Got burned by a member here.....beware

Please reply by conversation.
couple months ago I had a FTA sale where I sold some stuff.
Almost everything I sold was to the FTA folks
(folks I "knew"..the ones that post in the FTA area all the time)
...some sent money orders, some paypal, some sent checks and said I could hold onto the stuff until the check cleared.
I sent the items right away as I figured they were good on their word.
I made sure the check went out that very night, to show good will.
Couple of days later, he fired off the package.
Shocked the heck out of me. :eek:
I didn't need the equipment quickly, and suggested he wait for the check to clear.
His response was something like: "I know where to find ya :D"

You don't mess with our Moderator, and you don't mess with our members.
As I just said in an Email to Linuxman, we get these problems resolved,.
Because . . . we'll get ya!
(I may have worded it a bit more harshly in the email! ) - :rolleyes:

. . . any inference to the use of ropes, firearms, drugs, clubs, boats, planes, trains, trunks of cars, or other such matters, are strictly in the mind of the reader . . .
- :eureka
To continue the story with Chefwan, it was after he purchased the 905 from you Iceberg that I bought out the installer in KC which included a 905, so I switched to that one which I think I mentioned in that thread that I would probably sell my 920.

I got a PM from Chefwan wanting to buy it right then and there. I had already had a couple of inquiries about it, but nothing definite. He wanted it right now, and said he needed it ASAP. I said I would take Paypal or a credit card which he said he doesn't use, so I said I would take a check, but wouldn't ship it until the check cleared.

Couple of PMs later asking if I could send it sooner with my replying that I wouldn't, he got a friend to send the money via Paypay at which time I shipped the receiver. He got it and PM'd me back saying that it worked fine.

So I can only say what our transaction was, but am sorry that he wasn't so up front with you other two guys.
I bought a few C-Band parts from him, a couple of different times. He didn't screw me any, he would only accept US Postal Service Money Orders for payment, and that was more of a time nuisance for me, than a problem. He wouldn't send anything until he received payment. One of the things I got from him was a Corotor2 (with lnb's) and he kept trying to get me to sell it back to him. And he asked me if the ku lnb worked on it, so I put it on my 1m P* and it worked OK. He claimed he never could get it to work? I'm still not using that Corotor2, but plan to one day. He seemed like an OK guy to me, sorry you guys got burned by him.
I made sure the check went out that very night, to show good will.
Couple of days later, he fired off the package.
Shocked the heck out of me. :eek:
I didn't need the equipment quickly, and suggested he wait for the check to clear.
His response was something like: "I know where to find ya :D"

Thats the honest guy in me. I figured "who's gonna bounce a check for 50 bucks" (I think it was) for some sat parts. Thats why I sent it out....figured that the folks were on the board enough I could find them ;)
i talked to him once or twice on the phone, he's a nice guy. He tried to buy a feedhorn from Lynskyn but Lyn said he wasn't getting the money order. So I went and met Lyn locally and bought it directly. I was going to also try to ship it upon receiving Cheffwans money order, but that was also unsuccessful. After that he said he didn't have the money for it anymore and that I could have it. I was cband only at the time so i thought that was a nice gesture. Never had a problem with him either. I did think his truckload of dishes he was gonna give away was a little hard to believe though, but I didn't want to say anything because everyone was so happy.....
somery said:
I did think his truckload of dishes he was gonna give away was a little hard to believe though, but I didn't want to say anything because everyone was so happy.....
Till i mentioned going and picking up a few and dropping them off and then they disappeared :(

well i can honestly say i've never intentionally done anyone wrong , if i have it wasn't my knowledge or intention, and i'm sure i corrected the problems .... but for someone to take the money or items and run thats just bad ....
Thats great news

I just got a PM from my guy!

He is going to make it right with me and when he does, I will be a happy camper.
Thats great news for you. I'm happy for you. As for Chefwan he hasn't been on or around here sinse June. The last time I talked to him about all of this he related to me that he was fed up with all of this Dish hobby which might say why he was trying to pick a fight with anybody who liked Birdview's. Since he hasn't been around, I doubt he will be back on later??? Still its good that you are getting back your money!

Seeking retribution

Ok guys we have confirmed that Chefwan has shortchanged Iceberg and myself and maybe possible others. It was pointed out that Chefwan last time here to this site was last month. Around that same time in talking to him he stated he was fed up with the C-Band hobby and this site and the people. So how to we seek retribution from somebody who is not here anymore. Its not like we can PM him like Linuxman did to his seller. And the seller wanting to make it right.
What this person did is wrong. He took our trust. We believed that he was a good guy after all he was a member and regular at the time all of this went down. Correct me if I’m wrong…. We can not put down the e-mail address of Instant Messaging User ID address?

I would like to get my money back or some of it as I’m sure Iceberg would too.


UPDATE 7/25/2008

Ok guys we have confirmed that Chefwan has shortchanged Iceberg and myself and maybe possible others. It was pointed out that Chefwan last time here to this site was last month. Around that same time in talking to him he stated he was fed up with the C-Band hobby and this site and the people. So how to we seek retribution from somebody who is not here anymore. Its not like we can PM him like Linuxman did to his seller. And the seller wanting to make it right.
What this person did is wrong. He took our trust. We believed that he was a good guy after all he was a member and regular at the time all of this went down. Correct me if I’m wrong…. We can not put down the e-mail address of Instant Messaging User ID address?

I would like to get my money back or some of it as I’m sure Iceberg would too.


Thanks Iceberg for moving this to a thread all by its own. Still a new thread and the same question please. We can not put down the e-mail address of Instant Messaging User ID address? Or can we? I doubt that Chefwan, SSImpalaSS23, SSImpala23 will be back on again. I did find him online with AOL Messenger and this is what was talked about.

SSImpalaSS23 (4:08:40 PM): hey i got your message
SSImpalaSS23 (4:08:56 PM): i've told you before i do not have long distance.
SSImpalaSS23 (4:43:17 PM): hello
SSImpalaSS23 (4:58:24 PM): ok i got your message
thomas34461usa (4:59:16 PM): Yes and I'm going to be on for a short time now, because I got an appointment a little later.
thomas34461usa (4:59:47 PM): So what is going on with getting me a receiver or money back?
thomas34461usa (5:01:15 PM): You can always send me what going on via my e-mail
SSImpalaSS23 (5:01:35 PM): have you looked on ebay
SSImpalaSS23 (5:01:53 PM): i checked my bids i got outbid on both receivers
thomas34461usa (5:02:28 PM): Found some however they were more then 130$
thomas34461usa (5:02:49 PM): Why not just send the money back and be done with all of this.
SSImpalaSS23 (5:03:02 PM): because i've lost something
thomas34461usa (5:03:21 PM): Explaine that
SSImpalaSS23 (5:03:23 PM): that damn thing cost me close to 400 dollars and i've lost it
thomas34461usa (5:03:54 PM): Just send back 130$
thomas34461usa (5:04:13 PM): You said you would make it right
SSImpalaSS23 (5:04:47 PM): well are you going to refund me 400 $ for sending it ? and it getting lost
SSImpalaSS23 (5:05:02 PM): it wasnt my fault i did my part
thomas34461usa (5:05:09 PM): It’s been since March 18
SSImpalaSS23 (5:05:25 PM): im not calling you a liar. but how do i know if its around or not honestly
thomas34461usa (5:06:05 PM): Look its not my fault you sent it from your PO and it got lost, You should have had a tracking number on it to protect yourself, Not me.
SSImpalaSS23 (5:06:06 PM): so lets say i send back 130$ how are you going to buy a receiver like that for 130$ u wont.
SSImpalaSS23 (5:06:16 PM): well im not refunding it
SSImpalaSS23 (5:06:17 PM): sorry
SSImpalaSS23 (5:06:33 PM): things happen i've tried to make it right but cant find a receiver for 130$
SSImpalaSS23 (5:06:45 PM): its like pissing in the wind i guess im tired of hearing about this really
SSImpalaSS23 (5:07:42 PM): let me start over with this. i gave it to you for 130$ and i sent it parcel post. i lost out BIGGG
SSImpalaSS23 (5:07:54 PM): but u got a good deal but u say u never got it
thomas34461usa (5:07:56 PM): Let me get this straight you would buy a receiver for 130$ on e-bay for how much to make it worth 130$
SSImpalaSS23 (5:08:18 PM): i'd give 150$ for one
thomas34461usa (5:08:53 PM): You would give 150$ for one but not 130$ to me????
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:04 PM): i was going to replace it
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:19 PM): im not going to just send u back 130$
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:22 PM): ill replace it
thomas34461usa (5:09:34 PM): You can't seem to or have been able to replace it at this date!
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:40 PM): go to hell
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:46 PM): im tiredof hearing from you dont talk to me agai
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:47 PM): ok
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:52 PM): dont even speak to me again its lost oh well
SSImpalaSS23 (5:09:54 PM): things happen
SSImpalaSS23 signed off at 5:09:57 PM.
ssimpalass23 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.


Those were is comments. When I first talked to him I too thought he was a friend. He would write back to me saying how sorry he was that it got lost. He would write "how pissed off he was at the local Post Office for losing the receiver". I gave him time and told him not to worry about it figuring if he sent it via the Post Office it must be coming. It never did. Then I hear that was the same Lame Excuse that he gave to Iceberg. You think after one time he would learn not to send it that way. Or is it that this is all a ruse the whole time? I found him to be very deceptive and then he started dodging me when I would start asking questions about the receiver. He literally Scammed Iceberg and myself and very possible other members here on this site with all of his ploys and hoaxes. Can we put down here on this thread a warning about him and give his e-mail address, and messenger user names?

Thank for letting me vent here!

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Good info here, sorry to hear about some of your experiences with other members. Mine have all been positive so far. Maybe this could be a catalyst for a new "wall of shame" ? A board specifically to post experiences with other members we have bought, sold or traded with.
Tom I removed your e-mail address :)

But yeah I pretty much had the same thing. He said NPS couldnt activate the box even though they changed the ID number(????)

BUt here is his last PM to me...actually there was one after it. I had said "just let me know that it was shipped out" and he said "ok"...never heard back

note the date


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Then I hear that was the same Lame Excuse that he gave to Iceberg. You think after one time he would learn not to send it that way. Or is it that this is all a ruse the whole time? I found him to be very deceptive and then he started dodging me when I would start asking questions about the receiver.

I've always used USPS Delivery Confirmation to protect myself from any losses , it's pretty cheap at 60 cents and it protects both buyer and seller.

Unfortunately there are people who will jump at the opportunity of deceiving others for their own personal gain , I found it even sadder that the person deliberately scamming others happened to be a well known member .

I also believe in Karma ........ what comes around goes around.

Public Information available via Internet

....... I really do hope that he reads this thread and sees that true SatGuy members have integrity and stick up for each other.

Satellite Guys Moderators , should any of my views or comments violate any forum rules please edit my reply.
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THANK YOU for pointing out a bad duck - I like to know so that I can avoid these "people". I have always had great transactions with the members here - I feel like they are family - even though I have never met any of you :)
like family how True

THANK YOU for pointing out a bad duck - I like to know so that I can avoid these "people". I have always had great transactions with the members here - I feel like they are family - even though I have never met any of you :)
Your words mean a lot to me as I too think of the people here as family and more then once I pointed that out. Everybody is always wanting to help each other. It does feel like family and yes I too have never met you but your words and your actions say a lot. You are Family. I thought too that he was a friend and family too. That truly hurts. It's not the matter of $130.00 dollars its not much. Yes I could use it. Its the principle that he could do this to a fellow member here more then once! Or who knows how many times he has done this and there has been no reports! He is no friend and not a member in good standing in my eyes and heart. Yes what goes around comes around, and when you play with matches you will get burn.

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Well, I do want to share that I just sold a ViP 211 to someone in Georgia, he sent a paypal, I shipped it, he will get it on Monday, the money was went smoothly (so far) and I am a happy camper! So despite everyone's bad luck, sometimes this place does have good people and good things, I feel bad for you guys.
Anyone who sends anything regular mail without tracking information is an idiot!

If the seller does not get proper tracking, then he is responcible for it until its delivered by the post office.

If the buyer doesn't want to pay for Priority mail or UPS thats too dam bad, I wouldn't go through with the sale!

The only thing I ship regular mail is parts that cost less than $5 that I can afford to replace if someone claims they did not receive it!
To prevent, or cut down, this type thing, why don't Satelliteguys put a thread giving suggestions on regulating how to handle a sale of an item. You know, what to send as far as paying for an item (like using PayPal, debit or credit card), giving full description of an item and its condition. When to send the item as far as as "clearing the check".
The reason I am suggesting this because there always going to be a item for sale from our members.
I am always watching on this site for FTA items that our members (friends!) may want to sell.
If a situation does come up and one of us got ripped off, then this situation need to be reported to the modulator and upon investigation, if the modulator does see that is happening, post a warning to this site, and forever ban the offending member from this site.
geesh this thread was good read. I don't visit the FTA section for a while and seems I missed a lot. Summer is just not big fta time for me.

I am glad you guys named names and it really sucks that even in what I feel is a somewhat tight community here in the FTA section that even we have to worry at times.
Please reply by conversation.

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