Hey!! All You "THEY BETTER or ELSE" Guys


SatelliteGuys Family
Feb 3, 2005
Give it up, your whining and threatening about leaving Voom if you don't get an answer by ______________, ultimatums.

First, I'd rather they focus on getting it resolved with Voom in tact, however long it takes.

Second, although this is a great board and without a doubt THE PLACE for all information Vomm related, but maybe 2% of voom subs are here, and your minority position in that group amounts to . . . oh. . . let's see. . . SQUAT.

Third, even if they lose 10% of their subs because they get their panties in a wad and can't hold their bladder, it's not going to make or break them. 4600 subs is a measly number as has been discussed ad nauseum in other threads.

Forth, Voom will have to come out lean and mean, ready to ramp up and get real subs, people who do fall in love with the service and are committed to it not just people with a passing fancy, that subscribe in the good times ($1 install and two free premium months) and then quit costing them literally hundreds of dollars more than they made.

So if you want to have your voom service go dark, go ahead and cancel. Quit your blustering, and go away. The rest of us will enjoy the service, support the team, and scream if victorious, cry if we lose, and feel or point no blame.

For those of us wanting to play; This may be the greatest season of our lives.
It seems in each of these threads someone posts a threat to quit if they don't get answers right now.

Grow up.
How long do you suggest that customers who were promised a DVR and signed up based on that promise should wait before they give up on VOOM? Is 18 months long enough? Or should they wait through the entire 2 year warranty of their purchased boxes that they were told they could trade in for the DVR?

Should you wait until your TV goes dark before you sign up with another provider just because VOOM doesn't have the courtesy to give a consistent message about whether they are shutting down or not?

If VOOM advertises a channel as available (InHD) - how many months do you suggest someone should wait before they can be sure that it is not coming? 12 months? 17 months? Or is that being impatient?
jnardone said:
How long do you suggest that customers who were promised a DVR and signed up based on that promise should wait before they give up on VOOM? Is 18 months long enough? Or should they wait through the entire 2 year warranty of their purchased boxes that they were told they could trade in for the DVR?

Should you wait until your TV goes dark before you sign up with another provider just because VOOM doesn't have the courtesy to give a consistent message about whether they are shutting down or not?

If VOOM advertises a channel as available (InHD) - how many months do you suggest someone should wait before they can be sure that it is not coming? 12 months? 17 months? Or is that being impatient?

I suggest you weigh it against your own values and stop asking someone else to do your thinking.

If you're fed up, call 1-800-GET-VOOM and tell them to kill your service. Problem solved and you won't have further reason to bitch.

You buy into a DBS service for what they offer today and not what they promise you tomorrow. None of the three has any stellar track record on that topic.
I'm sure all the whiners could do a better job of running Voom.... :rolleyes:
jnardone said:
If VOOM advertises a channel as available (InHD) - how many months do you suggest someone should wait before they can be sure that it is not coming? 12 months? 17 months? Or is that being impatient?

How many channels have been added since you signed up? Here we are again. Not even totally out of the manure pile from the board trying to close VOOM...no definitive agreement and people want to know already where there extra channels are or DVR.

Don't you think that the service should be on solid ground before you start sobbing? Talk to the board members who were just voted out. They are the one's who haven't given you want you wanted. Don't blame the tech guys or the employees. Blame the board and the CEO.
Better things to do.... I be Voomin, Later dudes! Whiners, don't let the door hit you in the back side.
No DVR. BFD. What did everyone have before DVR was even invented. Someone who NEEDS DVR and its important enough to start bashing Voom should never have signed up for Voom in the firsts place until it was available. I'd rather keep seeing a 98 signal strength as long as possible rather than a DVR. Voom is a great service.
jnardone said:
How long do you suggest that customers who were promised a DVR and signed up based on that promise should wait before they give up on VOOM?

If your tired of waiting quit, do it quickly, cleanly and completely.

My statements were for those that just whine about it, and bluster, but never act.

jnardone said:
Should you wait until your TV goes dark before you sign up with another provider just because VOOM doesn't have the courtesy to give a consistent message about whether they are shutting down or not?

Why not, for those that have a cable option, you can get up and running in 2 days, and during that time you will probably still have OTA channels thanks to Vooms inovative plan of providing an antenna for free instead of trying to micro-manage every aspect of content delivery to their customers.

If you aren't cable possible then a few days enjoying the clean fresh country air that you live in would be a good thing. It's spring what better time to get out and repaint the barn or run new fence line?

jnardone said:
If VOOM advertises a channel as available (InHD) - how many months do you suggest someone should wait before they can be sure that it is not coming? 12 months? 17 months? Or is that being impatient?

If you have been going 17 months and your idle threats of quiting haven't make a change, then, mor of the same with get you more of the same.

Go ahead and cancel your service, sell your box on ebay, and signup for services that don;t even promise to improve or change.
67Yv8t said:
Give it up, your whining and threatening about leaving Voom if you don't get an answer by ______________, ultimatums.

First, I'd rather they focus on getting it resolved with Voom in tact, however long it takes.

Second, although this is a great board and without a doubt THE PLACE for all information Vomm related, but maybe 2% of voom subs are here, and your minority position in that group amounts to . . . oh. . . let's see. . . SQUAT.

Third, even if they lose 10% of their subs because they get their panties in a wad and can't hold their bladder, it's not going to make or break them. 4600 subs is a measly number as has been discussed ad nauseum in other threads.

Forth, Voom will have to come out lean and mean, ready to ramp up and get real subs, people who do fall in love with the service and are committed to it not just people with a passing fancy, that subscribe in the good times ($1 install and two free premium months) and then quit costing them literally hundreds of dollars more than they made.

So if you want to have your voom service go dark, go ahead and cancel. Quit your blustering, and go away. The rest of us will enjoy the service, support the team, and scream if victorious, cry if we lose, and feel or point no blame.

For those of us wanting to play; This may be the greatest season of our lives.

Well, this is the second time today that I have seen someone with less than 50 posts get cheeky on these boards. Don't you think it might be better if you are a little more seasoned veteran before you scold people? There are those subs who are a little frustrated with what is going on and feel the need to vent, or whine, as you call it. A lot of what gets posted on these boards are complaints of one kind or another. Just deal with it. If Voom goes, we will all go elsewhere. Most of the people threatening to leave will probably stay if it works out. Voom does not have enough subs to have somebody tell them to lump it if they do not agree with them.

That being said, somebody with just their first post may have something good or informative to say.
As somebody who does not have many posts here myself, I don't feel it is my place to get in the face of people who have many more posts than I do.
After all, it is an American right to whine and complain--people do it about the weather all the time. As for me, I'm staying with Voom until if or when it goes dark and I encourage other to do the same. I certainly will not tell anybody to leave Voom if they complain. How many of us would then be left?
So. . .

What your saying is that. . .

Quantity is how YOU determine Quality?

I've been here quite a while and just posting incessant "Me Too" posts does not receive an award of "hallowed Authority" in my book.

I am proud of the fact that I don't just run off with one line "I talked to a CSR too and they didn't tell me anything new. I wonder what that means." posts.
I am amazed!!

elocs said:
Well, this is the second time today that I have seen someone with less than 50 posts get cheeky on these boards. Don't you think it might be better if you are a little more seasoned veteran before you scold people? There are those subs who are a little frustrated with what is going on and feel the need to vent, or whine, as you call it. A lot of what gets posted on these boards are complaints of one kind or another. Just deal with it. If Voom goes, we will all go elsewhere. Most of the people threatening to leave will probably stay if it works out. Voom does not have enough subs to have somebody tell them to lump it if they do not agree with them.

That being said, somebody with just their first post may have something good or informative to say.
As somebody who does not have many posts here myself, I don't feel it is my place to get in the face of people who have many more posts than I do.
After all, it is an American right to whine and complain--people do it about the weather all the time. As for me, I'm staying with Voom until if or when it goes dark and I encourage other to do the same. I certainly will not tell anybody to leave Voom if they complain. How many of us would then be left?

If any outside investor were monitoring this forum they should be amazed at the dedicated subs that VOOM has signed up. If Direct were to go out of business I don't think anyone would care because they would switch to E* or Cable (NFL Ticket would be available to all then). If E* were to go out of business then people would just say, "oh, I guess I have to swwitch to D* or cable". But we are VOOM subs and if VOOM goes under we have no EQUAL or close alternative to switch to. This to me tells me that VOOM has a unique offering that once matured (all the SD and HD channels in place & DVR) will have a good chance of gaining substantial market share.

We are like the Apple loyalists except for HDTV instead of computers. Apple started slow and almost went under countless times and they are still around. The enthusiasm and loyalty of VOOM subs is really cool given the fact that it is really just TV when it comes down to it. Well, actually with VOOM it's not just TV its great HDTV and a free soap opera thrown in to boot!.

IMHO, VOOM is here to stay. The new CVC board will have the same visionary thinking that Charles Dolan has. Visionary thinking is what allowed apple to survive.

Just m2c at the end of a long day at work.
As for my number of posts. Maybe five? I read more than post. Originally I had used this forum for installation assistance. And it has been wonderful for that. I must say though, the only times I come back are to find out the "truth". Which have been alot lately. Speculation at times but I seem to always get the straight story here.
I wont' bitch... I want voom to stay and even get better. If any of the newvoom folk want some ideas they can learn a lot here. What to do on marketing what offers worked and which did not. As I looked coming in there are over 535 concerned voomers here. Lots of advice lots of emotion.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that Charles senior keeps this high end tv thing going in perpetuity... :yes
kfried001 said:
If any outside investor were monitoring this forum they should be amazed at the dedicated subs that VOOM has signed up. If Direct were to go out of business I don't think anyone would care because they would switch to E* or Cable (NFL Ticket would be available to all then). If E* were to go out of business then people would just say, "oh, I guess I have to swwitch to D* or cable". But we are VOOM subs and if VOOM goes under we have no EQUAL or close alternative to switch to. This to me tells me that VOOM has a unique offering that once matured (all the SD and HD channels in place & DVR) will have a good chance of gaining substantial market share.

We are like the Apple loyalists...

I do not have VOOM service. I am in Canada and cannot get it. Just wanted to state that upfront.

"Loyalists" is definitely the correct word. I have been reading through these forums, all of them old and new, not just recent ones about it shutting down. It upsets me to see people pledge allegiance to some corporation like it's some movement for social reform, a religion, etc.

I've read countless posts about giving support and being so grateful to VOOM and the people who made it happen. Tech support, sales, whatever. People, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the service and being happy with it, but please consider such comments carefully.

You are not a fighter for some "cause". It is a company, which charges you for a service. Note that last statement, you PAY for it. It's scary when people start talking about being grateful for a service that is sold to them.

I understand that people in small groups such as VOOM subs often get caught up in their own little culture of mutual support and such. However, I beg you, do not give gratitude where it is not due. I realize this will likely become a firestorm of flame(r)s, but I just had to say it.

On second thought, go ahead, be GRATEFUL to some corporation for the PRIVILEDGE of giving them YOUR MONEY. Don't ever complain, don't ever demand more, alienate those who do.

Good luck.
javier911 said:
I do not have VOOM service. I am in Canada and cannot get it. Just wanted to state that upfront.

"Loyalists" is definitely the correct word. I have been reading through these forums, all of them old and new, not just recent ones about it shutting down. It upsets me to see people pledge allegiance to some corporation like it's some movement for social reform, a religion, etc.

I've read countless posts about giving support and being so grateful to VOOM and the people who made it happen. Tech support, sales, whatever. People, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the service and being happy with it, but please consider such comments carefully.

You are not a fighter for some "cause". It is a company, which charges you for a service. Note that last statement, you PAY for it. It's scary when people start talking about being grateful for a service that is sold to them.

I understand that people in small groups such as VOOM subs often get caught up in their own little culture of mutual support and such. However, I beg you, do not give gratitude where it is not due. I realize this will likely become a firestorm of flame(r)s, but I just had to say it.

On second thought, go ahead, be GRATEFUL to some corporation for the PRIVILEDGE of giving them YOUR MONEY. Don't ever complain, don't ever demand more, alienate those who do.

Good luck.

It's enthusiasm for a superior product. If Voom doesn't make it, the HDTV concept takes a hit because the other two clowns are clearly not interested in raising the bar.

If more channels is your thing, just sign up for either one of the others and call it good. If PQ is your thing, you best get out the Pom Poms. If EDTV is your thing or low bitrates, then root for Voom's demise. Root for more consolidation in DBS, cable and the telephone cos. In the end it will be down to monopoly status which is when they stop investing in new technolgies and just milk the cash cow(the consumers) for all they are worth. Customer service will race to new lows(who else you gonna run to?).

It's a bigger picture than just the viability of Voom. Competition encourages the adoption of newer technolgies. Monopolies do not.
The return for payment on Voom beats the Sh*T out of the return for payment on my taxes, and you in Canada aren't tax free.

However, even though it costs me dearly, and I think there is a helluva lotta graft and bad business done by my government, I still would mourn it's passing, and I'd even stand opposed to anyone that wants to tear it down.

Business is not inherently bad, there are no monsters in your closet, and wankin won't make you go blind.

With that knowledge go out into the world and stand for something.
graphiteRT said:
It's enthusiasm for a superior product. If Voom doesn't make it, the HDTV concept takes a hit because the other two clowns are clearly not interested in raising the bar.

If more channels is your thing, just sign up for either one of the others and call it good. If PQ is your thing, you best get out the Pom Poms. If EDTV is your thing or low bitrates, then root for Voom's demise. Root for more consolidation in DBS, cable and the telephone cos. In the end it will be down to monopoly status which is when they stop investing in new technolgies and just milk the cash cow(the consumers) for all they are worth. Customer service will race to new lows(who else you gonna run to?).

It's a bigger picture than just the viability of Voom. Competition encourages the adoption of newer technolgies. Monopolies do not.

Well said.

Animated image on the short-lived VOOMLLC

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