like directv I just dont like them as much as I used to, I see a lot of poor decisions, and I see a lot of things that could improve. I also see no reason why the company cant and shouldnt get a customer the equipment they want.

Do I feel that we should be able to order you specific equipment yes.

Do I agree with you most o the time yes

Does bringing up the same thing over and over again here vs hammering DTV about it do any of us any good NO. Hammering Dtv is what you want to do . If You had a petition or something along those lines and you mention it I would not be having this converstation I would sign it be done with it and support you.

But right now your doing nothing your ranting about the same old stuff to the same old people with out adding any thing new.

Not saying your wrong just saying there is a much better way of handling this.
Pure and simply you dont like it when I bring up legitimate issues. On one hand you say you dont agree with some things directv does, but you have no problem supporting them. You've said before that directv has a 'suggestion box' that you as an employee can put things in. If you agree with what i'm saying, then why dont you put it in the suggestion box?

If someone looks like they're going to run into or has run into what I consider a problem policy like the surprise 2 year commits, huge early termination fees, receiver return fees, triple dipping fees, random discounts and credits depending on which way the wind is blowing, sliding customer service quality, etc...I'm going to give them any information I have and any suggestions I can offer.

If you dont want to see it, put me on your ignore list. I think how I'm handling it is just fine. The big problem here is that I'm attacking issues and you're attacking me...with false accusations no less.

As far as this specific matter, Directv should have recognized that people would know about and ask for the new box. At a minimum, they could have set it up so they could tell customers 'we can send you a random box or if you want you can pay $50 per DVR to specify what equipment you get'. Then the company makes money and the customer gets what they want.

As far as addressing this with directv management directly, I've done that. I've been invited to discuss products and policies with a number of vice presidents including the VP of marketing and VP of engineering. I found that they only wanted to hear what they already thought and had no interest in criticism. I didnt find them to be very interested in customer issues.

They ended up with a band of people from dbstalk, and only the fanboy-iest fanboys they have. Unfortunately, when you only listen to the good news and people that agree with you, you have a bad surprise coming. Ask Carly Fiorina.

So given that communicating my concerns and ideas to management was ineffective, communicating them to the 'unofficial directv support' guy isnt effective, and talking about them with other customers results in a personal attack by the unofficial directv representative...I guess I'll just have to continue to inform and warn individuals when they ask questions.

At the end of the day, I'd like Directv to be better...like they used to be. If I cant accomplish that, I'll make sure that customers arent snagged up by the newer policies that I dont find to be very customer friendly.
Please reply by conversation.

Should have ordered MRV - What do I need to upgrade

Newby has install question

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