Home-Brew Satellite Dish

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We got signal Al. I think I am really going to like this little dish. WooHoo!!!

Here are some pictures:

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I new you would Fred, I was just giving you a little push...... I wish I could say my push worked, but I know better. You would have (and did) gotten it anyway. I agree with Tom, that's a nice looking dish. I also see the Birdview in the background, behind the Umbrella. Is that the one you're saving for me? He He He..... I like your set-up for tuning the dish, of course I'm kind of partial to Pansat 3500's. And your viewing screen looks well into the shade, that can only be a good thing. Although the Trimax Meter is a great tool, I have problems reading it for various reasons. Like the little 3-1/2" screen, plus Sunlight gives me/it a fit. It works and works good, it's just not the easiest thing to see.... But, it's a lot easier to carry on the roof, than the Coolsat 5000 and 19" TV, I used to lug up there...!!
Nice pictures though, you got me thinking about getting an Umbrella now. Looks like a very useful tool......?
I new you would Fred, I was just giving you a little push...... I wish I could say my push worked, but I know better. You would have (and did) gotten it anyway. I agree with Tom, that's a nice looking dish. I also see the Birdview in the background, behind the Umbrella. Is that the one you're saving for me? He He He..... I like your set-up for tuning the dish, of course I'm kind of partial to Pansat 3500's. And your viewing screen looks well into the shade, that can only be a good thing. Although the Trimax Meter is a great tool, I have problems reading it for various reasons. Like the little 3-1/2" screen, plus Sunlight gives me/it a fit. It works and works good, it's just not the easiest thing to see.... But, it's a lot easier to carry on the roof, than the Coolsat 5000 and 19" TV, I used to lug up there...!!
Nice pictures though, you got me thinking about getting an Umbrella now. Looks like a very useful tool......?
Hey Al I agree with you that is a real nice setup using the handy-dandy tune-up box that Fred is using! With the Cover over the screen to cut out glare, a Umbrella and glass of Sweet Tea I be all set! I think I would toss out the cigarettes though.
Fred I was also thinking if there is a way for you to haul your handy-dandy tune-up box by putting it on some kind of brase with wheels. Like a hand cart? You could also put on a hook on the top and use a winch to bring it up to your roof when needed.

Keep up the good work!


Hey Gremlin,
Hey linuxman nice setup you have. and that looks like a fun project keep us posted.
It has been a fun project. Very easy to get to and very light to move things around. I would be having more fun if the time per day wasn't so short. Too hot!!!
I new you would Fred, I was just giving you a little push...... I wish I could say my push worked, but I know better. You would have (and did) gotten it anyway. I agree with Tom, that's a nice looking dish. I also see the Birdview in the background, behind the Umbrella. Is that the one you're saving for me? He He He..... I like your set-up for tuning the dish, of course I'm kind of partial to Pansat 3500's. And your viewing screen looks well into the shade, that can only be a good thing. Although the Trimax Meter is a great tool, I have problems reading it for various reasons. Like the little 3-1/2" screen, plus Sunlight gives me/it a fit. It works and works good, it's just not the easiest thing to see.... But, it's a lot easier to carry on the roof, than the Coolsat 5000 and 19" TV, I used to lug up there...!!
Nice pictures though, you got me thinking about getting an Umbrella now. Looks like a very useful tool......?
Hey Al,

You have always been a great encourager for me and I appreciate it. Just yesterday morning my welding guy brought the modified mounting pole by for that Birdview. Now I don't have an excuse for getting it on the roof to replace my Pinnacle. But will probably wait on that project for cooler weather.

The welder also brought the piece I asked him to make for my "test dish" which will sit right beside the little guy.

I thought long and hard about getting one of the Trimax tuners, but with my old aging eyes, I needed a bigger screen. :)

The umbrella has made it possible for me to work each day as long as I have been. A little shade means a lot. :)
Fred I was also thinking if there is a way for you to haul your handy-dandy tune-up box by putting it on some kind of brase with wheels. Like a hand cart? You could also put on a hook on the top and use a winch to bring it up to your roof when needed.
Hey Thomas,

I could put wheels on it, but there really isn't any need. I can carry it with all the equipment in it pretty easily. The nice thing is that everything is attached on the inside, so you can tip it, carry it sideways or just about anything, and nothing bounces around. I do have a nice handle on the lid for just picking it up with the doors closed and locked and walking away. :)

I hope to make a little more progress this morning.
I have no doubt that you won't make a lot of progress today. Maybe you can get a good photo how that PCP Pipe gets attached from the backside? Good Luck today, take your time, drink lots of fluids on that hot roof and oh yeah, take lots of photo's! lol


Hey Thomas,

I have included a picture of the 4 bolts that hold the PVC end cap to the dish from the back side. It's not on the roof, but it is on the asphalt parking lot. Not much difference when it comes to temperature. :eek:

I got up especially early this morning to try and get some things accomplished. As you will see below, I re-did the angle on the motor to get some relief from the U-Joint that hooks to it. It helped some, but the dish still shivers when it moves across the arc. The U-Joint itself is out of alignment and is loose as a goose. I will probably have to take it to my machine shop buddy and get it replaced eventually. :(

A big storm blew up about the time I finished that part. It was a dry front, but a lot of wind. I got held up for about 45 minutes expecting rain any minute, but none ever came. Someone got clobbered about 5 miles East of here.

Put on my new spring which I got yesterday afternoon but I am going to have to move the bottom hook where it mounts. When past G18 and West, it rubs on the mount support arm.

Got my "tuner" all set up and had to re-adjust all the satellite positions I had programmed in of course. Made a very small adjustment in polarity, and checked signal.

I adjusted the Focal Length 3 separate times moving the nuts 4 turns each time for a total inward of about 1/2 an inch. Got improvement all three times so I think I am in the right direction.

So far the CW C-Band is at 75% SQ and the 12060V Ku test cards on G11 at 60% SQ. Got the famous mux on AMC6 Ku at 75% SQ and on the West side, G18/G10 Ku is very weak. On the other hand, G13 C-Band is really strong. I may need a whole assembly adjustment at this point.

I also included pictures of my commercial non-penetrating mount I got from a school district in St. Louis a while back. The welder delivered the top part of the mount with a 3.5" pipe with the other stuff yesterday. That will be my next project. My test dish. It will take a 10 foot dish easily, and might take a 12 footer if I ever find one. :)

Enjoy the pictures. More to come tomorrow:

pvc-pipe-mount.jpg pvc-pipe-mount2.jpg motor-realign.jpg motor-realign2.jpg

comm-non-pen-mount.jpg comm-non-pen-mount2.jpg
Calculate Adjustment on Support Mechanism

I started a different thread because I need a calculation or formula for one from one of you math experts. (Anole, and others) :)

I detected today that my plastic drain pipe support tube on my home-brew C-Band dish is not exactly centered on the dish. I never suspected that it was, but just decided to take a measurement since I can't use my laser pointer on this dish.

On 3 corners of the dish, the distance from the edge of the lip on the outside rim is 37 inches to the scalar ring.

On one corner, the distance is 36.5 inches. My intent is to pull the support tube out, and put a washer into the end cap in that corner to in effect raise that corner making it equal to the other 3.

The mathematical question is:

How do calculate how thick the washer has to be to raise the end of the tube 1/4 inch which should make all 4 corners 36.75 inches?

EDIT: The length of the tube from the center of the dish to the scaler is approximately 25 inches. Sorry!

See pic below. I will place the washer on the inside edge of the cap where the arrow points.

The angle of the dangle is directly proportional to the heat of the beat.

THAT should get you in the ball park. :)
if your intent is to tilt the tube to align the feedhorn in the center then won't you have to compensate on the feedhorn end also ?

you could just make several small L brackets like you did when you attached the feedhorn mounting bolts ( maybe a little larger but make the hole elongated so its adjustable) and use those brackets to center the tube using the existing bolts in the dish. I know movement of this pipe is difficult due to coax and connector.
the 10¢ solution

Since washers come in all sorts of thicknesses, regardless of diameter, you probably won't be able to get the one you want anyway.
What I'd do, is shove a dime half way under the cap at the point of your arrow, re-tighten the screws, and measure the displacement.
I suspect that'll be too much, but if it's only a -little- too much, just cinch down the screws on each side a little tighter!
Change to next thickness of washer (or coin) and repeat. :D

You'll have it solved before I can find my slide rule! :eek:

. . . or, slide the dime further under,,,, or maybe only 1/3 or 1/4 way under the edge of the cap. - :eureka

edit: if the ends of the tube are not square, then just rotate the tube 'till you are happy. ;)
Thanks Guys!

I knew I could count on the guys on this forum.

I think Anole is right. It would take longer to figure it out than to just try it.

I had thought about just rotating the tube, but if the tube wasn't cut square when it was originally cut, or the end cap wasn't centered just right, rotating won't do a lot of good.

I like George's idea, but don't think it will be necessary to go to that extreme. It won't take much on the dish end to move the feed end 1/4".

I think I will try the dime/washer method until it fits. I'll let everyone know in the morning. :)
hey linuxman
i found two lazer pens last time i was at the dollar store :) they would work for centering your feedhorn & tube.

well since this project is the playtoy it would be best to use the easiest method first and slowly work toward the hardest......
I agree with everyone

Yea, I like all of the ideas listed above, too. :up

But I've got a different observation.
Weren't you complaining you had to stop work by 10am due to the heat?
What about the night time?
You sure won't need that umbrella nor sun-shield on your LCD . . . . :D

Is it possible to work after dark? Would it be cool enough?
I understand you'd already driven the mosquitoes into extinction. - :eek:

Or are you just such a farm-boy that you fall asleep with the setting sun, and rise with the rooster? - :confused:
well since this project is the playtoy it would be best to use the easiest method first and slowly work toward the hardest......
Hey George,

I don't have room between the tube and the scaler to stick a pen in there to see where it is pointing. The only thing I can do is go by measurements. :)

But I've got a different observation.
Weren't you complaining you had to stop work by 10am due to the heat?
What about the night time?
You sure won't need that umbrella nor sun-shield on your LCD . . . .

Is it possible to work after dark? Would it be cool enough?
I understand you'd already driven the mosquitoes into extinction. -
Even after dark the asphalt stays hot until midnight. :eek:
Or are you just such a farm-boy that you fall asleep with the setting sun, and rise with the rooster? -
Yes, I am one of those guys that tries to get into bed by 10:00 PM. I would much rather work in the mornings, but that's just the farm boy in me. :)
Or are you just such a farm-boy that you fall asleep with the setting sun, and rise with the rooster? - :confused:

Early to bed, early to rise.....

Early bird gets the worm....

Get it? :D

Let us know how you do ,Linuxman. :up

Reason I gave a smart-arsed idea is I get confused without a caluclator with anything over three digits....and don't EVEN start with fractions..:eek::D
maybe (since this is the toy) we will need to modify the pipe ( again this might should wait to be one of the harder fixes do the easy one first) so it will allow access to enough space to insert a laser , maybe like an access port or door... duct tape is your friend :)

or plan on making a second pipe inside when its too hot to be outside.

Early to bed, early to rise.....

Early bird gets the worm....

LOL Keith

to bad i'm a shift worker so nights or days its all the same to me

but Fred is right its hot here after these last few 100 + days until after midnight :(
I'm not sure it's critical enough to care , but . . .
I don't have room between the tube and the scaler to stick a pen in there to see where it is pointing. The only thing I can do is go by measurements. :)
With all those surplus LNBFs ya collected, would it be possible to gut one and make it into an alignment jig?

I was thinking about installing one of those 99¢ lasers into it, and maybe a sighting hole or window for use on this little 6' toy.
Well, that's just the germ of the idea; maybe you could grow it into something useful...?

. . . now as for anyone who who surrounds themselves with a black asphalt parking lot, which doesn't cool down 'till midnight , . . . roof too, from what I hear! :rolleyes:

I'm not sure it's critical enough to care , but . . .
With all those surplus LNBFs ya collected, would it be possible to gut one and make it into an alignment jig?

I was thinking about installing one of those 99¢ lasers into it, and maybe a sighting hole or window for use on this little 6' toy.
Well, that's just the germ of the idea; maybe you could grow it into something useful...?

. . . now as for anyone who who surrounds themselves with a black asphalt parking lot, which doesn't cool down 'till midnight , . . . roof too, from what I hear! :rolleyes:

Hey Anole,

All good ideas, and I could put together a jig of some sort, but as you so blatantly pointed out, I am surrounded by heat, so whatever I make better darn sure work. :rolleyes:

Well, I tried the dime, and moved up to a flat washer, neither of which did any good by themselves.

I stuck two dimes in between the petals of the end-cap and the pipe and that did the trick. :)

Got the same measurements all the way around the dish to the scaler. I was happy about that.

Hey Stogie,
Reason I gave a smart-arsed idea is I get confused without a caluclator with anything over three digits....and don't EVEN start with fractions..
Why do you think I was asking the question here? I have been confused about math since grade school! :D

Hey George,
maybe (since this is the toy) we will need to modify the pipe ( again this might should wait to be one of the harder fixes do the easy one first) so it will allow access to enough space to insert a laser , maybe like an access port or door... duct tape is your friend
I need to do something. I may make a few modifications here shortly. I would love to be able to get my laser pointer in there, but the thing is 4 inches wide and 5 inches deep.

I wonder if I could cut two squares out of the sides of the pipe between the adjusting bolts at the scalar ring 4x5 wide. The pipe is only 6 inches. Would probably destroy the strength of the pipe.
To continue, and would of you kind mods please merge this thread back into my thread on Home-Brew Satellite Dish?

Thank you very much!

Problem is, I lost about 15% SQ on all Ku across the arc. I tried adjusting the elevation, but that thing is hopeless.

I am going to have to re-design the elevation adjuster to get anything reasonable out of that thing. I might undo what I did on the support pipe too.

C-Band was not affected, but Ku lost a bunch.

So now I got to figure out how to modify the elevation thingy.

Here are close-up pictures of the apparatus and a shot of a spare mount I have laying here.

elevation-adjustors.jpg elevation-adjustors2.jpg spare-mount.jpg

I know why the two bottom turn-buckles are there. They add stability to the main axis, but they are also a pain in the butt.

I would love to have just one adjusting bolt in the back where the big turn-buckle is located. Something like the one in the spare mount I have included.

Any ideas on either subject? :yikes

did you make any other adjustments besides the two dimes under the cap ?

thats what i mentioned earlier if you adjust the pipe to equal out on all sides it will tilt your scaler & feedhorn just a bit ... so maybe an adjustment is needed there to compensate for the two dimes ? just thinking
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