How to get paid for DirecTV Installs?

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On vacation
Original poster
Nov 5, 2003
My name is Pete Bain, I am a state licensed Technology systems Contractor/Power limited technician, I work doing satellite installation and sales. I am writing today to ask for your help. I come from Glasgow Scotland UK, and have been here in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro area for around 6 years now, I like it very much and I am married to an American woman and we have a 3 year old daughter born here in St. Paul. I really enjoy installing DirecTV and I was trained by the local HSP.

The problem I have is I was asked to do a few satellite installations by a local company about a year ago that I done right away, they were DirecTV installs and service calls, I have been trying now for a year to get paid and have been getting the run around, I don't know what to do to get the money I worked for ($274), I also supplied all materials and replacement parts. I feel I am being taken advantage of because I am an immigrant to the USA. I wonder if anyone could get involved or give me some advice in this matter, all I want to do is work and be paid for the work I do, I have called this company many times, I have invoiced them by fax and by mail again many times, its just not fair, thanks for your time.

Here is the companies details that owes me the money, I also have the customers names and addresses if needed, I did not want to contact them as its not their fault....

(please contact me for the details)

Here are my details....
Peter S Bain

Here is hoping that someone with influence at DirecTV can help me out getting paid by their dealer, people like this are not doing the company a service, thanks for your time, God bless the USA there are people like this in every country : )
I want to let DirecTV handle this, along with the MIGHTY strength of THE best satellite forum out there, I am not the best installer in the world but I do good work have done thousands of DirecTV installs with only one or two call backs, I have went to the bother of getting licensed (most installers are not) by the state (who I advise in DBS installation) I am trained by DirecTV HSP, and SBCA 1+2 certified, I do not work for free, I have an installation to do in the morning for a lawyer friend so we will see what they say, I am getting very close to naming this company as its been a long year since I did this work but I want to stay above the law and cause no problems with the customers who were very elderly, I do each installation as if I was installing for my parents : )
Pete - I would call your customers for whom you did the install and ask whether they were having any problems, whether they were satisfied, etc. Basically, contact them to see whether they are still happy (aka good customer service). During that time, I would ask them whether you could swing by and take pictures of the installs since "you are now doing your own contracting, and would like to use their install for your sales materials". Once you have pictures of the installs, and the customers themselves on your side, see if one or two of them might not write a testimonial for you. If they do, then great! If not, then too bad.

Your next step is to go to small claims court and file suit for your money. Do this relatively quickly since the statute of limitations may be running out on you. When you go to small claims court, make sure that you have a) everything documented (your installs, your customers' satisfaction, your attempts to collect the money, etc.), and b) have all of your evidence organized and cross-referenced by date and type of evidence (e.g. customer testimonial, install picture, collection letter, etc.).

When you are in court, be polite to the judge and be polite to your opponent. Don't show outrage, but don't be afraid to show that you're nervous, either. Watch a few episodes of The People's Court and pay attention to the folks that "look good" versus the ones that do not. This will get you familiar with the process (short of getting actual experience).

At the end of all of this, you will have your money, plus reasonable compensation for the time it took you to collect (state depending), and you will have hard-core references which are as good as gold if you want to stay in business for yourself.

From a service standpoint, keep a diary of folks for whom you do installs, and check up periodically on how they are doing. Many of them will be upgrading and will want help. Guess what? You now have the inside shot on getting that business (depending upon your contract with the service company...), and then they will tell their friends to ask for that guy with the accent....


PS: IANAL, but once you get enough experience in small claims court, you may feel like one (aka stay out of residential real estate leasing...).
Thanks Bill, I have been working for myself for some time now and really just done a favor to this dealer as all his techs were busy, I will not be contacting the customers as they are very elderly and I would not subject them to this, they live round the corner and I pass their home every day, sure the could have canceled but that is not my problem, I have done THOUSANDS of DirecTV installs and I leave my name phone number and web site address with every customer and have only ever been called back once or twice in the last 5-6 years : ) And those have been for issues beyond my control, when you only do two installs a day Maximum the quality and customer care is not an issue, my problem is trying to get away from customers, I did one the other week and I was there for 2-3 hours after the install, very nice customer, now a friend!

The problem with small claims court (so I am told by a state employee) is I still have to collect the money even if I win, I would rather not waste the courts time but I will do what ever it takes to get this money for my family, we will see what my lawyer friend says, thanks for the advice, I know what you mean : )

I am a man of my word and it is now a matter of principle and pride.
I would call Expert or and only do installs for them.

They treat there installers right and only use the best installers.
You are BANG on there : )

I was doing this local guy a favor and this is the way he repays me : ( Very Sad!
Pete - once the judge in small claims court decides in your favor, it is generally up to you to collect. However, with the legal judgment, you can "hire" the local sheriff typically to enforce the judgment. The costs of "hiring" the sheriff are then included in your damages. Basically, if the guy won't pay after the sheriff comes knocking, then you will get legal recourse of a higher order. However, the question is how much is the money/principle worth to you versus the hassle.

Its worth another $274 at least, I wonder if the "Dog" Bounty Hunter is available?
Also the guy totally admits he owes me the money he will just not give it to me! He also talks in thousands :rolleyes:
Hope your situation works out for you. It would be quite unfortunate if they are taking advantage of you due to your foreign background.

I would imagine the government has some sort of division in place to assit people like yourself, kind of like the housing discrimination commercials that are always on.

Good luck to you
Thanks to all above, mainly Jim CablerMN :clap , and DirecTV for resolving this issue the "person" in question has agreed to pay the money I legally worked for. This result would also not have been possible with out SatelliteGuys.US THANKS GUYS!

As I said it was more a matter of principle than anything else, I would advise every one to NEVER GIVE UP on a matter like this and eventually the truth will prevail.

:usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa
Well if were handing out cuts .... I'll PM you my PayPal address! ;)

Seriously though, glad to hear it finally worked out!
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