HR20-700 / Nov 10 / {CE:10:01} - 0x1C3


'Just Chillin'
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 11, 2006
Long Island, NY
Per Earl at DBSTalk.Com

HR20-700: {CE:10:01} - 0x1C3 Issues
Systems in this CE / Version
HR20-700 {CE:10:01} - 0x1C3

MUST READ AND AGREE TO: - The CE Rules, Faq and Tips Thread... Here

Please join "us" in the CHAT room, about 15 minutes before the window opens... and till... well to the last person turns off the lights...
DBSTalk.Com -

Important notes regarding this version
This is the first version of this very aggressive CE cycle.
And with that, there is a SIGNIFICANTLY increased level of risk involved with this first version.

MediaShare is getting some significant updates this cycle, so right now... there is the possibility that using some of the new mediashare features could freeze/lockup the unit.

There is LITTLE risk that your box will become a brick... and if you are having to many issues, role back to the national release version.

So please... you must absolutely understand these risks, before forcing this download

The Contents of the Release: (Differences based of Last National Release)
  • Items from CE:10:01

  • 01 - Recording dependability

  • 01 - Items in the DoD download queue, will remain after a system reboot

New feature(s)
  • 01 - Triple Tap Lookup for DoD: When on a DoD page, you can use the # keys on your remote to enter letters in "cellphone/SMS" style. AKA: Hit #2 Three times to get a C
  • 01 - Adult Channel Hiding: This is an update parental control that is currently on the R15. When you enable this, it completely REMOVES the adult rated channels from the listings, almost as if they don't exist.
  • 01 - SLB Updates: Phase I - The live buffer should no longer EVER flush out for any other reason then changing the channel on the live buffer. Note the Phase I, they are planning more updates for the SLB
  • 01 - IP Callback: The ethernet/internet connection, will now be used for communication back to DirecTV for: PPV purchases, GameLounge, and other items that the phone line was required for
  • 01 - Mediashare Video Support: Phase I - You can now access video files from your PC. Note the Phase I, they are still working on additional codec's and full codec support; There is the possibility you will get video but no audio. This is a known issue, and will be worked on for future builds
  • 01 - 30 Second Skip: You will now have the choice between 30s SKIP or SLIP. To enable: Keyword Search 30SKIP or 30SLIP

  • Absolutely 100% make sure you understand the risks of this download; I want to see ZERO rants about any stability issues or noted issues/items above.

Note to other sites and users of those sites:
You are permitted to copy this CE Announcement in it's entirety (including this disclaimer) without modification so long as you provide a clickable link to
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Just so folks don't miss it:

No CE Friday Night, only Saturday night and that's only 25% probability for the HR20-700
Lots of good new featuers in this CE release.

Earl updated the notes on this release, lots of goodie's in this CE:

01 - Recording dependability

01 - Items in the DoD download queue, will remain after a system reboot

New feature(s)
01 - Triple Tap Lookup for DoD: When on a DoD page, you can use the # keys on your remote to enter letters in "cellphone/SMS" style. AKA: Hit #2 Three times to get a C
01 - Adult Channel Hiding: This is an update parental control that is currently on the R15. When you enable this, it completely REMOVES the adult rated channels from the listings, almost as if they don't exist.
01 - SLB Updates: Phase I - The live buffer should no longer EVER flush out for any other reason then changing the channel on the live buffer. Note the Phase I, they are planning more updates for the SLB
01 - IP Callback: The ethernet/internet connection, will now be used for communication back to DirecTV for: PPV purchases, GameLounge, and other items that the phone line was required for
01 - Mediashare Video Support: Phase I - You can now access video files from your PC. Note the Phase I, they are still working on additional codec's and full codec support; There is the possibility you will get video but no audio. This is a known issue, and will be worked on for future builds
01 - 30 Second Skip: You will now have the choice between 30s SKIP or SLIP. To enable: Keyword Search 30SKIP or 30SLIP

Absolutely 100% make sure you understand the risks of this download; I want to see ZERO rants about any stability issues or noted issues/items above.
Updated CE Announcement w/ Notes and Caution Statement

HR20-700: {CE:10:01} - 0x1C3 Announcement


Systems in this CE / Version
HR20-700 {CE:10:01} - 0x1C3

Window of opportunity to download:
Saturday; November 10, 2007 11PM - 2:30AM ET Note the dates, there is no CE on Friday Novemeber 9
Current Probability: 85%
Be sure to monitor the threads and chat room to check on final availability

While you are waiting for the Window to open:
MUST READ AND AGREE TO: - The CE Rules, Faq and Tips Thread... Here

Please join "us" in the CHAT room, about 15 minutes before the window opens... and till... well to the last person turns off the lights...
DBSTalk.Com -

Important notes regarding this version
This is the first version of this very aggressive CE cycle.
And with that, there is a SIGNIFICANTLY increased level of risk involved with this first version.

MediaShare is getting some significant updates this cycle, so right now... there is the possibility that using some of the new mediashare features could freeze/lockup the unit.

There is LITTLE risk that your box will become a brick... and if you are having to many issues, role back to the national release version.

So please... you must absolutely understand these risks, before forcing this download

The Contents of the Release: (Differences based of Last National Release)
Items from CE:10:01

01 - Recording dependability

01 - Items in the DoD download queue, will remain after a system reboot

New feature(s)
01 - Triple Tap Lookup for DoD: When on a DoD page, you can use the # keys on your remote to enter letters in "cellphone/SMS" style. AKA: Hit #2 Three times to get a C
01 - Adult Channel Hiding: This is an update parental control that is currently on the R15. When you enable this, it completely REMOVES the adult rated channels from the listings, almost as if they don't exist.
01 - SLB Updates: Phase I - The live buffer should no longer EVER flush out for any other reason then changing the channel on the live buffer. Note the Phase I, they are planning more updates for the SLB
01 - IP Callback: The ethernet/internet connection, will now be used for communication back to DirecTV for: PPV purchases, GameLounge, and other items that the phone line was required for
01 - Mediashare Video Support: Phase I - You can now access video files from your PC. Note the Phase I, they are still working on additional codec's and full codec support; There is the possibility you will get video but no audio. This is a known issue, and will be worked on for future builds
01 - 30 Second Skip: You will now have the choice between 30s SKIP or SLIP. To enable: Keyword Search 30SKIP or 30SLIP

Absolutely 100% make sure you understand the risks of this download; I want to see ZERO rants about any stability issues or noted issues/items above.

Note to other sites and users of those sites:
You are permitted to copy this CE Announcement in it's entirety (including this disclaimer) without modification so long as you provide a clickable link to DBSTalk.Com.
Please read the BOLDED/UNDERLINED NOTES in the previous post regarding the risks of downloading this particular CE.

Thanks Earl!
What is the difference between 30 second skip, and 30 second SLIP?

Skip is you press the button and BAM, you're 30 seconds ahead.

Slip is you press the button and in a couple of seconds you're 30 seconds ahead.
Skip is you press the button and BAM, you're 30 seconds ahead.

Slip is you press the button and in a couple of seconds you're 30 seconds ahead.

I wonder if you will be able to back and forth, in caase you change from one to the other, but like the other better, can you change back.
I am sure it will eventually become an actual option as the Hide AS channels has become.

Jimbo, from the notes:

01 - 30 Second Skip: You will now have the choice between 30s SKIP or SLIP. To enable: Keyword Search 30SKIP or 30SLIP

Guess you might have trouble reading it through the tears;)
Jimbo, from the notes:

01 - 30 Second Skip: You will now have the choice between 30s SKIP or SLIP. To enable: Keyword Search 30SKIP or 30SLIP

Guess you might have trouble reading it through the tears;)

Yup, your probably right ... :eek:

Oh Snap!! I am playing videos from my Vista Media Center. This is awesome! I am doing it through an Orb setup on my Vista Media Center. Let me see if it finds it natively pointed to the Media Center.
Well - I feel conservative after the warnings in the notes - I only updated one of the 3 HR20s to try this one out.

So far it looks good, and the 30 sec skip is great. Sometimes drops audio for a second or two, but not a big deal.

Hiding the adult channels also hid the title to any mature programs - despite that I said to allow TV-MA. Saving Private Ryan for Sunday night on TNT now displays Blocked Title :)

Guess I won't be hiding the 590 porn range for long if it will block movie titles.

I have not got a single video file on my computer, so I can't even begin to test that. I just recently bothered downloading MP3s for the first time, guess I need to try some video now.
I have had mixed results with video. I recorded an OTA program from the local PBS HD channel on my Mac using EyeTV. The 1.42 GHz Mac Mini doesn't have quite enough horsepower for HD, but playing it via EyeConnect on my HR20 works great. All of the video files I converted to iPod m4v format show an X and are unplayable. I have one .mpeg file which plays but stutters (it plays fine on the Mac itself).

I like the 30 sec. skip.

Any Updates Tonight?

R15-100 {CE:09:02} 0x109? Announcement

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