Groundhog Day x 10 x 24

I do see some humor in it, but as a certified HDCinema junkie I feel it's a disservice to Voomers. A funny one, yes, but a disservice nonetheless. And they might have been able to get the joke across with just two or three channels -- or by running it on HaHa for two or three straight days. At least that way they'd only screw up one channel.

Oh, well. Not the end of the world. It is a great movie. And I'll just watch StarzHD and Monsters(someone recommended The Wicker Man -- I think I'll give it a chance) until the prime time shows start.
So someone there actually thought this would be funny?...and that we'd all LAUGH about it?


I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Laugh, because it breaks the rules of being a stiff and (too) serious corporation that would never risk being irreverent.

Cry, because not being stiff/serious but willing to be very risky is why VOOM is so vulnerable.

Regardless, I love Voom more for it.
rang1995 said:
we are not amused
Overboard? Probably...

I think it's funny as hell though. If it was just any old movie, not so much. But the fact that they're playing a movie whose premise is everything keeps repeating itself everywhere he turns, and the movie keeps repeating itself on every channel we turn - I think that's brilliant! :haha

Just wait till April Fools Day! (hey, we can dream, can't we?)

I think it's great that someone at Voom can have fun in these times of uncertainty... (unless the same person(s) knows something, and isn't so uncertain)
rgarbonzo said:
I thought that it was hilarious. C'mon it's Groundhog's Day lets have a little fun, lighten up spring is around the corner.

I have to agree - I understand folks not being happy, but my wife and I laughed so hard when we saw the PG, it was worth it :) Somehow I overlooked this thread earlier today, so I was genuinely surprised...glad I missed it! :D
from ddlsmith:

How would you like to be a new subscriber, anxiously awaiting your install this morning, everything gets hooked up, picture looks great, you click on the PG to see what's instore for the day and....."WTF? #@#*?!!!!"

I'd bet they'd be pretty confused. I'd be. :)


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no sense of humor at all

gutter said:
Some people have no sense of humor at all.
You're absolutely right when you say I have no sense of humor. When I pay $79.90 a month for programming, I don't expect to have 10 of 39 HD channels with the same movie on all 10 of those channels all day long.
Voom's Showing "Groundhogs Day" HD on 10 channels

The Movie Groundhogs Day HD on this Feb 2nd is most approproaite :)

and perhaps having it on not one but two channels would really place emphasis on our ability to watch it :p

But on Feb 2nd tonite Voom must really find Groundhogs Day the most imporant and special holiday of the year because Voom is showing it
in HD of course on ten (10 ) of it channels ;)

and to make sure no one misses it... all ten channels are playing two consecutive showings back to back stating at 9 PM :eek:

Just as long a Voom keeps it sense of humor and stays transmitting
I'll be a happy camper ! :yes

Long Live Voom ;)

Voomster :rainbow
zap2it shows the movie channels schedule back to normal tomorrow.

LIGHTEN UP. The variety is greatly improved on the cinema 10 channels, but are there any movies on Cinema 10 that you wanted to watch, but haven't seen yet, that won't be on tomorrow or the next day or the next day? Are you REALLY missing anything by this prank? It's one day. It's no big deal.

If you haven't seen Groundhog Day yet, then watch it. As much as you want.
A Hint From Above

Maybe it is a hint from above... read a book, talk to your wife, get a life...?

Or a great marketing ploy...?

Whatever it is, it is pretty funny. Now every time you think of Groundhog Day, you will think of Voom:)
voomvoom said:
You're absolutely right when you say I have no sense of humor. When I pay $79.90 a month for programming, I don't expect to have 10 of 39 HD channels with the same movie on all 10 of those channels all day long.
Seriously (not what you may expect from me), I'm not just speaking through my rose colored glasses here. I acknowledge that the joke may not have been totally well thought out, because there are certainly downsides for many people. Also that not only subscribers, but everyone, deserves to hear something from VOOM. But, having been in work situations where it was imperative to maintain secrecy until the timing was right, I also understand why a veil of silence may exist...and am inclined to think, that innuendo of this sort may be an effort to inform us.

I think if you stand back a moment and let your anger over the initial shock subside, you might be able to agree that it is some sort of a funny statement! I felt that I immediately got the connotation, but I'm not yet back on VOOM. Those of you who have been there all along have a right to feel robbed of your choices today!

But, of course, I may be wrong, and VOOM could be saying “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah…you idiots…for sticking with us all this time!! Here’s how much we appreciate it!” But I just don’t think anyone would go to that extent. Do you really?

The only thing I can say is that this looks to me like a grab for PR, and I think it may have succeeded!! If you were a non-VOOMER--wouldn't you think it was funny…and wouldn't you start following the events? PR!!...Free PR!! And don't forget that old saying…about even bad PR being good.

This little joke today was coupled with emails to people who had previously expressed interest, as well as former subscribers (like myself); it had been preceded by CSR statements (to any and all since the news broke about the sale of the satellite), that it is “business as usual”; it was preceded by increased advertising in the last week on non-VOOM channels; and was accompanied by new programming announcements.

I can’t help but think that the next joke (April Fools, perhaps?) might be candy, flowers and jewelry—Would you kiss and make up if that were the case? One day of (probably) slight inconvenience—in exchange for PR that may spread the word where it never existed before—versus many days without anything else as good as VOOM?

I truly am sorry (no joking at all!) this upset some of you, but being the ever-hopeful person I am, I just can’t help but think it’s part of a plan....Vicki

Divine HD (110): Camp

What's on 308 now? ESPN2HD?

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